SciML / MethodOfLines.jl

Automatic Finite Difference PDE solving with Julia SciML
MIT License
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Can't extract results from solution #147

Open AleBastos25 opened 2 years ago

AleBastos25 commented 2 years ago

Trying to run this,

`using ModelingToolkit, MethodOfLines, OrdinaryDiffEq, DomainSets, LinearAlgebra, Dierckx, NonlinearSolve

theta = 0:pi/20:pi
xs = cos.(theta)
ys = sin.(theta)
points = [xs ys]

fchapBA = .1
fchapBF = .05

interp_extra0 = Spline1D(points[end : -1 : 1, 1],points[end: -1 :1, 2])
interp_extra1 = Spline1D(points[end : -1 : 1, 1],points[end: -1 :1, 2])

extra0(x) = interp_extra0(x)
extra1(x) = interp_extra1(x)

@register_symbolic extra0(x)
@register_symbolic extra1(x)

@parameters x y 
@variables z(..) Dy_z(..)

Dx = Differential(x)
Dy = Differential(y)
Dxx = Differential(x)^2
Dyy = Differential(y)^2

eqs = [
    ((1+Dx(z(x,y))^2)*Dyy(z(x,y)) + 2*Dx(z(x,y))*Dy_z(x,y)*Dx(Dy_z(x,y)) + (1+Dy_z(x,y)^2)*Dxx(z(x,y))) ~ 0,
    Dy_z(x,y) ~ Dy(z(x, y))

domains = [x ∈ Interval(0, 1),
           y ∈ Interval(0, 1)]

bcs = [
    z(0, y) ~ extra0(fchapBA),
    z(1, y) ~ extra0(1-fchapBF),
    z(x, 0) ~ extra0(x),
    z(x, 1) ~ extra1(x),

@named pdesys = PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [x,y], [z(x, y), Dy_z(x, y)])

N = 20

dx = 0.05
dy = 0.05

order = 2

discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x=>dx, y=>dy], nothing, approx_order=order)

@time prob = discretize(pdesys, discretization)

@time sol = NonlinearSolve.solve(prob, NewtonRaphson())

grid = get_discrete(pdesys, discretization)
discrete_x = grid[x]
discrete_y = grid[y]
z_sol = map(d -> sol[d][1], grid[z(x, y)])

And this error shows up

ERROR: ArgumentError: Cannot find the parent of var"Dy_z[22]ˍnothing". Stacktrace: [1] getparent @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:420 [inlined] [2] getparent @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:412 [inlined] [3] _getname(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}, val::Dict{Any, Any}) @ Symbolics C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:401 [4] getname(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}, val::Dict{Any, Any}) (repeats 2 times) @ Symbolics C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:409 [5] renamespace(sys::NonlinearSystem, x::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\abstractsystem.jl:362 [6] states(sys::NonlinearSystem, v::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\abstractsystem.jl:469 [7] (::ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem})(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit .\none:0 [8] iterate @ .\generator.jl:47 [inlined] [9] _all(f::Base.var"#282#284", itr::Base.Generator{Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}, ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem}}, #unused#::Colon) @ Base .\reduce.jl:930 [10] all @ .\reduce.jl:918 [inlined] [11] Dict(kv::Base.Generator{Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}, ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem}}) @ Base .\dict.jl:131 [12] build_explicit_observed_function(sys::NonlinearSystem, ts::Num; expression::Bool, output_type::Type, checkbounds::Bool) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\diffeqs\odesystem.jl:290 [13] build_explicit_observed_function @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\diffeqs\odesystem.jl:276 [inlined] [14] #596 @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\nonlinear\nonlinearsystem.jl:229 [inlined] [15] get!(default::ModelingToolkit.var"#596#602"{Num, NonlinearSystem}, h::Dict{Any, Any}, key::Term{Real, Nothing}) @ Base .\dict.jl:465 [16] (::ModelingToolkit.var"#generated_observed#601"{NonlinearSystem, Dict{Any, Any}})(obsvar::Num, u::Vector{Float64}, p::Nothing) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\nonlinear\nonlinearsystem.jl:228 [17] observed @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\SciMLBase\YasGG\src\solutions\solution_interface.jl:135 [inlined] [18] getindex(A::SciMLBase.NonlinearSolution{Float64, 1, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, NonlinearProblem{Vector{Float64}, true, Nothing, NonlinearFunction{true, ModelingToolkit.var"#f#598"{RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0xd8992cee, 0x0c2228ac, 0xe0732ac6, 0xf23f344c, 0x8a9d5dcf)}, RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋out, :ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0x11d077a5, 0xb1dec8fb, 0xc28cc637, 0xb621f640, 0xa3e24f28)}}, UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Vector{Symbol}, ModelingToolkit.var"#generated_observed#601"{NonlinearSystem, Dict{Any, Any}}, Nothing}, Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}}, NewtonRaphson{12, true, DataType, NonlinearSolve.DefaultLinSolve}, Nothing, Nothing}, sym::Num) @ SciMLBase C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\SciMLBase\YasGG\src\solutions\solution_interface.jl:128 [19] (::var"#117#118")(d::Num) @ Main c:\Users\Alexandre\DownloadOFF\GitHub\KF\test.jl:84 [20] iterate @ .\generator.jl:47 [inlined] [21] _collect(c::Matrix{Num}, itr::Base.Generator{Matrix{Num}, var"#117#118"}, #unused#::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{2}) @ Base .\array.jl:695 [22] collect_similar(cont::Matrix{Num}, itr::Base.Generator{Matrix{Num}, var"#117#118"}) @ Base .\array.jl:606 [23] map(f::Function, A::Matrix{Num}) @ Base .\abstractarray.jl:2294 [24] top-level scope @ c:\Users\Alexandre\DownloadOFF\GitHub\KF\test.jl:84

caused by: ArgumentError: Cannot find the parent of var"Dy_z[22]ˍnothing". Stacktrace: [1] getparent @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:420 [inlined] [2] getparent @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:412 [inlined] [3] _getname(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}, val::Dict{Any, Any}) @ Symbolics C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:401 [4] getname(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}, val::Dict{Any, Any}) (repeats 2 times) @ Symbolics C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\Symbolics\4VdEG\src\variable.jl:409 [5] renamespace(sys::NonlinearSystem, x::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\abstractsystem.jl:362 [6] states(sys::NonlinearSystem, v::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\abstractsystem.jl:469 [7] (::ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem})(x::Sym{Real, Nothing}) @ ModelingToolkit .\none:0 [8] iterate @ .\generator.jl:47 [inlined] [9] grow_to!(dest::Dict{Term{Real, Nothing}, Term{Real, Nothing}}, itr::Base.Generator{Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}, ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem}}, st::Int64) @ Base .\dict.jl:162 [10] grow_to!(dest::Dict{Any, Any}, itr::Base.Generator{Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}, ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem}})
@ Base .\dict.jl:145 [11] dict_with_eltype @ .\abstractdict.jl:545 [inlined] [12] Dict(kv::Base.Generator{Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}, ModelingToolkit.var"#315#320"{NonlinearSystem}}) @ Base .\dict.jl:129 [13] build_explicit_observed_function(sys::NonlinearSystem, ts::Num; expression::Bool, output_type::Type, checkbounds::Bool) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\diffeqs\odesystem.jl:290 [14] build_explicit_observed_function @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\diffeqs\odesystem.jl:276 [inlined] [15] #596 @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\nonlinear\nonlinearsystem.jl:229 [inlined] [16] get!(default::ModelingToolkit.var"#596#602"{Num, NonlinearSystem}, h::Dict{Any, Any}, key::Term{Real, Nothing}) @ Base .\dict.jl:465 [17] (::ModelingToolkit.var"#generated_observed#601"{NonlinearSystem, Dict{Any, Any}})(obsvar::Num, u::Vector{Float64}, p::Nothing) @ ModelingToolkit C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\9ppm9\src\systems\nonlinear\nonlinearsystem.jl:228 [18] observed @ C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\SciMLBase\YasGG\src\solutions\solution_interface.jl:135 [inlined] [19] getindex(A::SciMLBase.NonlinearSolution{Float64, 1, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, NonlinearProblem{Vector{Float64}, true, Nothing, NonlinearFunction{true, ModelingToolkit.var"#f#598"{RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0xd8992cee, 0x0c2228ac, 0xe0732ac6, 0xf23f344c, 0x8a9d5dcf)}, RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋out, :ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0x11d077a5, 0xb1dec8fb, 0xc28cc637, 0xb621f640, 0xa3e24f28)}}, UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Vector{Symbol}, ModelingToolkit.var"#generated_observed#601"{NonlinearSystem, Dict{Any, Any}}, Nothing}, Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}}, NewtonRaphson{12, true, DataType, NonlinearSolve.DefaultLinSolve}, Nothing, Nothing}, sym::Num) @ SciMLBase C:\Users\Alexandre.julia\packages\SciMLBase\YasGG\src\solutions\solution_interface.jl:128 [20] (::var"#117#118")(d::Num) @ Main c:\Users\Alexandre\DownloadOFF\GitHub\KF\test.jl:84 [21] iterate @ .\generator.jl:47 [inlined] [22] _collect(c::Matrix{Num}, itr::Base.Generator{Matrix{Num}, var"#117#118"}, #unused#::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{2}) @ Base .\array.jl:695 [23] collect_similar(cont::Matrix{Num}, itr::Base.Generator{Matrix{Num}, var"#117#118"}) @ Base .\array.jl:606 [24] map(f::Function, A::Matrix{Num}) @ Base .\abstractarray.jl:2294 [25] top-level scope @ c:\Users\Alexandre\DownloadOFF\GitHub\KF\test.jl:84


xtalax commented 2 years ago

This looks like a problem in NonlinearSolve, are you running with latest versions? Can you retry after running Pkg.update()?

AleBastos25 commented 2 years ago

Got the same error after the update and with Tsit5() algorithm

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

Solving what with Tsit5? There's no ODEs?

AleBastos25 commented 2 years ago

Can't I use Tsit5 for PDE? Anyway NonlinearSolve continue with this error after the update

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

For time-dependent PDEs, yes. If your PDE isn't time dependent, or is discretized in all dimensions, then you get a NonlinearProblem instead of an ODEProblem.

AleBastos25 commented 2 years ago

Well, so what did I do wrong? I can't map the solution z_sol = map(d -> sol[d][1], grid[z(x, y)])

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago
sys = symbolic_discretize(pdesys, discretization)[1]
simpsys = structural_simplify(sys)

Gives something odd.

julia> println(states(sys))
Term{Real, Nothing}[Dy_z[1, 1], Dy_z[2, 1], Dy_z[3, 1], Dy_z[4, 1], Dy_z[5, 1], Dy_z[6, 1], Dy_z[7, 1], Dy_z[8, 1], Dy_z[9, 1], Dy_z[10, 1], Dy_z[11, 1], Dy_z[12, 1], Dy_z[13, 1], Dy_z[14, 1], Dy_z[15, 1], Dy_z[16, 1], Dy_z[17, 1], Dy_z[18, 1], Dy_z[19, 1], Dy_z[20, 1], Dy_z[21, 1], Dy_z[1, 2], Dy_z[2, 2], Dy_z[3, 2], Dy_z[4, 2], Dy_z[5, 2], Dy_z[6, 2], Dy_z[7, 2], Dy_z[8, 2], Dy_z[9, 2], Dy_z[10, 2], Dy_z[11, 2], Dy_z[12, 2], Dy_z[13, 2], Dy_z[14, 2], Dy_z[15, 2], Dy_z[16, 2], Dy_z[17, 2], Dy_z[18, 2], Dy_z[19, 2], Dy_z[20, 2], Dy_z[21, 2], Dy_z[1, 3], Dy_z[2, 3], Dy_z[3, 3], Dy_z[4, 3], Dy_z[5, 3], Dy_z[6, 3], Dy_z[7, 3], Dy_z[8, 3], Dy_z[9, 3], Dy_z[10, 3], Dy_z[11, 3], Dy_z[12, 3], Dy_z[13, 3], Dy_z[14, 3], Dy_z[15, 3], Dy_z[16, 3], Dy_z[17, 3], Dy_z[18, 3], Dy_z[19, 3], Dy_z[20, 3], Dy_z[21, 3], Dy_z[1, 4], Dy_z[2, 4], Dy_z[3, 4], Dy_z[4, 4], Dy_z[5, 4], Dy_z[6, 4], Dy_z[7, 4], Dy_z[8, 4], Dy_z[9, 4], Dy_z[10, 4], Dy_z[11, 4], Dy_z[12, 4], Dy_z[13, 4], Dy_z[14, 4], Dy_z[15, 4], Dy_z[16, 4], Dy_z[17, 4], Dy_z[18, 4], Dy_z[19, 4], Dy_z[20, 4], Dy_z[21, 4], Dy_z[1, 5], Dy_z[2, 5], Dy_z[3, 5], Dy_z[4, 5], Dy_z[5, 5], Dy_z[6, 5], Dy_z[7, 5], Dy_z[8, 5], Dy_z[9, 5], Dy_z[10, 5], Dy_z[11, 5], Dy_z[12, 5], Dy_z[13, 5], Dy_z[14, 5], Dy_z[15, 5], Dy_z[16, 5], Dy_z[17, 5], Dy_z[18, 5], Dy_z[19, 5], Dy_z[20, 5], Dy_z[21, 5], Dy_z[1, 6], Dy_z[2, 6], Dy_z[3, 6], Dy_z[4, 6], Dy_z[5, 6], Dy_z[6, 6], Dy_z[7, 6], Dy_z[8, 6], Dy_z[9, 6], Dy_z[10, 6], Dy_z[11, 6], Dy_z[12, 6], Dy_z[13, 6], Dy_z[14, 6], Dy_z[15, 6], Dy_z[16, 6], Dy_z[17, 6], Dy_z[18, 6], Dy_z[19, 6], Dy_z[20, 6], Dy_z[21, 6], Dy_z[1, 7], Dy_z[2, 7], Dy_z[3, 7], Dy_z[4, 7], Dy_z[5, 7], Dy_z[6, 7], Dy_z[7, 7], Dy_z[8, 7], Dy_z[9, 7], Dy_z[10, 7], Dy_z[11, 7], Dy_z[12, 7], Dy_z[13, 7], Dy_z[14, 7], Dy_z[15, 7], Dy_z[16, 7], Dy_z[17, 7], Dy_z[18, 7], Dy_z[19, 7], Dy_z[20, 7], Dy_z[21, 7], Dy_z[1, 8], Dy_z[2, 8], Dy_z[3, 8], Dy_z[4, 8], Dy_z[5, 8], Dy_z[6, 8], Dy_z[7, 8], Dy_z[8, 8], Dy_z[9, 8], Dy_z[10, 8], Dy_z[11, 8], Dy_z[12, 8], Dy_z[13, 8], Dy_z[14, 8], Dy_z[15, 8], Dy_z[16, 8], Dy_z[17, 8], Dy_z[18, 8], Dy_z[19, 8], Dy_z[20, 8], Dy_z[21, 8], Dy_z[1, 9], Dy_z[2, 9], Dy_z[3, 9], Dy_z[4, 9], Dy_z[5, 9], Dy_z[6, 9], Dy_z[7, 9], Dy_z[8, 9], Dy_z[9, 9], Dy_z[10, 9], Dy_z[11, 9], Dy_z[12, 9], Dy_z[13, 9], Dy_z[14, 9], Dy_z[15, 9], Dy_z[16, 9], Dy_z[17, 9], Dy_z[18, 9], Dy_z[19, 9], Dy_z[20, 9], Dy_z[21, 9], Dy_z[1, 10], Dy_z[2, 10], Dy_z[3, 10], Dy_z[4, 10], Dy_z[5, 10], Dy_z[6, 10], Dy_z[7, 10], Dy_z[8, 10], Dy_z[9, 10], Dy_z[10, 10], Dy_z[11, 10], Dy_z[12, 10], Dy_z[13, 10], Dy_z[14, 10], Dy_z[15, 10], Dy_z[16, 10], Dy_z[17, 10], Dy_z[18, 10], Dy_z[19, 10], Dy_z[20, 10], Dy_z[21, 10], Dy_z[1, 11], Dy_z[2, 11], Dy_z[3, 11], Dy_z[4, 11], Dy_z[5, 11], Dy_z[6, 11], Dy_z[7, 11], Dy_z[8, 11], Dy_z[9, 11], Dy_z[10, 11], Dy_z[11, 11], Dy_z[12, 11], Dy_z[13, 11], Dy_z[14, 11], Dy_z[15, 11], Dy_z[16, 11], Dy_z[17, 11], Dy_z[18, 11], Dy_z[19, 11], Dy_z[20, 11], Dy_z[21, 11], Dy_z[1, 12], Dy_z[2, 12], 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z[19, 1], z[20, 1], z[21, 1], z[1, 2], z[2, 2], z[3, 2], z[4, 2], z[5, 2], z[6, 2], z[7, 2], z[8, 2], z[9, 2], z[10, 2], z[11, 2], z[12, 2], z[13, 2], z[14, 2], z[15, 2], z[16, 2], z[17, 2], z[18, 2], z[19, 2], z[20, 2], z[21, 2], z[1, 3], z[2, 3], z[3, 3], z[4, 3], z[5, 3], z[6, 3], z[7, 3], z[8, 3], z[9, 3], z[10, 3], z[11, 3], z[12, 3], z[13, 3], z[14, 3], z[15, 3], z[16, 3], z[17, 3], z[18, 3], z[19, 3], z[20, 3], z[21, 3], z[1, 4], z[2, 4], z[3, 4], z[4, 4], z[5, 4], z[6, 4], z[7, 4], z[8, 4], z[9, 4], z[10, 4], z[11, 4], z[12, 4], z[13, 4], z[14, 4], z[15, 4], z[16, 4], z[17, 4], z[18, 4], z[19, 4], z[20, 4], z[21, 4], z[1, 5], z[2, 5], z[3, 5], z[4, 5], z[5, 5], z[6, 5], z[7, 5], z[8, 5], z[9, 5], z[10, 5], z[11, 5], z[12, 5], z[13, 5], z[14, 5], z[15, 5], z[16, 5], z[17, 5], z[18, 5], z[19, 5], z[20, 5], z[21, 5], z[1, 6], z[2, 6], z[3, 6], z[4, 6], z[5, 6], z[6, 6], z[7, 6], z[8, 6], z[9, 6], z[10, 6], z[11, 6], z[12, 6], z[13, 6], z[14, 6], z[15, 6], z[16, 6], z[17, 6], z[18, 6], z[19, 6], z[20, 6], z[21, 6], z[1, 7], z[2, 7], z[3, 7], z[4, 7], z[5, 7], z[6, 7], z[7, 7], z[8, 7], z[9, 7], z[10, 7], z[11, 7], z[12, 7], z[13, 7], z[14, 7], z[15, 7], z[16, 7], z[17, 7], z[18, 7], z[19, 7], z[20, 7], z[21, 7], z[1, 8], z[2, 8], z[3, 8], z[4, 8], z[5, 8], z[6, 8], z[7, 8], z[8, 8], z[9, 8], z[10, 8], z[11, 8], z[12, 8], z[13, 8], z[14, 8], z[15, 8], z[16, 8], z[17, 8], z[18, 8], z[19, 8], z[20, 8], z[21, 8], z[1, 9], z[2, 9], z[3, 9], z[4, 9], z[5, 9], z[6, 9], z[7, 9], z[8, 9], z[9, 9], z[10, 9], z[11, 9], z[12, 9], z[13, 9], z[14, 9], z[15, 9], z[16, 9], z[17, 9], z[18, 9], z[19, 9], z[20, 9], z[21, 9], z[1, 10], z[2, 10], z[3, 10], z[4, 10], z[5, 10], z[6, 10], z[7, 10], z[8, 10], z[9, 10], z[10, 10], z[11, 10], z[12, 10], z[13, 10], z[14, 10], z[15, 10], z[16, 10], z[17, 10], z[18, 10], z[19, 10], z[20, 10], z[21, 10], z[1, 11], z[2, 11], z[3, 11], z[4, 11], z[5, 11], z[6, 11], z[7, 11], z[8, 11], z[9, 11], z[10, 11], z[11, 11], z[12, 11], z[13, 11], z[14, 11], z[15, 11], z[16, 11], z[17, 11], z[18, 11], z[19, 11], z[20, 11], z[21, 11], z[1, 12], z[2, 12], z[3, 12], z[4, 12], z[5, 12], z[6, 12], z[7, 12], z[8, 12], z[9, 12], z[10, 12], z[11, 12], z[12, 12], z[13, 12], z[14, 12], z[15, 12], z[16, 12], z[17, 12], z[18, 12], z[19, 12], z[20, 12], z[21, 12], z[1, 13], z[2, 13], z[3, 13], z[4, 13], z[5, 13], z[6, 13], z[7, 13], z[8, 13], z[9, 13], z[10, 13], z[11, 13], z[12, 13], z[13, 13], z[14, 13], z[15, 13], z[16, 13], z[17, 13], z[18, 13], z[19, 13], z[20, 13], z[21, 13], z[1, 14], z[2, 14], z[3, 14], z[4, 14], z[5, 14], z[6, 14], z[7, 14], z[8, 14], z[9, 14], z[10, 14], z[11, 14], z[12, 14], z[13, 14], z[14, 14], z[15, 14], z[16, 14], z[17, 14], z[18, 14], z[19, 14], z[20, 14], z[21, 14], z[1, 15], z[2, 15], z[3, 15], z[4, 15], z[5, 15], z[6, 15], z[7, 15], z[8, 15], z[9, 15], z[10, 15], z[11, 15], z[12, 15], z[13, 15], z[14, 15], z[15, 15], z[16, 15], z[17, 15], z[18, 15], z[19, 15], z[20, 15], z[21, 15], z[1, 16], z[2, 16], z[3, 16], z[4, 16], z[5, 16], z[6, 16], z[7, 16], z[8, 16], z[9, 16], z[10, 16], z[11, 16], z[12, 16], z[13, 16], z[14, 16], z[15, 16], z[16, 16], z[17, 16], z[18, 16], z[19, 16], z[20, 16], z[21, 16], z[1, 17], z[2, 17], z[3, 17], z[4, 17], z[5, 17], z[6, 17], z[7, 17], z[8, 17], z[9, 17], z[10, 17], z[11, 17], z[12, 17], z[13, 17], z[14, 17], z[15, 17], z[16, 17], z[17, 17], z[18, 17], z[19, 17], z[20, 17], z[21, 17], z[1, 18], z[2, 18], z[3, 18], z[4, 18], z[5, 18], z[6, 18], z[7, 18], z[8, 18], z[9, 18], z[10, 18], z[11, 18], z[12, 18], z[13, 18], z[14, 18], z[15, 18], z[16, 18], z[17, 18], z[18, 18], z[19, 18], z[20, 18], z[21, 18], z[1, 19], z[2, 19], z[3, 19], z[4, 19], z[5, 19], z[6, 19], z[7, 19], z[8, 19], z[9, 19], z[10, 19], z[11, 19], z[12, 19], z[13, 19], z[14, 19], z[15, 19], z[16, 19], z[17, 19], z[18, 19], z[19, 19], z[20, 19], z[21, 19], z[1, 20], z[2, 20], z[3, 20], z[4, 20], z[5, 20], z[6, 20], z[7, 20], z[8, 20], z[9, 20], z[10, 20], z[11, 20], z[12, 20], z[13, 20], z[14, 20], z[15, 20], z[16, 20], z[17, 20], z[18, 20], z[19, 20], z[20, 20], z[21, 20], z[1, 21], z[2, 21], z[3, 21], z[4, 21], z[5, 21], z[6, 21], z[7, 21], z[8, 21], z[9, 21], z[10, 21], z[11, 21], z[12, 21], z[13, 21], z[14, 21], z[15, 21], z[16, 21], z[17, 21], z[18, 21], z[19, 21], z[20, 21], z[21, 21]]

julia> states(simpsys)
722-element Vector{SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}}:
 Dy_z[2, 2]
 Dy_z[3, 2]
 Dy_z[4, 2]
 Dy_z[5, 2]
 Dy_z[6, 2]

julia> println(states(simpsys))
SymbolicUtils.Symbolic{Real}[Dy_z[2, 2], Dy_z[3, 2], Dy_z[4, 2], Dy_z[5, 2], Dy_z[6, 2], Dy_z[7, 2], Dy_z[8, 2], Dy_z[9, 2], Dy_z[10, 2], Dy_z[11, 2], Dy_z[12, 2], Dy_z[13, 2], Dy_z[14, 2], Dy_z[15, 2], Dy_z[16, 2], Dy_z[17, 2], Dy_z[18, 2], Dy_z[19, 2], Dy_z[20, 2], Dy_z[2, 3], Dy_z[3, 3], Dy_z[4, 3], Dy_z[5, 3], Dy_z[6, 3], Dy_z[7, 3], Dy_z[8, 3], Dy_z[9, 3], Dy_z[10, 3], Dy_z[11, 3], Dy_z[12, 3], Dy_z[13, 3], Dy_z[14, 3], Dy_z[15, 3], Dy_z[16, 3], Dy_z[17, 3], Dy_z[18, 3], Dy_z[19, 3], Dy_z[20, 3], Dy_z[2, 4], Dy_z[3, 4], Dy_z[4, 4], Dy_z[5, 4], Dy_z[6, 4], Dy_z[7, 4], Dy_z[8, 4], Dy_z[9, 4], Dy_z[10, 4], Dy_z[11, 4], Dy_z[12, 4], Dy_z[13, 4], Dy_z[14, 4], Dy_z[15, 4], Dy_z[16, 4], Dy_z[17, 4], Dy_z[18, 4], Dy_z[19, 4], Dy_z[20, 4], Dy_z[2, 5], Dy_z[3, 5], Dy_z[4, 5], Dy_z[5, 5], Dy_z[6, 5], Dy_z[7, 5], Dy_z[8, 5], Dy_z[9, 5], Dy_z[10, 5], Dy_z[11, 5], Dy_z[12, 5], Dy_z[13, 5], Dy_z[14, 5], Dy_z[15, 5], Dy_z[16, 5], Dy_z[17, 5], Dy_z[18, 5], Dy_z[19, 5], Dy_z[20, 5], Dy_z[2, 6], Dy_z[3, 6], Dy_z[4, 6], Dy_z[5, 6], Dy_z[6, 6], Dy_z[7, 6], Dy_z[8, 6], Dy_z[9, 6], Dy_z[10, 6], Dy_z[11, 6], Dy_z[12, 6], Dy_z[13, 6], Dy_z[14, 6], Dy_z[15, 6], Dy_z[16, 6], Dy_z[17, 6], Dy_z[18, 6], Dy_z[19, 6], Dy_z[20, 6], Dy_z[2, 7], Dy_z[3, 7], Dy_z[4, 7], Dy_z[5, 7], Dy_z[6, 7], Dy_z[7, 7], Dy_z[8, 7], Dy_z[9, 7], Dy_z[10, 7], Dy_z[11, 7], Dy_z[12, 7], Dy_z[13, 7], Dy_z[14, 7], Dy_z[15, 7], Dy_z[16, 7], Dy_z[17, 7], Dy_z[18, 7], Dy_z[19, 7], Dy_z[20, 7], Dy_z[2, 8], Dy_z[3, 8], Dy_z[4, 8], Dy_z[5, 8], Dy_z[6, 8], Dy_z[7, 8], Dy_z[8, 8], Dy_z[9, 8], Dy_z[10, 8], Dy_z[11, 8], Dy_z[12, 8], Dy_z[13, 8], Dy_z[14, 8], Dy_z[15, 8], Dy_z[16, 8], Dy_z[17, 8], Dy_z[18, 8], Dy_z[19, 8], Dy_z[20, 8], Dy_z[2, 9], Dy_z[3, 9], Dy_z[4, 9], Dy_z[5, 9], Dy_z[6, 9], Dy_z[7, 9], Dy_z[8, 9], Dy_z[9, 9], Dy_z[10, 9], Dy_z[11, 9], Dy_z[12, 9], Dy_z[13, 9], Dy_z[14, 9], Dy_z[15, 9], Dy_z[16, 9], Dy_z[17, 9], Dy_z[18, 9], Dy_z[19, 9], Dy_z[20, 9], Dy_z[2, 10], Dy_z[3, 10], Dy_z[4, 10], Dy_z[5, 10], Dy_z[6, 10], Dy_z[7, 10], Dy_z[8, 10], Dy_z[9, 10], Dy_z[10, 10], Dy_z[11, 10], Dy_z[12, 10], Dy_z[13, 10], Dy_z[14, 10], Dy_z[15, 10], Dy_z[16, 10], Dy_z[17, 10], Dy_z[18, 10], Dy_z[19, 10], Dy_z[20, 10], Dy_z[2, 11], Dy_z[3, 11], Dy_z[4, 11], Dy_z[5, 11], Dy_z[6, 11], Dy_z[7, 11], Dy_z[8, 11], Dy_z[9, 11], Dy_z[10, 11], Dy_z[11, 11], Dy_z[12, 11], Dy_z[13, 11], Dy_z[14, 11], Dy_z[15, 11], Dy_z[16, 11], Dy_z[17, 11], Dy_z[18, 11], Dy_z[19, 11], Dy_z[20, 11], Dy_z[2, 12], Dy_z[3, 12], Dy_z[4, 12], Dy_z[5, 12], Dy_z[6, 12], Dy_z[7, 12], Dy_z[8, 12], Dy_z[9, 12], Dy_z[10, 12], Dy_z[11, 12], Dy_z[12, 12], Dy_z[13, 12], Dy_z[14, 12], Dy_z[15, 12], Dy_z[16, 12], Dy_z[17, 12], Dy_z[18, 12], Dy_z[19, 12], Dy_z[20, 12], Dy_z[2, 13], Dy_z[3, 13], Dy_z[4, 13], Dy_z[5, 13], Dy_z[6, 13], Dy_z[7, 13], Dy_z[8, 13], Dy_z[9, 13], Dy_z[10, 13], Dy_z[11, 13], Dy_z[12, 13], Dy_z[13, 13], Dy_z[14, 13], Dy_z[15, 13], Dy_z[16, 13], Dy_z[17, 13], Dy_z[18, 13], Dy_z[19, 13], Dy_z[20, 13], Dy_z[2, 14], Dy_z[3, 14], Dy_z[4, 14], Dy_z[5, 14], Dy_z[6, 14], Dy_z[7, 14], Dy_z[8, 14], Dy_z[9, 14], Dy_z[10, 14], Dy_z[11, 14], Dy_z[12, 14], Dy_z[13, 14], Dy_z[14, 14], Dy_z[15, 14], Dy_z[16, 14], Dy_z[17, 14], Dy_z[18, 14], Dy_z[19, 14], Dy_z[20, 14], Dy_z[2, 15], Dy_z[3, 15], Dy_z[4, 15], Dy_z[5, 15], Dy_z[6, 15], Dy_z[7, 15], Dy_z[8, 15], Dy_z[9, 15], Dy_z[10, 15], Dy_z[11, 15], Dy_z[12, 15], Dy_z[13, 15], Dy_z[14, 15], Dy_z[15, 15], Dy_z[16, 15], Dy_z[17, 15], Dy_z[18, 15], Dy_z[19, 15], Dy_z[20, 15], Dy_z[2, 16], Dy_z[3, 16], Dy_z[4, 16], Dy_z[5, 16], Dy_z[6, 16], Dy_z[7, 16], Dy_z[8, 16], Dy_z[9, 16], Dy_z[10, 16], Dy_z[11, 16], Dy_z[12, 16], Dy_z[13, 16], Dy_z[14, 16], Dy_z[15, 16], Dy_z[16, 16], Dy_z[17, 16], Dy_z[18, 16], Dy_z[19, 16], Dy_z[20, 16], Dy_z[2, 17], Dy_z[3, 17], Dy_z[4, 17], Dy_z[5, 17], Dy_z[6, 17], Dy_z[7, 17], Dy_z[8, 17], Dy_z[9, 17], Dy_z[10, 17], Dy_z[11, 17], Dy_z[12, 17], Dy_z[13, 17], Dy_z[14, 17], Dy_z[15, 17], Dy_z[16, 17], Dy_z[17, 17], Dy_z[18, 17], Dy_z[19, 17], 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var"Dy_z[112]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[122]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[132]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[142]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[152]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[162]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[172]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[182]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[192]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[202]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[23]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[33]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[43]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[53]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[63]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[73]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[83]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[93]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[103]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[113]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[123]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[133]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[143]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[153]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[163]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[173]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[183]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[193]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[203]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[24]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[34]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[44]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[54]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[64]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[74]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[84]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[94]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[104]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[114]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[124]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[134]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[144]ˍnothing", 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var"Dy_z[196]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[206]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[27]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[37]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[47]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[57]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[67]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[77]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[87]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[97]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[107]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[117]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[127]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[137]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[147]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[157]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[167]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[177]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[187]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[197]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[207]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[28]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[38]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[48]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[58]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[68]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[78]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[88]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[98]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[108]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[118]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[128]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[138]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[148]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[158]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[168]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[178]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[188]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[198]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[208]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[29]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[39]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[49]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[59]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[69]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[79]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[89]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[99]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[109]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[119]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[129]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[139]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[149]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[159]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[169]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[179]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[189]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[199]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[209]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[210]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[310]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[410]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[510]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[610]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[710]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[810]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[910]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1010]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1110]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1210]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1310]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1410]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1510]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1610]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1710]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1810]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1910]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2010]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[211]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[311]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[411]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[511]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[611]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[711]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[811]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[911]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1011]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1111]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1211]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1311]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1411]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1511]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1611]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1711]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1811]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1911]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2011]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[212]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[312]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[412]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[512]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[612]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[712]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[812]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[912]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1012]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1112]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1212]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1312]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1412]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1512]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1612]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1712]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1812]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1912]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2012]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[213]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[313]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[413]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[513]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[613]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[713]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[813]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[913]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1013]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1113]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1213]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1313]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1413]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1513]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1613]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1713]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1813]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1913]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2013]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[214]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[314]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[414]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[514]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[614]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[714]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[814]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[914]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1014]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1114]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1214]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1314]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1414]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1514]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1614]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1714]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1814]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1914]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2014]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[215]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[315]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[415]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[515]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[615]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[715]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[815]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[915]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1015]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1115]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1215]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1315]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1415]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1515]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1615]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1715]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1815]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1915]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2015]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[216]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[316]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[416]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[516]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[616]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[716]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[816]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[916]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1016]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1116]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1216]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1316]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1416]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1516]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1616]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1716]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1816]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1916]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2016]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[217]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[317]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[417]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[517]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[617]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[717]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[817]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[917]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1017]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1117]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1217]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1317]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1417]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1517]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1617]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1717]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1817]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1917]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2017]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[218]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[318]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[418]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[518]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[618]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[718]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[818]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[918]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1018]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1118]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1218]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1318]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1418]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1518]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1618]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1718]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1818]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1918]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2018]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[219]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[319]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[419]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[519]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[619]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[719]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[819]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[919]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1019]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1119]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1219]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1319]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1419]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1519]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1619]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1719]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1819]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1919]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2019]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[220]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[320]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[420]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[520]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[620]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[720]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[820]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[920]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1020]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1120]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1220]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1320]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1420]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1520]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1620]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1720]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1820]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[1920]ˍnothing", var"Dy_z[2020]ˍnothing"]

@YingboMa I think the dummy derivative pass is being applied on NonlinearSystems and that causes this oddity?