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请坚定不移地和中共国战斗下去:一封给总统川普的公开信 #286

Open SciOwl opened 5 years ago

SciOwl commented 5 years ago

请坚定不移地和中共国战斗下去:一封给总统川普的公开信 The final version of the “Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump” was published on 18 July with over 130 signatures from a wide-group of fellow citizens with deck-plate experience in dealing with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This letter was crafted on the 4th of July in response to the 3 July open letter published by the WaPo entitled “Making China a U.S. enemy is counterproductive”.


The “Stay the Course” letter is openly challenging those who are advocating for ‘engagement/appeasement’ in U.S. foreign policy towards the PRC. We believe their assessments about the PRC have been and continue to be wrong. We also believe the unprecedented efforts this administration is making to confront an aggressive and expansionist PRC are necessary and in keeping with the history of this Republic and the allies we have around the globe.


This letter to the President has been published in the Journal of Political Risk, hosted by Dr. Anders Corr.


***To access the letter and signatures on-line please go

***If you want sign directly go to this link: To sign this letter and join the signatories below, click here and fill out a short form.

For all who receive this message and have not signed the letter, we would encourage you to go to the link, read the letter and sign it. If you have already signed the letter, we would request you forward this e-mail and link to your network of associates and solicit their signatures. It is our desire to make this letter go “viral” and get as many signatures as possible…in the thousands!


We would also like to make a special request to those who are not from the United States, as we especially welcome your support and signature on this letter. We understand and believe in the vital importance our allies and friends make in standing up to the PRC and their destabilizing actions.


The text of the letter is as follows:


Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump

“请坚定不移地和中共国战斗下去”: 一封给川普总统的公开信

Dear President Trump,

Over America’s exceptional history, successive generations have risen to the challenge of protecting and furthering our founding principles, and defeating existential threats to our liberties and those of our allies. Today, our generation is challenged to do the same by a virulent and increasingly dangerous threat to human freedoms – the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through the nation it misrules: the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

纵观美国无与伦比的历史,我们的世代先辈挺身而出,捍卫并发扬我们的立国之本,不断消灭那些危害到我们盟友及自身自由的种种威胁。而今,我们这一代正面临着同样的挑战,一个危险系数急剧升温的对人类自由致命的威胁- 中国共产党和被它暴政绑架的中华人民共和国。

The Chinese Communists’ stated ambitions are antithetical to America’s strategic interests, and the PRC is increasingly taking actions that imperil the United States and our allies. The past forty years during which America pursued an open policy of “engagement” with the PRC have contributed materially to the incremental erosion of U.S. national security.

中国共产党人所表现出来的野心与美国的战略利益背道而驰。中共国得寸进尺地采取行动,将美国和我们的盟友置于危险之地。 过去40年来美国对中共国开放的“积极合作”政策,是美国国家安全遭到侵蚀这种状况愈演愈烈的本质。

This cannot be permitted to continue.


China is not as we wish it to be. In our political system, politics is the norm, and war is the exception. It is explicitly the opposite in the PRC’s worldview. Going forward, we must better understand and deal with this dangerous asymmetry.

中共国现在的样子辜负了我们对它的期待。在我们的政治体系下,政治运作是常态,发动战争是例外。 而中共国的世界观则与我们恰恰相反。从今往后,我们必须要更好地了解和应付这种危险的认知不对称。

We the undersigned, are encouraged by the broad and coherent strategy of robust, alternative policies you have adopted to confront the PRC’s campaign to undermine the national interests of the United States and its allies. We encourage you to stay the course on your path of countering Communist China.


We acknowledge and support your robust National Security Strategy that properly sets forth why the United States must counter the PRC. Opposing the advance of tyranny is fully in keeping with the founding principles of America and our rich heritage of defending freedom and liberty, both at home and, where necessary, abroad.


We note the PRC does not recognize the principles and rules of the existing international order, which under a Pax Americana has enabled the greatest period of peace and global prosperity in mankind’s history. The PRC rejects this order both ideologically and in practice. China’s rulers openly proclaim and insist on a new set of rules to which other nations must conform, such as their efforts to dominate the East and South China Seas and the so-called “Belt and Road Initiative,” with its debt-trap diplomacy, designed to extend such hegemony worldwide. The only persistently defining principle of the CCP is the sustainment and expansion of its power.


Over the past forty years of Sino-American relations, many American foreign policy experts did not accurately assess the PRC’s intentions or attributed the CCP’s reprehensible conduct to the difficulties of governing a country of 1.3 billion people. American policymakers were told time and again by these adherents of the China-engagement school that the PRC would become a “responsible stakeholder” once a sufficient level of economic modernization was achieved. This did not happen and cannot so long as the CCP rules China.


The PRC routinely and systematically suppresses religious freedom and free speech, including the imprisonment of over one million citizens in Xinjiang and the growing suppression of Hong Kong’s autonomy. The PRC also routinely violates its obligations, as it does with the World Trade Organization, freedom of navigation and the protection of coral reefs in the South China Sea. Beijing then demands that its own people and the rest of the world accept their false narratives and justifications, demands aptly termed as “Orwellian nonsense.”


The PRC is not and never has been a peaceful regime. It uses economic and military force – what it calls its “comprehensive national power” – to bully and intimidate others. The PRC threatens to wage war against a free and democratically led Taiwan.


It is expanding its reach around the globe, co-opting our allies and other nations with the promise of economic gain, often with authoritarian capitalism posing as free commerce, corrupt business practices that go-unchecked, state-controlled entities posing as objective academic, scientific or media institutions and trade and development deals that lack reciprocity, transparency and sustainability. The CCP corrupts everything it touches.


This expansionism is not random or ephemeral. It is manifestly the unfolding of the CCP’s grand strategy. The Party’s ambitions have been given many names, most recently the “China Dream,” the “great rejuvenation” of China, or the “Community of Common Destiny.” The “Dream” envisioned by the Communist Party is a nightmare for the Chinese people and the rest of the world.


We firmly support the Chinese people, the vast majority of whom want to live peaceful lives.


But we do not support the Communist government of China, nor its control by the dangerous Xi Jinping clique. We welcome the measures you have taken to confront Xi’s government and selectively to decouple the U.S. economy from China’s insidious efforts to weaken it. No amount of U.S. diplomatic, economic, or military “engagement” will disrupt the CCP’s grand strategy.


If there is any sure guide to diplomatic success, it is that when America leads—other nations follow. If history has taught us anything it is that clarity and commitment of leadership in addressing existential threats, like from the PRC, will be followed by our allies when policy prescriptions such as yours become a reality. The PRC’s immediate strategy is to delay, stall, and otherwise wait out your presidency. Every effort must be made therefore to institutionalize now the policies and capabilities that can rebalance our economic relations with China, strengthen our alliances with like-minded democracies and ultimately to defeat the PRC’s global ambitions to suppress freedom and liberty.


Stay the Course!
