SciNim / Datamancer

A dataframe library with a dplyr like API
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Non generic generics implementation #38

Closed Vindaar closed 2 years ago

Vindaar commented 2 years ago

This supersedes #25. It is a rebased version of it onto the current master. Further fixes have been applied to get (almost) all tests working.

The only exception is a test case, in which implicit conversion of types like uint8 to int is assumed. In the future instead we may not perform such conversions anymore, if we fully support these types in DFs.

From the changelog:

*MAJOR, POSSIBLY BREAKING*: Add experimental support for "non-generic generic

*See the bottom for a list of known breaking changes*.

What does that mean?

First of all the =DataFrame= type is now an alias to
=DataTable[Column]=. =DataTable= is a new name for a generic version
of =DataFrame= to avoid breaking changes when making =DataFrame=
generic. Current code should just continue to work fine.

The existing =ColumnKind= enum now has an additional member called
=colGeneric=. This value is used in other variants of a =Column= like
type, defined by a =ColumnLike= concept. Essentially, these types are
equivalent to =Column=, but contain additional fields in the
=colGeneric= branch. For example consider an extended =ColumnLike=
type that can also store =KiloGram= and =Meter= units (from =unchained=):
#+begin_src nim
  ColumnKiloGram|Meter = ref object
    len*: int
    case kind*: ColKind
    of colFloat:
      fCol*: Tensor[float]
    of colInt:
      iCol*: Tensor[int]
    of colBool:
      bCol*: Tensor[bool]
    of colString:
      sCol*: Tensor[string]
    of colObject:
      oCol*: Tensor[Value]
    of colConstant:
      cCol*: Value
    of colNone:
    # up to here the same type as `Column`
    of colGeneric:
      # depending on the instance it the generic stores `KiloGram` or `Meter` data
      case gkKind: GenericKiloGram|MeterKind # an auto generated enum for gen eric types
      of gkKiloGram:
        gKiloGram: Tensor[KiloGram] 
      of gkMeter:
        gMeter: Tensor[Meter]
This generalizes to any number of generics.

Such a new =Column= type is generated using the =genColumn= macro:
#+begin_src nim
genColumn(KiloGram, Meter)
to generate the above.

After generating the new type, it can be accessed using:
#+begin_src nim
colType(KiloGram, Meter) # <- returns the type 

To construct a =DataTable= of this type, you can do:
#+begin_src nim
let df = colType(KiloGram, Meter).newDataTable() # or `newDataTable(colType(KiloGram, Meter))` of course

Further an existing =DataTable= can be extended by a new type column
#+begin_src nim
let df = newDataFrame() # construct an old school data frame
# ... put in some data
let dfKg = df.extendDataFrame("foo" # <- column name
                              @[,]) # <- fill with kilo gram data
if the =ColumnKiloGram= type has been generated before using
=genColumn(KiloGram)= this will return a =DataTable[KiloGram]=
containing the old data of =df= as well as a new column called ="foo"=
of type =KiloGram=.

=mutate= also works with formulas that access generic types or
generate columns of new generic types. There *are* certain limitations
currently though. In some cases the formula may need to be aware of
the type of the =DataTable= it acts on. For this there is a new macro,
=dfFn=, which wraps around a regular =f{}= macro and receives the
=DataTable= it should act on:
#+begin_src nim
genColumn(KiloGram, KiloGram²)
let dfKg2 = dfKg.mutate(dfFn(dfKg, f{KiloGram -> KiloGram²: "kg2" ~ `kg` * `kg`}))
as this is a bit annoying, there is a =mutate2= (the name is
consciously stupid, as a proper name still hasn't been chosen) that
does this automatically:
#+begin_src nim
genColumn(KiloGram, KiloGram²)
let dfKg2 = dfKg.mutate2(f{KiloGram -> KiloGram²: "kg2" ~ `kg` * `kg`})

Columns of course only have to be generated once.

Note: one thing when dealing with multiple columns of different types
to keep in mind (as this surely will come up more now): The =idx= and
=col= helpers in formulas, support explicit type annotations for
individual columns:
#+begin_src nim
f{float -> Meter: "foo" ~ `x` * idx(`y`, Meter)}
# where `x` will be read as `float` and `y` as `Meter`!

Many things are likely to break... :)

See the [[playground/non_generic_generics.nim]] for a few examples for

The release is a bit less refined than I would have liked, but as the
code is (as far as I can tell), not breaking existing code and mostly
working, I want to merge it now, to test it properly in real usage and
fix things along the way. Otherwise it will be on ice forever.

The commit that contains the added code is squashed as the development
code is ultra messy. Check out the =nonGenericGenerics= branch (or PR)
or the =cleanUpCommitsForRebase= branch (or PR) for the full history.

Known *breaking changes* and issues:
- assigning data of types that can be converted to =int= or =float=
  (e.g. =int8=) to a DF does *not* auto convert them anymore. This was
  always a helper to store them, but in the future once this feature
  is more refined, it'll be better to store them as is
- =colGeneric= is a new enum field for =ColumnKind= and thus has to be
  handled in code dealing with the enum manually  
Vindaar commented 2 years ago

Here goes nothing... :rocket: