SciML / DifferentialEquations.jl

Multi-language suite for high-performance solvers of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML) components. Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), stochastic differential equations (SDEs), delay differential equations (DDEs), differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), and more in Julia.
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ODEProblem:Warning: dt <= dtmin. Aborting. #433

Closed haotuzi closed 5 years ago

haotuzi commented 5 years ago


┌ Warning: dt <= dtmin. Aborting. There is either an error in your model specification or the true solution is unstable. └ @ DiffEqBase C:\Users\好兔子.julia\packages\DiffEqBase\cPqrj\src\integrator_interface.jl:156t The @ DiffEqBase integrator_interface.jl:156t: if !integrator.opts.force_dtmin && integrator.opts.adaptive && abs(integrator.dt) <= abs(integrator.opts.dtmin) if integrator.opts.verbose @warn("dt <= dtmin. Aborting. There is either an error in your model specification or the true solution is unstable.") end return :DtLessThanMin end

My code

`using PyPlot using DifferentialEquations using LinearAlgebra using CSV,DataFrames

########################################################################################### INPUT
########################################################################################### module msh

using PyPlot

export plotMesh

struct Mesh coords

function Mesh(n1,n2)
  @assert (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0) "Mesh arguments must be positive"
  coords = createCoords(n1,n2)


function createCoords(n1,n2)

Fill coords array

coords = zeros(2,n1*n2); cnt = 1 for i = 1:n2 for j = 1:n1 coords[1:2,cnt] = [j-1,i-1] cnt = cnt+1 end end

return coords end

function plotMesh(m::Mesh,c::String)

#Plot coordinates
for i = 1:size(m.coords)[2]
    plot(m.coords[1,i],m.coords[2,i],marker="o",color =c, markersize = 10)

end end

number of particles will be n*n

N = 10 * 18

set up mesh

m = msh.Mesh(10,18) npull = 40 #number of elements being pulled at a constant speed nhold = 40 #number of elements being held at their initial position



Set time interval [0,maxT]

maxT = 3e-6 E=25000000000 v=0.26 k=E/(3 (1-2v)) r=4 h=1 c=210 E/(5 pi r^3) u=E/(2+2v)

Set up matrix of spring constants

global K K = zeros(N,N) for i = 1:N for j = i+1:N K[i,j] = c * (1-(norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2)/r)^2)^2 if norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2)>4 K[i,j]=0 end
K[j,i] = K[i,j] end end

strengthen bond to the boundary nodes


count the number of bonds each element has

global nbonds = Dict{Float64, Array{Float64,2}}() nbonds[0.] = N*ones(N,1)

c1 = [0 -100000] s0=125/(6 u/pi+16/(9 pi^2) (k-2u) r) function f(x,p,t) global K H = ones(size(K)) s=ones(size(K)) xh = [m.coords[1,1:nhold] m.coords[2,1:nhold]; hcat(x[1:N-npull-nhold], x[N-npull-nhold+1:2 (N-npull-nhold)]); (c1[1] t ones(size(m.coords[1,N-npull+1:N]))+m.coords[1,N-npull+1:N]) (c1[2] t *ones(size(m.coords[2,N-npull+1:N]))+m.coords[2,N-npull+1:N])]' for i = 1:N for j = i+1:N s[i,j]=(norm(xh[:,i]-xh[:,j])-norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2))/norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2) if s[i,j] > sqrt(s0) H[i,j] = H[j,i] = 0 end

make particles repulse each other/try to enforce order

  #confuses the ode solver for some reason

if norm(xh[:,i] - xh[:,j]) < norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2) && H[i,j] > 0 H[i,j] = -H[i,j] H[j,i] = H[i,j] end end end K=K. *H

recalculate the number of bonds

global nbonds nbonds[t] = sum(K.!=0, dims=2)

Create stiffness matrix

A = zeros(N-npull-nhold,N-npull-nhold) for i = 1:N-npull-nhold A[i,i] = -sum(K[i+nhold,1:N]) #diagonal is special :) for j = 1:N-npull-nhold if(i!=j) A[i,j] = K[i+nhold,j+nhold] end end end cf=DataFrame(A) CSV.write("a.csv",cf)

Create "forcing" term

B = zeros(2(N-npull-nhold),1) for i = 1:N-npull-nhold B[i] = sum((c1[1] t ones(size(m.coords[1,N-npull+1:N])) + m.coords[1,N-npull+1:N]). K[i+nhold,N-npull+1:N]) + sum(K[i+nhold, 1:nhold]. m.coords[1,1:nhold]) B[i+N-npull-nhold] = sum((c1[2] t ones(size(m.coords[2,N-npull+1:N])) + m.coords[2,N-npull+1:N]). K[i+nhold,N-npull+1:N]) + sum(K[i+nhold, 1:nhold]. m.coords[2,1:nhold]) end y = [A x[1:N-npull-nhold]+B[1:N-npull-nhold]; A x[N-npull-nhold+1:2 (N-npull-nhold)]+B[N-npull-nhold+1:2 (N-npull-nhold)]]'' return [x[2 (N-npull-nhold)+1:end]; y] end

Solve system of second order ODE using ode45

y0 = [m.coords[1,nhold+1:N-npull]; m.coords[2,nhold+1:N-npull]; zeros(2 *(N-npull-nhold))] #initial conditions

initial positions given by mesh, initial speed set to zero

                              #tout,yout  = ode45(f, y0,[0:0.1:maxT;])

prob = ODEProblem(f, y0,(0.0,maxT))

alg = Tsit5()

sol = solve(prob) tout = sol.t yout = sol.u ys = hcat(yout...)' print("Number of timesteps: ", size(tout)[1], "\n")`

If I don't add this: if norm(xh[:,i] - xh[:,j]) < norm(m.coords[:,i] - m.coords[:,j],2) && H[i,j] > 0 H[i,j] = -H[i,j] H[j,i] = H[i,j] end It is no Warning!

ChrisRackauckas commented 5 years ago

Are you sure you mean to flip things negative and swap row with column? That seems like a very unstable operation? Anyways, if you get this error, 99% of the time there's something weird in your model that you didn't mean to put in there. I would check what happens after one step. You might have some weird gap in the solution after one step that you don't expect, and that can be used to diagnose the issue.

Also, there's all kinds of globals and allocations going on here, so this code is going to be very very slow. I don't know if that matters, but I think it's worth pointing out.