SciRuby / daru

Data Analysis in RUby
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Daru::DataFrame.from_csv ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) #543

Open raghuvaranreddy opened 2 years ago

raghuvaranreddy commented 2 years ago

Seeing below error when using from_csv after upgrading ruby to 3.0.3 Failure/Error: Daru::DataFrame.from_csv( mock_data, index: index, converters: ->(c) { c.to_d unless c.nil? }, headers: true, header_converters: header_converters )

   wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.3/gems/daru-0.3/lib/daru/io/io.rb:234:in `from_csv_hash_with_headers'

My guess or thought is at line 234 .parse(open(path), opts) should be .parse(open(path), **opts)

similar to parse in below.

because the way we pass args has changed upto my understanding in 3.0

Resolution: Changing line 234 .parse(open(path), opts) should be .parse(open(path), **opts) Resolved the issues locally