SciML / ModelingToolkit.jl

An acausal modeling framework for automatically parallelized scientific machine learning (SciML) in Julia. A computer algebra system for integrated symbolics for physics-informed machine learning and automated transformations of differential equations
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Long compilation time some numbers + included examples #1461

Closed JKRT closed 6 months ago

JKRT commented 2 years ago


I would like to start by apologizing for a long text...

I have the following models, note these models are automatically generated based on different parameters to the following Modelica model

model Casc
  parameter Integer N = 10 "Order of the system"; // This parameter can be changed to increase the number of equations
  final parameter Real tau = T/N "Individual time constant";
  parameter Real T = 1 "System delay";
  Real x[N] (each start = 0, each fixed = true);
  tau*der(x[1]) = 1 - x[1];
  for i in 2:N loop
    tau*der(x[i]) = x[i-1] - x[i];
  end for;
end Casc;

The corresponding MTK model for N = 10 (Take note that this code is automatically generated) is:

    using ModelingToolkit
    using DifferentialEquations
            saved_values_Casc10 = SavedValues(Float64, Tuple{Float64,Array})
            function Casc10CallbackSet(aux)
                local p = aux[1]
                local reals = aux[2]
                return CallbackSet()
        function Casc10Model(tspan = (0.0, 1.0))
            @variables t            #= C:\Users\johti17\Projects\Programming\JuliaPackages\OM.jl\OMBackend.jl\src\CodeGeneration\MTK_CodeGeneration.jl:219 =#
            parameters = ModelingToolkit.@parameters((N, tau, T)) #= C:\Users\johti17\Projects\Programming\JuliaPackages\OM.jl\OMBackend.jl\src\CodeGeneration\MTK_CodeGeneration.jl:220 =#
            vars = ModelingToolkit.@variables((
            )) #= C:\Users\johti17\Projects\Programming\JuliaPackages\OM.jl\OMBackend.jl\src\CodeGeneration\MTK_CodeGeneration.jl:227 =#
            der = Differential(t)
            eqs = [
                der(x_1) ~ (1.0 - x_1) / tau,
                der(x_2) ~ (x_1 - x_2) / tau,
                der(x_3) ~ (x_2 - x_3) / tau,
                der(x_4) ~ (x_3 - x_4) / tau,
                der(x_5) ~ (x_4 - x_5) / tau,
                der(x_6) ~ (x_5 - x_6) / tau,
                der(x_7) ~ (x_6 - x_7) / tau,
                der(x_8) ~ (x_7 - x_8) / tau,
                der(x_9) ~ (x_8 - x_9) / tau,
                der(x_10) ~ (x_9 - x_10) / tau,
            nonLinearSystem = ModelingToolkit.ODESystem(
                name = :($(Symbol("Casc10"))),
            nonLinearSystem = ModelingToolkit.structural_simplify(nonLinearSystem)
            pars = Dict(N => float(10), tau => float(T / 10.0), T => float(1.0))
            initialValues = [
                x_1 => 0.0,
                x_2 => 0.0,
                x_3 => 0.0,
                x_4 => 0.0,
                x_5 => 0.0,
                x_6 => 0.0,
                x_7 => 0.0,
                x_8 => 0.0,
                x_9 => 0.0,
                x_10 => 0.0,
            firstOrderSystem = ModelingToolkit.ode_order_lowering(nonLinearSystem)
            reducedSystem = firstOrderSystem
            local event_p = [10, 0, 1.0]
            local discreteVars = collect(values(Dict([])))
            local event_vars = vcat(
                            x_1 => 0.0,
                            x_2 => 0.0,
                            x_3 => 0.0,
                            x_4 => 0.0,
                            x_5 => 0.0,
                            x_6 => 0.0,
                            x_7 => 0.0,
                            x_8 => 0.0,
                            x_9 => 0.0,
                            x_10 => 0.0,
            local aux = Array{Array{Float64}}(undef, 2)
            aux[1] = event_p
            aux[2] = event_vars
            problem = ModelingToolkit.ODEProblem(
                callback = Casc10CallbackSet(aux),
                cse = true,
            return (problem, initialValues, reducedSystem, tspan, pars, vars)
    (Casc10Model_problem, _, _, _, _, _) = Casc10Model()
    function Casc10Simulate(tspan)
        return solve(Casc10Model_problem, tspan = tspan)
    function Casc10Simulate(tspan = (0.0, 1.0); solver = Rodas5())
        return solve(Casc10Model_problem, tspan = tspan, solver)

A sample current timings (On my laptop) MTK compilation + Simulation

  0.305501 seconds (477.56 k allocations: 27.560 MiB, 90.20% compilation time)
  1.420337 seconds (1.56 M allocations: 80.551 MiB, 93.48% compilation time)

  3.867602 seconds (2.81 M allocations: 147.689 MiB, 93.44% compilation time)

400: (Up a lot from 200, memory is linear though)
 26.180517 seconds (5.33 M allocations: 305.115 MiB, 1.05% gc time, 97.28% compilation time)

 99.175782 seconds (10.28 M allocations: 708.155 MiB, 0.21% gc time, 95.19% compilation time)

Sorry for a long post, I suppose a related issue is #1286 and #1285

Models are attached for reference. I uploaded them as txt files since the GitHub issue API do not seem to support .jl files Casc10.txt Casc100.txt Casc200.txt Casc400.txt Casc800.txt Casc1600.txt

It also takes quite some time just including the models, say that I have a model like the ones attached, how could I decompose the system better in order to reduce the compilation time overhead?

I suppose splitting the declarations of variables into separate functions might do something? See

But then the question is how could I go about splitting the declaration of variables and equations to built it up in parts?

Say that I want to register 100 variables at the time using @variables

(Feel free to rework these Julia models so that they look more idiomatic and use them for benchmarking)

Cheers, John 🚀

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the test case. @YingboMa has been looking into compile time growth (and expanding the use of symbolic arrays) and can use this as a test case. Julia v1.8 (unreleased) has numerous changes as well to accommodate some compile time fixes here.

JKRT commented 2 years ago

@ChrisRackauckas Thanks,

I did some testing for Julia 1.9-DEV this is the numbers I got.

A small little script below, what this does is to compile the MTK model to machine code in memory (but it does not execute)

using Revise
import OMFrontend
import OMBackend

function runTest(filePath, modelName)
  @info "Trying to run $modelName through the pipeline"
  @info "Time of generating the AST"
  @time ast = OMFrontend.parseFile("./$(filePath)")
  @info "Time of generating SCode"
  @time scodeProgram = OMFrontend.translateToSCode(ast)
  @info "Time to flat DAE"
  @time (dae, cache) = OMFrontend.instantiateSCodeToDAE(modelName, scodeProgram)
  #  Base.dump(dae)
#  @info dae
  #= Translate and load it into our environment =#
  @info "Time of backend transformation"
  @time OMBackend.translate(dae; BackendMode = OMBackend.MTK_MODE)
  #= Simulate using the backend =#
#  @info "Time of simulation"
# Do not execute MTK yet
#  @time res = OMBackend.simulateModel(modelName, tspan = (0.0, 1.0));
  return 0
#  OMBackend.plot(res)

function writeCascToFile(path, model)
  runTest(path, model)
  OMBackend.writeModelToFile(model, "./CascModels/$(model).txt"; keepComments = false, formatFile = true, mode = OMBackend.MTK_MODE)
  println("Done writing to file")

println("Casc 10:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc10")
println("Casc 100:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc100")
println("Casc 200:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc200")
println("Casc 400:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc400")
println("Casc 800:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc800")
println("Casc 1600:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc1600")
println("Casc 3200:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc3200")
println("Casc 6400:")
writeCascToFile("./Models/", "Casc6400")

In this test I generate MTK models up to 6400 equations and variables for the example

Total time for doing this (unscientific measurements using time once on my laptop)

Julia 1.7.1: 159.302903 seconds (1.21 G allocations: 40.454 GiB, 8.14% gc time, 0.06% compilation time)

Julia 1.9-DEV: 140.535181 seconds (1.21 G allocations: 40.389 GiB, 6.74% gc time, 0.06% compilation time)

So I manage to compile the models a little a bit faster (roughly 13%) on Julia 1.9 dev. However, if I try to run and simulate the results are a bit different

Julia 1.7.1:

[ Info: Time of simulation
  0.289369 seconds (455.41 k allocations: 26.606 MiB, 94.41% compilation time)

[ Info: Time of simulation
  1.539921 seconds (1.36 M allocations: 71.389 MiB, 93.58% compilation time)

[ Info: Time of simulation
  3.818414 seconds (2.40 M allocations: 127.000 MiB, 96.15% compilation time)

[ Info: Time of simulation
  17.513228 seconds (4.48 M allocations: 256.559 MiB, 96.44% compilation time)

  [ Info: Time of simulation
 92.846937 seconds (8.57 M allocations: 583.215 MiB, 0.16% gc time, 94.78% compilation time)
Julia 1.9-DEV:
[ Info: Time of simulation
  0.383642 seconds (803.45 k allocations: 42.876 MiB, 95.80% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  2.853880 seconds (3.43 M allocations: 179.410 MiB, 5.79% gc time, 96.34% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  6.223935 seconds (6.39 M allocations: 340.632 MiB, 95.81% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
 40.227598 seconds (29.13 M allocations: 1.704 GiB, 1.30% gc time, 98.32% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  163.416695 seconds (50.70 M allocations: 3.303 GiB, 1.11% gc time, 94.46% compilation time)

It seems the MTK part of running the code in 1.9-DEV is a regression, however, the compilation time (from the Julia side seems to have improved in 1.9)

(I will include some more models to play around with, I think these really huge functions are one issue (So what I would need is some way of constructing a function gradually before creating a system), however, compiling them in Julia is not that bad in the first experiment so I will try to reduce them by smarter construction)

I also included some more Casc models here (Although for this test I did not go beyond 800) Casc3200.txt Casc6400.txt

Cheers, John

JKRT commented 2 years ago

This is starting to become like a log book.

I did some experimentation in my compiler by abusing MTK just a little bit 🧷 Instead of generating all equations and variables directly I instead decompose the system using inner functions.

I am not sure how MTK works internally but I guess having a similar scheme as a part of MTK would improve base performance somewhat for people who are writing equation-object-oriented code (That have also reported slowdowns such as #1286), that would also make my code generator simpler

Some current timings:

 [ Info: Time of simulation
  0.239821 seconds (544.30 k allocations: 33.200 MiB, 93.25% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  0.648164 seconds (832.73 k allocations: 46.834 MiB, 80.84% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  1.241312 seconds (1.19 M allocations: 64.276 MiB, 9.33% gc time, 82.89% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  2.394954 seconds (1.92 M allocations: 101.958 MiB, 72.05% compilation time)
[ Info: Time of simulation
  9.166931 seconds (3.34 M allocations: 187.152 MiB, 1.32% gc time, 38.73% compilation time)

This technique I applied in a rather naive fashion but I managed to improve compilation time I guess about 10X! 🕵️

Example of a model composed in this way (Note a bit of hacking was involved)
(Warning long list of code)

    using ModelingToolkit
    using DifferentialEquations
            saved_values_Casc100 = SavedValues(Float64, Tuple{Float64,Array})
            function Casc100CallbackSet(aux)
                local p = aux[1]
                local reals = aux[2]
                return CallbackSet()
        function Casc100Model(tspan = (0.0, 1.0))
            @variables t            #= C:\Users\johti17\Projects\Programming\JuliaPackages\OM.jl\OMBackend.jl\src\CodeGeneration\MTK_CodeGeneration.jl:219 =#
            parameters = ModelingToolkit.@parameters((N, tau, T)) #= C:\Users\johti17\Projects\Programming\JuliaPackages\OM.jl\OMBackend.jl\src\CodeGeneration\MTK_CodeGeneration.jl:220 =#
                variableConstructors = Function[]
                    function generateStateVariables1()
                    push!(variableConstructors, generateStateVariables1)
                    function generateStateVariables2()
                    push!(variableConstructors, generateStateVariables2)
            componentVars = []
            for constructor in variableConstructors
                res = eval(
                push!(componentVars, res[2:end])
            vars = collect(Iterators.flatten(componentVars))
            der = Differential(t)
            equationComponents = []
                equationConstructors = Function[]
                    function generateEquations0()
                            der(x_1) ~ (1.0 - x_1) / tau,
                            der(x_2) ~ (x_1 - x_2) / tau,
                            der(x_3) ~ (x_2 - x_3) / tau,
                            der(x_4) ~ (x_3 - x_4) / tau,
                            der(x_5) ~ (x_4 - x_5) / tau,
                            der(x_6) ~ (x_5 - x_6) / tau,
                            der(x_7) ~ (x_6 - x_7) / tau,
                            der(x_8) ~ (x_7 - x_8) / tau,
                            der(x_9) ~ (x_8 - x_9) / tau,
                            der(x_10) ~ (x_9 - x_10) / tau,
                            der(x_11) ~ (x_10 - x_11) / tau,
                            der(x_12) ~ (x_11 - x_12) / tau,
                            der(x_13) ~ (x_12 - x_13) / tau,
                            der(x_14) ~ (x_13 - x_14) / tau,
                            der(x_15) ~ (x_14 - x_15) / tau,
                            der(x_16) ~ (x_15 - x_16) / tau,
                            der(x_17) ~ (x_16 - x_17) / tau,
                            der(x_18) ~ (x_17 - x_18) / tau,
                            der(x_19) ~ (x_18 - x_19) / tau,
                            der(x_20) ~ (x_19 - x_20) / tau,
                            der(x_21) ~ (x_20 - x_21) / tau,
                            der(x_22) ~ (x_21 - x_22) / tau,
                            der(x_23) ~ (x_22 - x_23) / tau,
                            der(x_24) ~ (x_23 - x_24) / tau,
                            der(x_25) ~ (x_24 - x_25) / tau,
                            der(x_26) ~ (x_25 - x_26) / tau,
                            der(x_27) ~ (x_26 - x_27) / tau,
                            der(x_28) ~ (x_27 - x_28) / tau,
                            der(x_29) ~ (x_28 - x_29) / tau,
                            der(x_30) ~ (x_29 - x_30) / tau,
                            der(x_31) ~ (x_30 - x_31) / tau,
                            der(x_32) ~ (x_31 - x_32) / tau,
                            der(x_33) ~ (x_32 - x_33) / tau,
                            der(x_34) ~ (x_33 - x_34) / tau,
                            der(x_35) ~ (x_34 - x_35) / tau,
                            der(x_36) ~ (x_35 - x_36) / tau,
                            der(x_37) ~ (x_36 - x_37) / tau,
                            der(x_38) ~ (x_37 - x_38) / tau,
                            der(x_39) ~ (x_38 - x_39) / tau,
                            der(x_40) ~ (x_39 - x_40) / tau,
                            der(x_41) ~ (x_40 - x_41) / tau,
                            der(x_42) ~ (x_41 - x_42) / tau,
                            der(x_43) ~ (x_42 - x_43) / tau,
                            der(x_44) ~ (x_43 - x_44) / tau,
                            der(x_45) ~ (x_44 - x_45) / tau,
                            der(x_46) ~ (x_45 - x_46) / tau,
                            der(x_47) ~ (x_46 - x_47) / tau,
                            der(x_48) ~ (x_47 - x_48) / tau,
                            der(x_49) ~ (x_48 - x_49) / tau,
                            der(x_50) ~ (x_49 - x_50) / tau,
                    push!(equationConstructors, generateEquations0)
                    function generateEquations1()
                            der(x_51) ~ (x_50 - x_51) / tau,
                            der(x_52) ~ (x_51 - x_52) / tau,
                            der(x_53) ~ (x_52 - x_53) / tau,
                            der(x_54) ~ (x_53 - x_54) / tau,
                            der(x_55) ~ (x_54 - x_55) / tau,
                            der(x_56) ~ (x_55 - x_56) / tau,
                            der(x_57) ~ (x_56 - x_57) / tau,
                            der(x_58) ~ (x_57 - x_58) / tau,
                            der(x_59) ~ (x_58 - x_59) / tau,
                            der(x_60) ~ (x_59 - x_60) / tau,
                            der(x_61) ~ (x_60 - x_61) / tau,
                            der(x_62) ~ (x_61 - x_62) / tau,
                            der(x_63) ~ (x_62 - x_63) / tau,
                            der(x_64) ~ (x_63 - x_64) / tau,
                            der(x_65) ~ (x_64 - x_65) / tau,
                            der(x_66) ~ (x_65 - x_66) / tau,
                            der(x_67) ~ (x_66 - x_67) / tau,
                            der(x_68) ~ (x_67 - x_68) / tau,
                            der(x_69) ~ (x_68 - x_69) / tau,
                            der(x_70) ~ (x_69 - x_70) / tau,
                            der(x_71) ~ (x_70 - x_71) / tau,
                            der(x_72) ~ (x_71 - x_72) / tau,
                            der(x_73) ~ (x_72 - x_73) / tau,
                            der(x_74) ~ (x_73 - x_74) / tau,
                            der(x_75) ~ (x_74 - x_75) / tau,
                            der(x_76) ~ (x_75 - x_76) / tau,
                            der(x_77) ~ (x_76 - x_77) / tau,
                            der(x_78) ~ (x_77 - x_78) / tau,
                            der(x_79) ~ (x_78 - x_79) / tau,
                            der(x_80) ~ (x_79 - x_80) / tau,
                            der(x_81) ~ (x_80 - x_81) / tau,
                            der(x_82) ~ (x_81 - x_82) / tau,
                            der(x_83) ~ (x_82 - x_83) / tau,
                            der(x_84) ~ (x_83 - x_84) / tau,
                            der(x_85) ~ (x_84 - x_85) / tau,
                            der(x_86) ~ (x_85 - x_86) / tau,
                            der(x_87) ~ (x_86 - x_87) / tau,
                            der(x_88) ~ (x_87 - x_88) / tau,
                            der(x_89) ~ (x_88 - x_89) / tau,
                            der(x_90) ~ (x_89 - x_90) / tau,
                            der(x_91) ~ (x_90 - x_91) / tau,
                            der(x_92) ~ (x_91 - x_92) / tau,
                            der(x_93) ~ (x_92 - x_93) / tau,
                            der(x_94) ~ (x_93 - x_94) / tau,
                            der(x_95) ~ (x_94 - x_95) / tau,
                            der(x_96) ~ (x_95 - x_96) / tau,
                            der(x_97) ~ (x_96 - x_97) / tau,
                            der(x_98) ~ (x_97 - x_98) / tau,
                            der(x_99) ~ (x_98 - x_99) / tau,
                            der(x_100) ~ (x_99 - x_100) / tau,
                    push!(equationConstructors, generateEquations1)
            for constructor in equationConstructors
                push!(equationComponents, constructor())
            eqs = collect(Iterators.flatten(equationComponents))
            nonLinearSystem = ModelingToolkit.ODESystem(
                name = :($(Symbol("Casc100"))),
            pars = Dict(N => float(100), tau => float(T / 100.0), T => float(1.0))
            initialValues = [
                x_1 => 0.0,
                x_2 => 0.0,
                x_3 => 0.0,
                x_4 => 0.0,
                x_5 => 0.0,
                x_6 => 0.0,
                x_7 => 0.0,
                x_8 => 0.0,
                x_9 => 0.0,
                x_10 => 0.0,
                x_11 => 0.0,
                x_12 => 0.0,
                x_13 => 0.0,
                x_14 => 0.0,
                x_15 => 0.0,
                x_16 => 0.0,
                x_17 => 0.0,
                x_18 => 0.0,
                x_19 => 0.0,
                x_20 => 0.0,
                x_21 => 0.0,
                x_22 => 0.0,
                x_23 => 0.0,
                x_24 => 0.0,
                x_25 => 0.0,
                x_26 => 0.0,
                x_27 => 0.0,
                x_28 => 0.0,
                x_29 => 0.0,
                x_30 => 0.0,
                x_31 => 0.0,
                x_32 => 0.0,
                x_33 => 0.0,
                x_34 => 0.0,
                x_35 => 0.0,
                x_36 => 0.0,
                x_37 => 0.0,
                x_38 => 0.0,
                x_39 => 0.0,
                x_40 => 0.0,
                x_41 => 0.0,
                x_42 => 0.0,
                x_43 => 0.0,
                x_44 => 0.0,
                x_45 => 0.0,
                x_46 => 0.0,
                x_47 => 0.0,
                x_48 => 0.0,
                x_49 => 0.0,
                x_50 => 0.0,
                x_51 => 0.0,
                x_52 => 0.0,
                x_53 => 0.0,
                x_54 => 0.0,
                x_55 => 0.0,
                x_56 => 0.0,
                x_57 => 0.0,
                x_58 => 0.0,
                x_59 => 0.0,
                x_60 => 0.0,
                x_61 => 0.0,
                x_62 => 0.0,
                x_63 => 0.0,
                x_64 => 0.0,
                x_65 => 0.0,
                x_66 => 0.0,
                x_67 => 0.0,
                x_68 => 0.0,
                x_69 => 0.0,
                x_70 => 0.0,
                x_71 => 0.0,
                x_72 => 0.0,
                x_73 => 0.0,
                x_74 => 0.0,
                x_75 => 0.0,
                x_76 => 0.0,
                x_77 => 0.0,
                x_78 => 0.0,
                x_79 => 0.0,
                x_80 => 0.0,
                x_81 => 0.0,
                x_82 => 0.0,
                x_83 => 0.0,
                x_84 => 0.0,
                x_85 => 0.0,
                x_86 => 0.0,
                x_87 => 0.0,
                x_88 => 0.0,
                x_89 => 0.0,
                x_90 => 0.0,
                x_91 => 0.0,
                x_92 => 0.0,
                x_93 => 0.0,
                x_94 => 0.0,
                x_95 => 0.0,
                x_96 => 0.0,
                x_97 => 0.0,
                x_98 => 0.0,
                x_99 => 0.0,
                x_100 => 0.0,
            firstOrderSystem = ModelingToolkit.ode_order_lowering(nonLinearSystem)
            reducedSystem = firstOrderSystem
            local event_p = [100, 0, 1.0]
            local discreteVars = collect(values(Dict([])))
            local event_vars = vcat(
                            x_1 => 0.0,
                            x_2 => 0.0,
                            x_3 => 0.0,
                            x_4 => 0.0,
                            x_5 => 0.0,
                            x_6 => 0.0,
                            x_7 => 0.0,
                            x_8 => 0.0,
                            x_9 => 0.0,
                            x_10 => 0.0,
                            x_11 => 0.0,
                            x_12 => 0.0,
                            x_13 => 0.0,
                            x_14 => 0.0,
                            x_15 => 0.0,
                            x_16 => 0.0,
                            x_17 => 0.0,
                            x_18 => 0.0,
                            x_19 => 0.0,
                            x_20 => 0.0,
                            x_21 => 0.0,
                            x_22 => 0.0,
                            x_23 => 0.0,
                            x_24 => 0.0,
                            x_25 => 0.0,
                            x_26 => 0.0,
                            x_27 => 0.0,
                            x_28 => 0.0,
                            x_29 => 0.0,
                            x_30 => 0.0,
                            x_31 => 0.0,
                            x_32 => 0.0,
                            x_33 => 0.0,
                            x_34 => 0.0,
                            x_35 => 0.0,
                            x_36 => 0.0,
                            x_37 => 0.0,
                            x_38 => 0.0,
                            x_39 => 0.0,
                            x_40 => 0.0,
                            x_41 => 0.0,
                            x_42 => 0.0,
                            x_43 => 0.0,
                            x_44 => 0.0,
                            x_45 => 0.0,
                            x_46 => 0.0,
                            x_47 => 0.0,
                            x_48 => 0.0,
                            x_49 => 0.0,
                            x_50 => 0.0,
                            x_51 => 0.0,
                            x_52 => 0.0,
                            x_53 => 0.0,
                            x_54 => 0.0,
                            x_55 => 0.0,
                            x_56 => 0.0,
                            x_57 => 0.0,
                            x_58 => 0.0,
                            x_59 => 0.0,
                            x_60 => 0.0,
                            x_61 => 0.0,
                            x_62 => 0.0,
                            x_63 => 0.0,
                            x_64 => 0.0,
                            x_65 => 0.0,
                            x_66 => 0.0,
                            x_67 => 0.0,
                            x_68 => 0.0,
                            x_69 => 0.0,
                            x_70 => 0.0,
                            x_71 => 0.0,
                            x_72 => 0.0,
                            x_73 => 0.0,
                            x_74 => 0.0,
                            x_75 => 0.0,
                            x_76 => 0.0,
                            x_77 => 0.0,
                            x_78 => 0.0,
                            x_79 => 0.0,
                            x_80 => 0.0,
                            x_81 => 0.0,
                            x_82 => 0.0,
                            x_83 => 0.0,
                            x_84 => 0.0,
                            x_85 => 0.0,
                            x_86 => 0.0,
                            x_87 => 0.0,
                            x_88 => 0.0,
                            x_89 => 0.0,
                            x_90 => 0.0,
                            x_91 => 0.0,
                            x_92 => 0.0,
                            x_93 => 0.0,
                            x_94 => 0.0,
                            x_95 => 0.0,
                            x_96 => 0.0,
                            x_97 => 0.0,
                            x_98 => 0.0,
                            x_99 => 0.0,
                            x_100 => 0.0,
            local aux = Array{Array{Float64}}(undef, 2)
            aux[1] = event_p
            aux[2] = event_vars
            problem = ModelingToolkit.ODEProblem(
                callback = Casc100CallbackSet(aux),
            return (problem, initialValues, reducedSystem, tspan, pars, vars)
    (Casc100Model_problem, _, _, _, _, _) = Casc100Model()
    function Casc100Simulate(tspan)
        solve(Casc100Model_problem, tspan = tspan)
    function Casc100Simulate(tspan = (0.0, 1.0); solver = Rodas5())
        solve(Casc100Model_problem, tspan = tspan, solver)
JKRT commented 2 years ago

Still, issues with growing compilation although far from as severe as before. Some new models are included below (as .txt files) from 10 to 1600. Casc10Experimental.txt Casc100Experimental.txt Casc200Experimental.txt Casc400Experimental.txt Casc800Experimental.txt Casc1600Experimental.txt

Seems som of the lag observed when I wrote this post was that I used Rodas instead of AutoVern.. Now my main issue seem to be that I encounter StackOverflow when I try to get 6400 variables and equations working

ChrisRackauckas commented 6 months ago

JuliaSimCompiler is the answer.