SciML / OperatorLearning.jl

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Precaching and FFT planning #32

Open ChrisRackauckas opened 2 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

Similar to the FastDense optimizations in, this library can definitely benefit from having pre-cached versions of the operations since the neural networks are generally small. In addition, the plan_fft part could be cached and reused for subsequent calls. Given the amount of reuse, direct control of the planning could be helpful:

The flags argument is a bitwise-or of FFTW planner flags, defaulting to FFTW.ESTIMATE. e.g. passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT will instead spend several seconds (or more) benchmarking different possible FFT algorithms and picking the fastest one; see the FFTW manual for more information on planner flags. The optional timelimit argument specifies a rough upper bound on the allowed planning time, in seconds. Passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT may cause the input array A to be overwritten with zeros during plan creation.

Note that the precaching only removes allocations in cases with a single forward before reverse. A separate pointer bumping method would be necessary to precache a whole batch of test inputs, if multiple batches are used in one loss equation.

pzimbrod commented 2 years ago

I did toy around with FFT Plans at an earlier point (#11 #14) but then put it off since it turned out to be too much hassle for me at that time - does that cover something different?

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

Nope, that's the same thing. To avoid those issues, a direct rrule will be needed.