Closed MSeeker1340 closed 5 years ago
Looks good to me. Get a PR ready for PuMaS with these changes to make sure it does what we need. This should get merged and tagged with a minor release.
@ChrisRackauckas Need some help with metaprogramming.
In the PuMaS update, I tried to use the new @SLVector
# odevars == (:Depot, :Central)
uType = @SLVector Float64 :($(odevars...,))
However this is what I got:
julia> odevars = (:Depot, :Central);
julia> @SLVector Float64 (:Depot, :Central)
SLVector{2,Float64,(:Depot, :Central)}
julia> @SLVector Float64 :($(odevars...,))
SLVector{1,Float64,(:Depot, :Central)}
The macro definition is
macro SLVector(E,syms)
I can of course just use plain constructors instead of @SLVector
, but I'm curious as to why I got this behavior.
Yeah I'm not sure why that happens, but I noticed it before...
Before tagging, I want to see if we can get this working on arrays and not just vectors via whatever the new ind2sub is.
julia> struct SLVector{A,B,C} end
julia> macro SLVector(E,syms)
n = syms isa Expr ? length(syms.args) : length(syms)
@SLVector (macro with 1 method)
julia> odevars = (:Depot, :Central);
julia> @SLVector Float64 (:Depot, :Central)
SLVector{2,Float64,(:Depot, :Central)}
julia> @eval @SLVector Float64 $(odevars...,)
SLVector{2,Float64,(:Depot, :Central)}
Maybe we shouldn't use Val
to do index at all. That is not a fast way to do it.
julia> using BenchmarkTools, LabelledArrays
julia> ABC = @SLVector Int (:a,:b,:c)
SLVector{3,Int64,(:a, :b, :c)}
julia> b = ABC(1,2,3)
3-element SLVector{3,Int64,(:a, :b, :c)}:
julia> @btime b[i] setup=(i = (:a, :b, :c)[rand(1:3)])
3.138 μs (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
julia> function Base.getindex(x::SLVector,s::Symbol)
idx = findfirst(isequal(s), LabelledArrays.symnames(typeof(x)))
getfield(x, :__x)[idx]
julia> @btime b[i] setup=(i = (:a, :b, :c)[rand(1:3)])
14.571 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime b[i] setup=(i = rand(1:3))
15.217 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
The naive implementation is fast.
what's the generated code like? When I tried something like that, constant prop didn't work through findfirst
. The generated function makes sure it compiles away.
julia> @btime b[i] setup=(i = (:a, :b, :c)[rand(1:3)])
2.828 μs (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
julia> @btime b[:a]
2.985 μs (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
julia> @btime b[Val(:a)]
13.985 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
You might be timing something odd in the global scope there? Interpolate it in?
This is a good case for checking the generated code though. It's either running findfirst
or it's just using the scalar index at runtime. If it's not just compiling down to a scalar indexing, that would be an issue for larger SArray operations.
I don't need to interpolate when I do @btime b[i] setup=(i = (:a, :b, :c)[rand(1:3)])
. With "Val
indexing", I got
julia> @code_typed b[:a]
22 1 ─ %1 = invoke LabelledArrays.Val(_3::Symbol)::Val{_1} where _1 │
│ %2 = (Base.getindex)(x, %1)::Any │
└── return %2 │
) => Any
julia> goo(b) = b[:a]
goo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @code_typed goo(b)
1 1 ─ %1 = (LabelledArrays.getfield)(b, :__x)::SArray{Tuple{3},Int64,1,3} │╻╷╷╷ getindex
│ %2 = (Base.getfield)(%1, :data)::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64} ││╻ getindex
│ %3 = (Base.getfield)(%2, 1, true)::Int64 │││╻ macro expansion
└── return %3 │
) => Int64
With the naive implementation, I got
julia> @code_typed b[:a]
2 1 ── %1 = (Base.getfield)((:a, :b, :c), 1, true)::Symbol │╻╷╷ findfirst
└─── goto #12 if not true ││
2 ┄─ %3 = φ (#1 => 1, #11 => %22)::Int64 ││
│ %4 = φ (#1 => %1, #11 => %23)::Symbol ││
│ %5 = φ (#1 => 1, #11 => %24)::Int64 ││
│ %6 = (%4 === s)::Bool ││╻╷╷ Fix2
└─── goto #4 if not %6 ││
3 ── goto #13 ││
4 ── %9 = (%5 === 3)::Bool │││╻╷ iterate
└─── goto #6 if not %9 ││││
5 ── goto #7 ││││
6 ── %12 = (Base.add_int)(%5, 1)::Int64 ││││╻ +
└─── goto #7 │││╻ iterate
7 ┄─ %14 = φ (#5 => true, #6 => false)::Bool │││
│ %15 = φ (#6 => %12)::Int64 │││
│ %16 = φ (#6 => %12)::Int64 │││
│ %17 = φ (#5 => true)::Bool │││
└─── goto #9 if not %14 │││
8 ── goto #10 │││
9 ── %20 = (Base.getfield)((:a, :b, :c), %15, true)::Symbol │││╻ getindex
└─── goto #10 ││╻ iterate
10 ┄ %22 = φ (#9 => %15)::Int64 ││
│ %23 = φ (#9 => %20)::Symbol ││
│ %24 = φ (#9 => %16)::Int64 ││
│ %25 = φ (#8 => %17, #9 => false)::Bool ││
│ %26 = (Base.not_int)(%25)::Bool ││
└─── goto #12 if not %26 ││
11 ─ goto #2 ││
12 ┄ %29 = Base.nothing::Const(nothing, false) ││
└─── goto #13 ││
13 ┄ %31 = φ (#3 => %3, #12 => %29)::Union{Nothing, Int64} │
3 │ %32 = (Main.getfield)(x, :__x)::SArray{Tuple{3},Int64,1,3} │
│ %33 = (isa)(%31, Int64)::Bool │
└─── goto #15 if not %33 │
14 ─ %35 = π (%31, Int64) │
│ %36 = (Base.getfield)(%32, :data)::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64} ││╻ getproperty
│ %37 = (Base.getfield)(%36, %35, true)::Int64 ││╻ getindex
└─── goto #18 │
15 ─ %39 = (isa)(%31, Nothing)::Bool │
└─── goto #17 if not %39 │
16 ─ %41 = π (%31, Nothing) │
│ invoke Base.to_index(%32::SArray{Tuple{3},Int64,1,3}, %41::Nothing)::Union{} ││╻╷ to_indices
│ $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │││┃ to_indices
│ φ ()::Union{} │││
│ $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │││
│ φ ()::Union{} ││
│ $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} ││
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │
17 ┄ (Core.throw)(ErrorException("fatal error in type inference (type bound)"))::Union{} │
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │
18 ┄ return %37 │
) => Int64
julia> goo(b) = b[:a]
goo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @code_typed goo(b)
1 1 ─ %1 = (Main.getfield)(b, :__x)::SArray{Tuple{3},Int64,1,3} │╻ getindex
│ %2 = (Base.getfield)(%1, :data)::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64} ││╻ getindex
│ %3 = (Base.getfield)(%2, 1, true)::Int64 │││╻ getindex
└── return %3 │
) => Int64
So the naive implementation still does constant prop, it's just that it doesn't overdo the compilation when used from the global scope?
The naive implementation still compiles quite well in the global scope, but with Val
, if the compiler cannot do constant prop, the performance is going to deplete.
Pick this up post
For the
macro, I modified @YingboMa's implementation to not return an anonymous constructor-like function but instead the type/constructor itself. This makes code much simpler (e.g. see the new slvectors.jl tests).similar(x)
still returns an unwrappedMArray
. This is the behavior intended by StaticArrays ( I can probably make it better by defining aMLVector
type, but for now this isn't really an issue.