SciML / LinearSolve.jl

LinearSolve.jl: High-Performance Unified Interface for Linear Solvers in Julia. Easily switch between factorization and Krylov methods, add preconditioners, and all in one interface.
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Add support of `CuSparseMatrix`-type matrices for `QRFactorization()` #410

Open ytdHuang opened 10 months ago

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

I tried to solve some sparse matrix with the type of CuSparseMatrixCSC. When I switch to the algorithm QRFactorization(), it seems to automatically convert the sparse matrix to dense matrix CuArray.

I'm using LinearSolve v2.12.1

ChrisRackauckas commented 10 months ago

Is this the behavior of qr(A) in CUDA.jl itself?

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

I'm using CUDA v5.0.0

Therefore, if I want to solve large sparse problems using GPU (CUDA), the Krylov-based algorithms are the only choices so far ?

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

By the way, I also want to report that there might be a small issue in the Krylov algorithms. But I'm not sure whether the issue is from LinearSolve or it's also the behavior of Krylov.jl itself.

When the sparse matrix is given as the type of CuSparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF32, Int32}, we will get an TypeError:

using LinearSolve
using CUDA
A::CuSparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF32, Int32}
cache = init(LinearProblem(A, b, solver=KrylovJL_GMRES())
sol = solve!(cache)
TypeError: in keyword argument atol, expected Float32, got a value of type ComplexF32

Of course we can provide the atol and rtol, but we have to convert it to Float32 by ourselves:

LinearProblem(A, b, 
    solver=KrylovJL_GMRES(rtol=1f-6, atol=1f-8)

Otherwise we will still get an error

LinearProblem(A, b, 
    solver=KrylovJL_GMRES(rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8)
TypeError: in keyword argument atol, expected Float32, got a value of type Float64
ChrisRackauckas commented 10 months ago

I'm asking about something requires no LinearSolve at all. If you run qr(A) on a CuSparseMatrixCSC, do it give you a dense factorization?

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I think so.

using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using CUDA

A = sprand(100, 100, 0.1)
colptr = CuArray{Int32}(A.colptr)
rowval = CuArray{Int32}(A.rowval)
nzval  = CuArray{ComplexF32}(A.nzval)
A_gpu  = CuSparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF32, Int32}(colptr, rowval, nzval, size(A))


LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWY{ComplexF32, Matrix{ComplexF32}, Matrix{ComplexF32}}
Q factor:
bla bla bla ...

the output is something in the type of Matrix{ComplexF32}

ChrisRackauckas commented 10 months ago

Okay yeah so it's an upstream issue with CUDA.jl. File an issue about getting that handled and it should automatically fix the LinearSolve interface here.

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

I think this also relates to this issue

ytdHuang commented 10 months ago

Maybe this issue is solved in here

amontoison commented 10 months ago

For the issue with Krylov.jl, it was solved with

ChrisRackauckas commented 10 months ago

Yeah that piece was fixed earlier last week so I'm not worried there. The CUDA part is the bigger issue though.