SciOwl / No-Extradition-to-Mainland-China

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战友之声07/10/2019 新闻联郭 梦工厂旁奏响的《悲惨世界》,老虎趁夜而至,你可听到人民在呐喊? #95

Open SciOwl opened 5 years ago

SciOwl commented 5 years ago

战友之声07/10/2019 新闻联郭 梦工厂旁奏响的《悲惨世界》,老虎趁夜而至,你可听到人民在呐喊? image

SciOwl commented 5 years ago

The Tigers Come at Night

The US and many Western countries have gradually come to the realization that we have been played by the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP had no intention of honoring many of the international agreements it has signed on behalf of the Chinese people. The CCP refuses to be held accountable by the international community or its own people. Now finding itself at the receiving end of retaliation from abroad, the CCP has appealed to longtime enablers overseas who now argue that China is not an enemy. Some state the “current approach is fundamentally counterproductive”. “Trash talking and veiled threats are no substitute for diplomacy.” Let’s not be seen as trying to “thwart progress”. “Efforts to isolate China will simply weaken those Chinese intent on developing a more humane and tolerant society.” “We should balance competition and cooperation to strengthen those leaders in China who want to play a more constructive role in world affairs.“ Most of these prescriptions have been written in the past and did little to thwart the rise of an increasingly belligerent criminal state. Which moderate forces have risen within the CCP in the past as a result of following the policy recommendations above? How many Chinese intent on developing a more humane and tolerant society are rotting in jails, detention facilities or reeducation centers? If, as we are told by Western scholars, “what China wants is continued stability and continued economic prosperity and growth”, it might be advisable to sit back and wait for change to happen. The problem is, we have waited for forty years while the CCP has ignored countless pledges and refused to implement even the simplest of reforms to their hopelessly backward judicial system. The widespread abuses there have now spread like a malignant tumor and increasingly affect foreign nationals in China and abroad. If the CCP is indeed “not unwilling to make changes to ensure the [global economic] system’s continuation”, the first place to start would be implementing the rule of law in China. Who, after all, stands to benefit the most from the CCP’s refusal to do so? Encouraging Chinese participation in international organizations has indeed given the CCP a greater voice. That voice, regrettably, is an intolerably shrill voice which continues to deny the very existence of the exponential growth of genocide at home. That voice is embarrassingly silent when it comes to addressing the appalling corruption left in the CCP’s wake overseas. Enforcing rules is only unfair to the side previously ignoring the rules. China is not an enemy, but the CCP has proven itself to be an enemy to all who stand up for transparency in government, human rights and religious freedom in China. The CCP has destroyed much of what was once civilized and harmonious in China. The China Dream now is characterized primarily by an awkward mix of the ultra rich progeny of revolutionaries and belligerent military and state-security leaders bullying neighbors and terrifying its own people. Now that the US has finally started to penalize the CCP for failing to abide by international norms, the kleptocrats cry foul and characterize the US insistence upon playing by agreed-upon rules as meddling with their internal affairs or as veiled racist attacks. The Chinese people must know better, and the American people need a good reason to sit back and allow the CCP to continue to engage in widescale theft of US intellectual property, cyber and conventional espionage and genocide. For if that is what the China Dream requires, the China Dream has been twisted into a sinister plot designed to ensure the stability and prosperity of a group of kleptocrats at the expense of the Chinese and American people.