SciML / ExponentialUtilities.jl

Fast and differentiable implementations of matrix exponentials, Krylov exponential matrix-vector multiplications ("expmv"), KIOPS, ExpoKit functions, and more. All your exponential needs in SciML form.
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Other algorithms #10

Open jagot opened 5 years ago

jagot commented 5 years ago

Is this package the place where we'd like to put other algorithms as well? Such as

I imagine being able to do the following.

CrankNicolson{T} where T = Padé{1,1,T}

A = SymTridiagonal(...) # or whatever
# For a time-independent, this would precompute the factorizations necessary, that is I - A/2
# This requires fixed time-step, though
Ae = CrankNicolson(dt*A)

expv!(w, Ae, b) # Amounts to w = (I-A/2)\(I+A/2)*b

# Alternative interface, for time-dependent operators/adaptive time-steps, which cannot reuse previous factorizations
expv!(w, dt, A, P)
jagot commented 5 years ago

To illustrate where I'd like to go, I want to be able to write splitting algorithms in the following way (approximately):

macro swap!(x,y)
         local tmp = $(esc(x))
         $(esc(x)) = $(esc(y))
         $(esc(y)) = tmp

function strang_splitting(fun::Function,
                           As::Vector) where V
     A₁ = As[1]
     tmp = similar(v)
     a,b = 1,2
     ws = (v,tmp)
     τ = μ*dt
     for i in 1:steps
         t = dt*(i-0.5) # 2nd order splitting, evaluate at midpoint of time-step
         for A in reverse(As[2:end])
             expv!(ws[b], τ/2, A(t), ws[a])
             @swap! a b

         expv!(ws[b], τ, A₁(t), ws[a])
         @swap! a b

         for A in As[2:end]
             expv!(ws[b], τ/2, A(t), ws[a])
             @swap! a b
     copyto!(v, tmp)

That is, the splitting algorithm should not need to bother how the exponentiation is performed, which caches are necessary, etc. For time-independent A, and if the time-step is the same as previously used, the exponentiator should be able to figure out it can keep previously computed factorizations.

ChrisRackauckas commented 5 years ago

I think any matrix exponential method which can be used in exponential integrators is worth having here. The integrators themselves go to OrdinaryDiffEq.jl

MSeeker1340 commented 5 years ago

Expokit.jl (or the original Expokit) can be a good reference for Pade and Chebyshev.

@jagot Do you have any special idea for spectral algorithms? Since we already have Diagonal handling capability in phi ( I think this should satisfy all that we need.

jagot commented 5 years ago

Spectral I just added for completeness. It is good that Diagonal is already covered, but I figured it would be useful to have an expv! implementation for the case when you've explicitly pre-diagonalized your operator: exp(A) = S*exp(D)*S', where S is the matrix of eigenvectors, and D the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.