SciML / ODE.jl

Assorted basic Ordinary Differential Equation solvers for scientific machine learning (SciML). Deprecated: Use DifferentialEquations.jl instead.
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Backwards compatibility #180

Closed berceanu closed 11 months ago

berceanu commented 11 months ago

I am trying to port an older Julia 0.4 code that uses ODE.jl and I find it stumbles on this line

tout, aout = ode45((t,a)->F(t,a, N,p,q,m₀,n₀,J,σ,Ω,κ,f), a₀, [0., 10])

The code is a single, small file. The error I get is:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Array(::Type{ComplexF64}, ::Int64)

Closest candidates are:
  Array(::LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling, ::Integer, ::Integer)
   @ LinearAlgebra ~/.julia/juliaup/

  [1] F(t::Float64, a::Vector{ComplexF64}, N::Int64, p::Int64, q::Int64, m₀::Int64, n₀::Int64, J::Float64, σ::Float64, Ω::Float64, κ::Float64, f::Vector{Float64})
    @ Main ~/Development/topo-condensate/runge-kutta.jl:27
  [2] (::var"#3#4")(t::Float64, a::Vector{ComplexF64})
    @ Main ~/Development/topo-condensate/runge-kutta.jl:110
  [3] hinit(F::var"#3#4", x0::Vector{ComplexF64}, t0::Float64, tend::Float64, p::Int64, reltol::Float64, abstol::Float64)
    @ ODE ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/ODE.jl:91
  [4] oderk_adapt(fn::var"#3#4", y0::Vector{ComplexF64}, tspan::Vector{Float64}, btab_::ODE.TableauRKExplicit{:dopri, 7, Rational{Int64}}; reltol::Float64, abstol::Float64, norm::Function, minstep::Float64, maxstep::Float64, initstep::Int64, points::Symbol, alias_u0::Bool)
    @ ODE ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:292
  [5] oderk_adapt(fn::Function, y0::Vector{ComplexF64}, tspan::Vector{Float64}, btab_::ODE.TableauRKExplicit{:dopri, 7, Rational{Int64}})
    @ ODE ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:232
  [6] #ode45_dp#10
    @ ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:221 [inlined]
  [7] ode45_dp
    @ ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:221 [inlined]
  [8] #ode45#11
    @ ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:223 [inlined]
  [9] ode45(fn::Function, y0::Vector{ComplexF64}, tspan::Vector{Float64})
    @ ODE ~/.julia/packages/ODE/N5yvz/src/runge_kutta.jl:223
 [10] top-level scope
    @ ~/Development/topo-condensate/runge-kutta.jl:110
in expression starting at /Users/berceanu/Development/topo-condensate/runge-kutta.jl:110

Any ideas on how to get this working with the current version of ODE.jl and Julia 1.9?

ChrisRackauckas commented 11 months ago

That syntax is old and changed in Julia v1.0. It's Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, d) (or zero(Complex{Float64}, d) is probably better).

Let me know if you need anything else.

berceanu commented 11 months ago

Thanks! With this and few other small changes, my script now works on Julia v1.9. 🥳