SciML / SciMLBase.jl

The Base interface of the SciML ecosystem
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Adding commonly used keywords for the Makie recipe? #702

Open henry2004y opened 1 month ago

henry2004y commented 1 month ago

As explained in, it's not decided yet how to forward keyword arguments from plots(...; kw...) to convert_arguments for the SpecApi in a more convenient and performant way in Makie.

Currently the only supported keywords for the SciML Makie recipe are

I'm wondering if it is possible to some commonly used keyword arguments as a temporary workaround. For example, color, linewidth, linestyle, etc.

Related issue:

ChrisRackauckas commented 1 month ago

Yes this is the main reason why Makie recipes are not prime time for us right now. I am not 100% sure if we have the tools with current Makie recipes to solve it, but if we do it would be nice to get some help to show us.