SciML / Optimization.jl

Mathematical Optimization in Julia. Local, global, gradient-based and derivative-free. Linear, Quadratic, Convex, Mixed-Integer, and Nonlinear Optimization in one simple, fast, and differentiable interface.
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Bump compat for Enzyme.jl to 0.11.2 or higher #564

Closed toollu closed 1 year ago

toollu commented 1 year ago

I'm hitting Enzyme.jl #644 via optprob = OptimizationFunction(foo, Optimization.AutoEnzyme(), cons = cons). The Enzyme fix is not able to land on master here due to d7a4945. Any information or reasoning on that so I can try to help out?

Vaibhavdixit02 commented 1 year ago

Enzyme 0.11.2 and higher introduce when computing hessians hence it was bounded.

Can you show the code you have that hits,maybe it can be rewritten to avoid that?

toollu commented 1 year ago

Can you show the code you have that hits EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl#644 it can be rewritten to avoid that?

Sure. The packge we are developing is quite complex so I tried to reduce it to the minmum that represents what we try to achieve. Consider the module and variables:

module Nodes

abstract type Node end

struct Source{T}<:Node where T<:Real

struct Multiplicator{T}<:Node where T<:Real

struct Sink{T}<:Node where T<:Real

function calculate(node::Multiplicator)
    @. node.output = (node.factors) * node.upstream_node.output

function calculate(node::Sink)
    @. node.target_fraction = node.upstream_node.output / node.target_value


    using Enzyme
    using .Nodes
    using Statistics

    const system_size = 1000

    node_1 = Nodes.Source(fill(10.0,system_size))
    node_2 = Nodes.Multiplicator(randn(system_size).+1,zeros(system_size),node_1)
    node_3 = Nodes.Sink(fill(11.0,system_size),zeros(system_size), node_2)

    factor_matrix =  [fill(1.2,system_size) fill(0.9,system_size) fill(1.0,system_size) fill(1.1,system_size)]
    factor_matrix.+= randn(system_size,4).*0.1

So on Enzyme 0.11.2

x = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4]
dx = zeros(4)

function vec_input_target(weights)::Float64
    factors = factor_matrix*weights
    node_2.factors .= factors


    y = (abs(1 -mean(node_3.target_fraction)))

    return y


Actually works. On 0.11.0 however it fails with the same error as:

    using Optimization, OptimizationMOI, OptimizationOptimJL, Ipopt
    using ForwardDiff, ModelingToolkit, Enzyme
cons(res,x,p) = (res.= [sum(x), x[1],x[2], x[3], x[4]])

 lb = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
 ub = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

optprob = OptimizationFunction((x,p)->vec_input_target(x), Optimization.AutoEnzyme(), cons = cons)
prob = OptimizationProblem(optprob, x, facs, lcons = lb, ucons = ub)
sol = solve(prob, Ipopt.Optimizer()) # Enzyme execution failed. Enzyme: not yet implemented in reverse mode, jl_getfield

An additional problem seems to be that the necessary closure in OptimizationFunction seems to introduce a type instability, so vec_input_target(weights) needs the return type annotation to Float64 in order not to hit EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl#741 But I'll open a seperate issue on that if it should still persist after closing this one. Julia Discourse Xref

wsmoses commented 1 year ago

@Vaibhavdixit02 what code are you referring to by Enzyme 0.11.2 and higher introduce when computing hessians hence it was bounded.

That particular bug was in GPUCompiler (a fix has landed for that upstream), and requires a very specific input type condition (which unfortunately applied for that issue's MarcusHushChidseyDOS{Float64}). I think it unlikely (but not impossible) you're conflating distinct issues, so I'm curious what you are referring to.

wsmoses commented 1 year ago

Separately you should not be making closures like here: (this is a potential source of type instabilities and more issues), but passing the extra args directly, in the relevant autodiff call.

Vaibhavdixit02 commented 1 year ago

That particular bug was in GPUCompiler (a fix has landed for that upstream), and requires a very specific input type condition (which unfortunately applied for that issue's MarcusHushChidseyDOS{Float64}). I think it unlikely (but not impossible) you're conflating distinct issues, so I'm curious what you are referring to.

I see! was the error. It comes up when doing the hessian call here The implementation for the hessian is picked from the Enzyme docs specifically the vector forward over reverse part and is here

I can try to come up with a MWE if this is too deep in this package 🙏

Vaibhavdixit02 commented 1 year ago

(this is a potential source of type instabilities and more issues), but passing the extra args directly, in the relevant autodiff call.

Sure, I think I had tried that early on but failed to get it to work I'll give it another try, thanks for the suggestion!

wsmoses commented 1 year ago

Here, I revised the tutorial to use a better method of computing hessians.