SciML / GlobalSensitivity.jl

Robust, Fast, and Parallel Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) in Julia
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Parameter subset selection techniques #33

Open Vaibhavdixit02 opened 3 years ago

Vaibhavdixit02 commented 3 years ago, will add some more resources

H-Sax commented 2 months ago

I have function implementations of the orthogonal sensitivities method which i will leave down below. The only requirement is that the FIM is provided and the function returns a ranking of parameters based on their position on the original matrix

What would be required to get this incorporated into the package?

using Combinatorics, LinearAlgebra
# (12) calculates E vector - difficulty in estimating each parameter
function effect_E(S)
    # compute covariance matrix
    X = S' * S

    # principal components; eigen decomposition
    eigens = eigen(X)
    λ, C = eigens.values, eigens.vectors

    # (12) calculate E measure of each parameter - multiplies each column C_j by λ, sums
    E = sum(abs.(C.*λ), dims=1) / sum(λ)

    # convert E from 1d Array to vector and return
    return vec(E)

# (13-16) calculates the linear dependence metric dⱼ
# where sⱼ is the sensitivity vector of chosen remaining parameter θⱼ
# and Sₚ is the set of sₖ sensitivity vectors of chosen parameters P
function dependence_dⱼ(sⱼ, Sₚ)
    # (15) left hand side matrix
    SₚᵀS = Sₚ' * Sₚ
    # (15) right hand side (using (sⱼᵀSₚ)ᵀ = Sₚᵀsⱼ )
    sⱼᵀSₚ = Sₚ' * sⱼ

    # solve (15) for a
    a = inv(SₚᵀS) * sⱼᵀSₚ

    # (13) compute minimum-distance sensitivity vector s
    s = (sum(a'.*Sₚ, dims=2))

    # (16) linear independence metric
    nom = (sⱼ' * s)[1];
    denom = norm(sⱼ) * norm(s);
    dⱼ = sin(acos(min.(nom./denom, 1))); # min used to avoid floating point errors acos(>1)

    return dⱼ

# Step 3) calculate minimum d over combinations of selected parameters
# where Sθ is the set of remaining parameter sensitivity vectors
# and Sₚ is the set of sₖ sensitivity vectors of chosen parameters P
function tuples_dⱼ(Sθ, Sₚ, m)
    # number of parameters chosen
    n = size(Sₚ)[2]
    # generate list of indices of Sₚ to permute
    idx = collect(1:n)
    # all n choose (m-1) combinations of indices
    combinations_Sₚ = combinations(idx, m-1)

    # initialise array of dⱼ metrics, set to 1 (max range)
    d = Array{Float64}(undef, size(Sθ)[2])
    d = fill!(d, 1)

    for c in combinations_Sₚ
        # get dⱼ for each remaining sⱼ in Sₚ w.r.t current tuple of Sθ 'c'
        d_new = [dependence_dⱼ(sⱼ, Sₚ[:,c]) for sⱼ in eachcol(Sθ)]

        # indices of new dⱼ that are less than the current minimum
        lessers = d.>=d_new
        # update d vector with all lesser values
        d[lessers] .= d_new[lessers]

    return d

# Implements Li parameter selection procedure (Section III.C)
function Li(S)
    # Determine number of measurements and parameters 
    p, m = size(S)
    # Transpose S to fit Li paper convention
    S = S'

    # stores chosen params in order of greatest rank
    Prank = Vector{Integer}(undef, p)
    # stores selected params as a boolean mask, to use or exclude parameters
    P = Vector{Bool}(undef, p)
    P = fill!(P, 0)
    # range 1 to p, to help identify actual index of param
    idx = collect(1:p)

    # Step 1; calculate overall effect of params 
    E = effect_E(S)
    # select S with highest E
    p_idx = argmax(E)
    n = 1

    Prank[n] = p_idx
    P[p_idx] = true

    # Steps 2 - 4; select remaining parameters
    for i in 2:p
        # CHECK IF VIEWS SLOWER? Non-contiguous in CPU
        # TODO possible improvement; use staticarray when p < 100
        selected = @view S[:,P]
        unselected = @view S[:,.!P]

        if i < m
            # Step 2 (case n < m): calculate dⱼ for each unselected parameter
            d = [dependence_dⱼ(j, selected) for j in eachcol(unselected)]
            # Step 3 (case n>= m): calculate minimum d over combinations of selected parameters
            d = tuples_dⱼ(unselected, selected, m)

        # Step 4: select parameter with highest identifiability index
        # calculate identifiability index for unselected params

        I = E[.!P] .* d
        # select index of greatest identifiability parameter
        max = argmax(I)
        # looks up corresponding original index from index in reduced set
        true_idx = (idx[.!P][max])
        if maximum(I) < 0.01
            println("Unidentifiability Reached at index \t:", true_idx)
        # update ranking list and mask
        n += 1
        Prank[n] = true_idx
        P[true_idx] = true

    return Prank

@time Li(S)
Vaibhavdixit02 commented 2 months ago

What would be required to get this incorporated into the package?

Not much, need to get it wrapped into the gsa function that serves as the interface to the package