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Move PR49 to JuliaDiffEq #7

Closed pwl closed 5 years ago

pwl commented 7 years ago

@mauro3, as @ChrisRackauckas suggested we should move PR49 to JuliaDiffEq to generate more exposure. There are potential opportunities of getting new people involved in this package and we are missing out on them.

As for the name, @ChrisRackauckas suggested ODEIterators.jl, which sounds fine. We could also consider ODEInterfaces.jl if we aim higher with the scope of the package.

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

Not ODEInterfaces. There's already ODEInterface which is well-established. That's pretty confusing.

pwl commented 7 years ago

True, I had a feeling that I heart the name somewhere:-). Any other propositions?

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

How about we name it Pr49.jl? No, more seriously, leave it as ODE.jl and have an ODElegacy.jl.

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

Actually how about we do name it PR49.jl for now and move it to JuliaDiffEq. Once it is ready we can ponder the names more.

musm commented 7 years ago

just a quick fyi PR49.jl would with very high probability (a.s 1) not pass through tony over at METADATA.jl

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

Yes Tony wouldn't like that. But, sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant to use PR49.jl as an interim name to allow moving to this organization (ODE.jl exists already). Once we decide it was ready to register in METADATA.jl, we'd need to find another name.

pwl commented 7 years ago

Yeah, a PR49.jl working name would be fine. Is there any way to remove the "fork" status from PR49? If we plan to replace ODE.jl with PR49.jl we shouldn't have a "fork" status on the replacement package, otherwise it will be seen as a fork of ODELegacy.jl. Or maybe even a fork itself (ODE.jl) after the name change?

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

Yeah, a PR49.jl working name would be fine. Is there any way to remove the "fork" status from PR49? If we plan to replace ODE.jl with PR49.jl we shouldn't have a "fork" status on the replacement package, otherwise it will be seen as a fork of ODELegacy.jl. Or maybe even a fork itself (ODE.jl) after the name change?

Looks like that has an easy fix:

pwl commented 7 years ago

As of now, PR49.jl is detached from ODE.jl.

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

I guess my idea of keeping ODE.jl as name and moving the old to LegacyODE.jl was not too popular...

pwl commented 7 years ago

@mauro3 I like this idea, that's why I detached PR49. A repo replacing ODE shouldn't be its fork and there is almost nothing left of the old ODE in PR49. In the meantime we can keep a working name like PR49 or ODEIterators.

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I guess that should work. Tnx!

pwl commented 7 years ago

So, how about we move PR49 to JuliaDiffEq now, as PR49.jl, without registering it as a package (the name wouldn't pass the METADATA standards). Then we could think about fixing the remaining issues and use it to replace ODE.jl.

pwl commented 7 years ago

Is anybody against the name ODEIterators?

mauro3 commented 7 years ago

:+1: but I'm not sure it passes the strict naming conventions. But we can cross that bridge when we get there.

ChrisRackauckas commented 7 years ago

👍 but I'm not sure it passes the strict naming conventions. But we can cross that bridge when we get there.

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure of a sane way to name it that passes the naming conventions...