Closed dlfivefifty closed 6 years ago
That's fresh? it shouldn't be required on DiffEq in v0.6.3 at all. I am not sure if I can test it out right now since I don't want to uninstall everything while at JuliaCon.
Can I get the Pkg.status()?
julia> Pkg.status()
10 required packages:
- Atom 0.6.16
- BenchmarkTools 0.3.2
- CLArrays 0.1.3+ master
- DifferentialEquations 2.3.0
- DistributedArrays 0.4.0
- IJulia 1.9.1
- Juno 0.4.1
- PkgDev 0.2.1
- Plots 0.17.4
- RandomMatrices 0.4.0
194 additional packages:
- ASTInterpreter2 0.1.1
- AbstractFFTs 0.3.2
- Adapt 0.2.0
- AlgebraicDiffEq 0.1.0
- AlmostBandedMatrices 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- ApproxFun 0.8.1+ master
- AssetRegistry 0.0.2
- AxisAlgorithms 0.3.0
- AxisArrays 0.2.1
- BandedMatrices 0.5.0+ master
- BinDeps 0.8.8
- BinaryProvider 0.3.3
- Blink 0.7.0
- BlockArrays 0.4.0+ master
- BlockBandedMatrices 0.1.0+ master
- CLBLAS 1.2.0- master
- CLFFT 0.5.2
- Calculus 0.4.0
- CatIndices 0.1.0
- ChunkedArrays 0.1.1
- CodeTools 0.5.1
- ColorTypes 0.6.7
- ColorVectorSpace 0.5.2
- Colors 0.8.2
- Combinatorics 0.6.0
- CommonSubexpressions 0.1.0
- Compat 1.0.0
- ComplexPhasePortrait 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- ComputationalResources 0.2.0
- Conda 1.0.0
- Contour 0.4.0
- CoordinateTransformations 0.5.0
- CustomUnitRanges 0.1.0
- DSP 0.5.0
- DataStructures 0.8.4
- DebuggerFramework 0.1.2
- DelayDiffEq 3.6.0
- DiffBase 0.3.2
- DiffEqBase 3.13.3
- DiffEqBiological 2.3.2
- DiffEqCallbacks 1.1.1
- DiffEqDevTools 1.0.2
- DiffEqDiffTools 0.4.1
- DiffEqFinancial 1.0.1
- DiffEqJump 4.5.1
- DiffEqMonteCarlo 0.10.1
- DiffEqNoiseProcess 1.0.2
- DiffEqOperators 1.3.0
- DiffEqPDEBase 0.4.0
- DiffEqParamEstim 1.1.2
- DiffEqSensitivity 1.2.0
- DiffEqUncertainty 0.1.0
- DiffResults 0.0.3
- DiffRules 0.0.6
- DimensionalPlotRecipes 0.0.2
- Distances 0.6.0
- Distributions 0.15.0
- DocSeeker 0.1.0
- Domains 0.0.0- dl/approxfun (unregistered)
- DualNumbers 0.4.0
- EllipsisNotation 0.3.0
- FFTViews 0.1.0
- FFTW 0.0.4
- FastGaussQuadrature 0.3.1 master
- FastTransforms 0.4.0+ master
- FileIO 0.9.1
- FillArrays 0.1.0 master
- FiniteElementDiffEq 0.5.0
- FixedPointNumbers 0.4.6
- ForwardDiff 0.7.5
- FunctionWrappers 0.1.0
- FunctionalCollections 0.3.2
- GPUArrays 0.2.4+ master
- GR 0.31.0
- GSL 0.3.6
- GenericSVD 0.1.0
- Graphics 0.3.0
- Hiccup 0.1.1
- HierarchicalMatrices 0.1.2 master
- Homebrew 0.6.4
- HttpCommon 0.4.0
- HttpParser 0.4.0
- HttpServer 0.3.1
- IdentityRanges 0.1.0
- ImageAxes 0.4.0
- ImageCore 0.6.0
- ImageDistances 0.0.2
- ImageFiltering 0.3.0
- ImageMetadata 0.4.1
- ImageMorphology 0.0.2
- ImageTransformations 0.4.2
- Images 0.14.0
- IndirectArrays 0.4.2
- InfiniteArrays 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- Interpolations 0.7.3
- IntervalSets 0.2.0+ dl/open
- IterTools 0.2.1
- IterativeSolvers 0.6.0
- IteratorInterfaceExtensions 0.0.2
- JSExpr 0.2.1
- JSON 0.17.2
- LNR 0.0.2
- Lazy 0.12.1
- LazyArrays 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- LearnBase 0.1.6
- LineSearches 3.2.5
- LinearAlgebra 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- LinearMaps 1.0.4
- LossFunctions 0.2.0
- LowRankApprox 0.1.3+ master
- LsqFit 0.3.0
- MacroTools 0.4.2
- MappedArrays 0.0.7
- Matcha 0.1.1
- MbedTLS 0.5.12
- Measures 0.2.0
- Media 0.3.0
- Missings 0.2.10
- MuladdMacro 0.0.2
- MultiScaleArrays 0.7.1
- MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- Mustache 0.3.3
- Mux 0.3.1
- NLSolversBase 4.4.1
- NLsolve 1.0.1
- NaNMath 0.3.1
- NamedTuples 4.0.2
- Nullables 0.0.6
- Observables 0.1.2
- OffsetArrays 0.6.0
- OpenCL 0.7.0
- Optim 0.14.1
- OptimBase 1.0.0
- OrdinaryDiffEq 3.21.0
- OscillatoryIntegrals 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- PDMats 0.8.0
- PaddedViews 0.3.0
- ParameterizedFunctions 3.1.0
- Parameters 0.9.1
- PenaltyFunctions 0.0.2
- Pidfile 1.0.0
- PlotThemes 0.2.0
- PlotUtils 0.4.4
- PoissonRandom 0.0.1
- Polynomials 0.4.0
- PositiveFactorizations 0.1.0
- Primes 0.3.0
- ProgressMeter 0.5.6
- QuadGK 0.3.0
- RandomNumbers 0.1.1
- RangeArrays 0.2.0
- RatFun 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- Ratios 0.2.0
- RecipesBase 0.3.1
- RecursiveArrayTools 0.15.0
- Reexport 0.1.0
- Requires 0.4.4
- ResettableStacks 0.3.1
- RiemannHilbert 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- Rmath 0.4.0
- Roots 0.6.0
- Rotations 0.7.2
- SHA 0.5.7
- SIUnits 0.1.0
- SO 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- ShowItLikeYouBuildIt 0.2.0
- Showoff 0.2.0
- SimpleTraits 0.6.0
- SingularIntegralEquations 0.3.2+ development
- SortingAlgorithms 0.2.1
- SpecialFunctions 0.6.0
- SpectralMeasures 0.0.0- master (unregistered)
- StaticArrays 0.7.2
- StatsBase 0.23.1
- StatsFuns 0.6.1
- SteadyStateDiffEq 0.4.0
- StochasticDiffEq 4.4.5
- StringDistances 0.2.1
- Sugar 0.4.5
- Sundials 1.6.0
- SymEngine 0.4.1
- TableTraits 0.2.0
- TexExtensions 0.1.0
- TiledIteration 0.1.0
- ToeplitzMatrices 0.4.1 master
- Tokenize 0.4.2
- Transpiler 0.4.6+ sd/funcprototypes
- URIParser 0.3.1
- VectorizedRoutines 0.0.2
- VersionParsing 1.1.1
- WebIO 0.2.5
- WebSockets 0.5.0
- WoodburyMatrices 0.3.0
- ZMQ 0.6.3
I have no idea why you have DifferentialEquations.jl 2.3.0, but you should have 4.5.0 in a fresh install. This doesn't look like a fresh install though: there's a bunch of other pinned packages. I don't know if that actually caused something to downgrade or if it's just a v0.6 resolver bug.
Ah, "fresh" was not the right word: "fresh" as in I didn't have DifferentialEquations.jl and then called Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations")
I'll try later with an actual fresh install.
Though I guess the actual issue is a missing upper bound somewhere in METADATA: DifferentialEquations.jl v2.3 should work.
No, if I put the upper bound then all of METADATA breaks, so it can't be there. Upper bounds isn't friendly to the Pkg2 resolver.
Closing this as specific to the master branches chosen there. A clean build should work though, and sometimes the Pkg2 resolver breaks but that's an upstream issue. v0.7/v1.0 shouldn't have any issues though given the new environments setup.
Hi, my issue is similar to the above, so I put my post here.
Everything had worked fine until today I made few updates: updated Atom.jl, added one package ("MAT"), clicked Pkg.update(). Currently I am on Julia 0.6.4.
From now on, the code fails on 'using DifferentialEquations'. Part of error message:
INFO: Precompiling module DifferentialEquations. WARNING: Module DataStructures with uuid 174515684151649 is missing from the cache. This may mean module DataStructures does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does. ERROR: LoadError: Declaring precompile(false) is not allowed in files that are being precompiled. (...) while loading /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DiffEqNoiseProcess/src/DiffEqNoiseProcess.jl, in expression starting on line 5 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile DiffEqNoiseProcess to /home/pgorski/.julia/lib/v0.6/DiffEqNoiseProcess.ji. (...) while loading /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DifferentialEquations/src/DifferentialEquations.jl, in expression starting on line 9 ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile DifferentialEquations to /home/pgorski/.julia/lib/v0.6/DifferentialEquations.ji.
DifferentialEquations also fails tests:
julia> Pkg.test("DifferentialEquations") INFO: Computing test dependencies for DifferentialEquations... INFO: Cloning cache of DiffEqProblemLibrary from INFO: Installing DiffEqProblemLibrary v2.5.0 INFO: Building DiffEqBase (...) INFO: Building SpecialFunctions INFO: Building SymEngine Info: Found a valid dl path while looking for libmpfr (...) Info: /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/SymEngine/deps/symengine-0.3/lib/ matches our search criteria of libmpfr Info: Found a valid dl path while looking for libgmp Info: /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/SymEngine/deps/symengine-0.3/lib/ matches our search criteria of libgmp Info: Found a valid dl path while looking for libsymengine (...) Info: /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/SymEngine/deps/symengine-0.3/lib/ matches our search criteria of libsymengine Info: Found a valid dl path while looking for libmpc (...) Info: /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/SymEngine/deps/symengine-0.3/lib/ matches our search criteria of libmpc INFO: Building RandomNumbers g++ -shared -fPIC -O3 -maes aesni.cpp ars.cpp -o INFO: Testing DifferentialEquations Starting tests Test Summary: | Pass Total Default Discrete Algorithm | 1 1 3.804607 seconds (2.22 M allocations: 123.514 MiB, 1.32% gc time) Test Summary: | Pass Total Default ODE Algorithm | 21 21 217.452485 seconds (147.65 M allocations: 13.034 GiB, 1.62% gc time) Test Summary: | Pass Total Default Steady State Algorithm | 1 1 13.981563 seconds (12.35 M allocations: 580.785 MiB, 1.85% gc time) Default SDE Algorithm: Test Failed Expression: typeof(sol.alg) <: EM Stacktrace: [1] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:576 [2] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14 [3] macro expansion at /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DifferentialEquations/test/runtests.jl:8 [inlined] [4] macro expansion at ./test.jl:860 [inlined] [5] macro expansion at ./util.jl:237 [inlined] [6] anonymous at ./
:? Default SDE Algorithm: Test Failed Expression: typeof(sol.alg) <: EulerHeun Stacktrace: [1] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:576 [2] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14 [3] macro expansion at /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DifferentialEquations/test/runtests.jl:8 [inlined] [4] macro expansion at ./test.jl:860 [inlined] [5] macro expansion at ./util.jl:237 [inlined] [6] anonymous at ./ :? Test Summary: | Pass Fail Total Default SDE Algorithm | 6 2 8 ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 6 passed, 2 failed, 0 errored, 0 broken. while loading /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DifferentialEquations/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 8 =====================================================================================[ ERROR: DifferentialEquations ]====================================================================================== failed process: Process(
/home/pgorski/julia-9d11f62bcb/bin/julia -Cgeneric -J/home/pgorski/julia-9d11f62bcb/lib/julia/ --compile=yes --depwarn=yes --check-bounds=yes --code-coverage=none --color=yes --compilecache=yes /home/pgorski/.julia/v0.6/DifferentialEquations/test/runtests.jl
, ProcessExited(1)) [1] (...)
Part of Pkg.status():
julia> Pkg.status() 5 required packages:
- Atom 0.6.16
- BenchmarkTools 0.3.2
- DifferentialEquations 4.5.0
- MAT 0.4.0
- Plots 0.17.4 127 additional packages: (...)
- DataStructures 0.8.4
- DebuggerFramework 0.1.2
- DelayDiffEq 3.6.0
- DiffBase 0.3.2
- DiffEqBase 3.13.3
- DiffEqBiological 2.3.2
- DiffEqCallbacks 1.1.1
- DiffEqDevTools 1.0.2
- DiffEqDiffTools 0.4.1
- DiffEqFinancial 1.0.1
- DiffEqJump 4.5.1
- DiffEqMonteCarlo 0.10.1
- DiffEqNoiseProcess 1.0.2
- DiffEqOperators 1.3.0
- DiffEqPDEBase 0.4.0
- DiffEqParamEstim 1.1.2
- DiffEqPhysics 1.0.0
- DiffEqSensitivity 1.2.0
- DiffEqUncertainty 0.1.0
- DiffResults 0.0.3
- DiffRules 0.0.7 (...)
- GR 0.32.3
- GenericSVD 0.1.0 (...)
- NLSolversBase 4.4.1
- NLsolve 1.0.1
- NaNMath 0.3.2
- NamedTuples 4.0.2
- Nullables 0.0.7
- Observables 0.1.2
- Optim 0.14.1
- OptimBase 1.0.0
- OrdinaryDiffEq 3.21.0
- PDMats 0.8.0 (...)
- StaticArrays 0.7.2
- StatsBase 0.23.1
- StatsFuns 0.6.1
- SteadyStateDiffEq 0.4.0
- StochasticDiffEq 4.4.5
- StringDistances 0.2.1
- Sundials 1.6.0
- SymEngine 0.4.2 (...)
Those are two different things. The first just requires that you start Julia: it cannot recompile files which are still in use. The second part is that SymEngine didn't build properly on your system. Re-run"SymEngine")
and if it fails then you might want to report to SymEngine.jl, though they are probably on master now.
Thanks! (Before posting I have restarted Julia. )
After running"SymEngine")
and restarting ones again, everything works fine.
I just did a fresh `Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations") in 0.6.3 and get the following: