SciRuby / daru

Data Analysis in RUby
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[Bug] Plot charts hidden after add require #450

Open wta12 opened 6 years ago

wta12 commented 6 years ago

I tried Daru example and see that the charts become unstable if some specific gems loaded ('active_support/all' in this case) image

v0dro commented 6 years ago

Huh. This is bizarre. @Shekharrajak do you have an idea why this happens?

Shekharrajak commented 6 years ago

I never came across such things. In my caes I installed activesupport gem as dependent gem for the actionview (which is dependent gem for lazy_high_charts gem in daru-view gem).

Need to check what is happening inside here. I don't think there is any connection of nyaplot and activesupport gem.

wta12 commented 6 years ago

how to check what happened ? I am using ruby 2.2.4 x64 windows 10. gems install almost package