SciML / OrdinaryDiffEq.jl

High performance ordinary differential equation (ODE) and differential-algebraic equation (DAE) solvers, including neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) and scientific machine learning (SciML)
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Magnus and other linear operator solvers #90

Closed ChrisRackauckas closed 4 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

It seems many physicists have problems of the form u' = A*u and u' = A(t)*u. This A can be from a PDE discretization, or u' = H(t)*u naturally shows up from Schrodinger's equation. In these cases, we need to exploit the linearity of the problem in order to do well.

This can all use the DiffEqOperator path where a user defines a DiffEqOperator as their function. This contains an update_coefficients!(A,t,u) function as well for handling time and state dependence. Then there are different things to tackle here. For one, we can make the stiff solvers "linear-aware". This can be done by, whenever we would be solving a nonlinear equation using a Newton method, instead do an

if typeof(f) <: DiffEqOperator
  # Linear Solve
  # Nonlinear Solve

In the #Linear Solve part, it will just call update_coefficients!(A,t,u) and then \, so whatever overrides the user gives for how the matrix updates in time and whatever override for how the solving is supposed to take place will be used. (@shivin9 this is why the interface matching is important here)

This will make things like Trapezoid automatically be CrankNicholson, and will be very useful with things like BDF methods and ApproxFun. In addition, we can pull some inspiration from @jagot for Magnus integrators.

Using the split operators interface we can also do things on A + B(t) both linear operators. But I don't know of algorithms directly on that, but technically the definition already exists.

The DiffEqOperator will have a matrix-free pretty soon which closely matches that of LinearMaps.jl, but the DiffEqOperator interface defines expm and expmv on the operator itself:

This means that the matrix-free versions will allow an optional method for directly defining expmv (and the array versions will get a quick upgrade to allow for direct definitions of expm and expmv if someone has a use for it). This solves @jagot's problem since he wanted to use things like


to speed up the integrator by putting that definition in manually, and that interface would allow doing so.

DiffEqApproxFun.jl will get a special AbstractDiffEqOperator defined from ApproxFuns, which will define a linear operator on Fun types via ApproxFun operators. Even nonlinear ApproxFun operators can take this route because then it'll make it use the specialized ApproxFun Newton solver. What's interesting here is that DiffEq will be calling \ on the operator, so we can specialize the operator to hold the boundary conditions as well to do things like chop(Operator\[bcs;u],tol). With the type check above, this will convert the nonlinear parts on ApproxFuns to be just like SpectralTimeStepping.jl which is exactly what we needed @dlfivefifty.

As for making it easy to solve finite difference PDEs, we have a library we are building which will automatically generate the linear operators from arbitrary order and derivative order PDE discretizations via Fornburg's algorithm:

This is all almost compatible with the full interface and will include things like time dependent BCs to make really good test cases for u' = A(t)*u.

Things I don't know about: @jagot

This is maybe more exotic, but it could potentially be useful for me to couple a numerical solution in the interior with analytic asymptotic solutions. That can presumably be done in some custom callback at every timestep.

What do you mean by this?

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

For those curious, we already have partial linear methods implemented:

so actually the infrastructure for doing all of this is already in there. Just the specific perform_step! methods for specific algorithms need updates to handle AbstractDiffEqOperators.

dlfivefifty commented 7 years ago

Does this mean we need to implement expmv in ApproxFun?

jagot commented 7 years ago


Looks very nice, indeed. A couple of things:

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

Does this mean we need to implement expmv in ApproxFun?

I'm developing the exponential integrators to default to expm but have a choice for expmv. From this:

it looks like a dense exponential is fine because the operator is only NxN where N is the number of coefficients, right?

(the expmv variant will take a bit of time though, mostly because we are missing the relevant pieces to do this on matrices efficiently in the Julia ecosystem, at least beyond Phi0)

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

For operator splitting, it is important that the exponentiations are placed symmetrically

Yes, methods which do splitting have this stuff as part of the method. Essentially the splitting stuff will be like ODEProblem((A,B),u0,tspan) where I am given the operators from the user where they determine the splits, and the methods will then be defined appropriately symmetrically (all of the algorithms I've found use that Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff result.

Post perform_step, every cycle:

Those look like they can be handled by the callbacks. You'll need to save to observables to your own array though, but it wouldn't be difficult. That may be tutorial-worthy though.

For a second-order finite-differences discretization of the kinetic operator, -laplace/2, this is a tridiagonal matrix. Not saving more than one copy of the (sub-)Hamiltonian

Or save zero copies with a matrix-free version. Or alias the underlying matrices. I think this could be something left to the user.

tridiagonal matrix--matrix product tridiagonal matrix--vector solve (?gtsv), with multiple right-hand sides (if an optimized implementation exists)

Julia will actually do this automatically if the operator is set as Tridiagonal. The lufact! will specialize on Tridiagonal matrices to do a faster factorization. Then after that's created, you can repeatedly \ the multiple RHS. Or you can use a block Krylov method which IterativeSolvers.jl is working on.

This means I should probably make sure that the DiffEqArrayOperator works with special matrix types.

ChrisRackauckas commented 4 years ago

Implemented in and continued in