SciML / ModelingToolkit.jl

An acausal modeling framework for automatically parallelized scientific machine learning (SciML) in Julia. A computer algebra system for integrated symbolics for physics-informed machine learning and automated transformations of differential equations
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Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems #934

Open jonniedie opened 3 years ago

jonniedie commented 3 years ago

Based on this here's a first crack at how to handle Lagrangian systems.

using Symbolics, ModelingToolkit, DifferentialEquations

∂_∂(x) = y -> expand_derivatives(Differential(x)(y))

function LagrangianSystem(L, q̇, q, p, t;
                     Q = zeros(length(q)),
                     default_u0 = [q̇..., q...] .=> 0.0,

    Q_vals = Q
    inds = 1:length(q)
    @variables q̈[inds](t) Q[inds](t)
    d_dt = ∂_∂(t)

    lagrange_eqs = map(q̇, q, Q) do q̇ᵢ, qᵢ, Qᵢ
        d_dt(∂_∂(q̇ᵢ)(L)) - ∂_∂(qᵢ)(L) ~ Qᵢ

        subs = d_dt.([q̇; q]) .=> [q̈; q̇]
        new_eqs = [substitute(eq.lhs, subs) ~ eq.rhs for eq in lagrange_eqs]
        lagrange_eqs = d_dt.(q̇) .~ Symbolics.solve_for(new_eqs, q̈)
    catch e
        @warn "Could not reduce equations due to: $e"

    deriv_eqs = d_dt.(q) .~ q̇

    force_eqs = Q .~ Q_vals

    eqs = [lagrange_eqs; deriv_eqs; force_eqs]

    return structural_simplify(ODESystem(eqs, t, [q̇..., q..., Q...], p; default_u0, kwargs...))

When @YingboMa gets this stuff implemented, I can open up a PR along these lines.

cadojo commented 2 months ago

@jonniedie @YingboMa @ChrisRackauckas Are LagrangianSystem and HamiltonianSystem still desired in ModelingToolkit? I've been working on integrating galactic potential equations (in the integral / scalar form), and I created a new ScalarField subtype of AbstractTimeDependentSystem for this purpose. I think HamiltonianSystem would be more appropriate, and I'd be interested in helping to contribute this type if it's still desired in the SciML ecosystem.

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 months ago

I think it would be nice to have these alternative system forms, making it easier to generate the equations of motion. I'd be happy to review PRs around it but never got to it myself.