SciRuby / nmatrix

Dense and sparse linear algebra library for Ruby via SciRuby
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[Woking in Progress] Standarize code #627

Open WaKeMaTTa opened 5 years ago

WaKeMaTTa commented 5 years ago

Why this pull request?

:heavy_check_mark: Readability :heavy_check_mark: Maintainability :heavy_check_mark: Consistent syntax :heavy_check_mark: More secure (because it helps to prevent usually bad practices)


Fix this ones manually

Rakefile:25:27: C: Security/Eval: The use of eval is a serious security risk.! { |gemspec| eval( }
Rakefile:117:7: W: Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Ambiguous splat operator. Parenthesize the method arguments if it's surely a splat operator, or add a whitespace to the right of the * if it should be a multiplication.
  run *cmd
Rakefile:122:7: W: Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Ambiguous splat operator. Parenthesize the method arguments if it's surely a splat operator, or add a whitespace to the right of the * if it should be a multiplication.
  run *cmd
Rakefile:129:9: W: Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Ambiguous splat operator. Parenthesize the method arguments if it's surely a splat operator, or add a whitespace to the right of the * if it should be a multiplication.
    run *cmd
nmatrix.gemspec:9:13: C: Security/Eval: The use of eval is a serious security risk.
  gemspec = eval(
lib/nmatrix/fftw.rb:278:11: C: Naming/AccessorMethodName: Do not prefix writer method names with set_.
      def set_input ip
lib/nmatrix/monkeys.rb:55:37: W: Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Shadowing outer local variable - shape.
    guess_shape = lambda { |shapey; shape|
lib/nmatrix/monkeys.rb:127:22: C: Style/CommentedKeyword: Do not place comments on the same line as the module keyword.
module AutoloadPatch #:nodoc
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:20:5: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
    $defs.each do |line|
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:68:3: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $CXX_STANDARD = "c++11"
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:78:3: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $CXX_STANDARD = if version < "4.7.0"
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:83:33: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  puts "using C++ standard... #{$CXX_STANDARD}"
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:88:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS += " -O3 "
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:90:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS += " -O3 -std=#{$CXX_STANDARD} " #-fmax-errors=10 -save-temps
lib/nmatrix/mkmf.rb:90:27: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS += " -O3 -std=#{$CXX_STANDARD} " #-fmax-errors=10 -save-temps
lib/nmatrix/cruby/math.rb:432:76: C: Style/LineEndConcatenation: Use \ instead of + or << to concatenate those strings.
      warn "warning: A diagonal element of R in A = QR is close to zero ;" <<
lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:744:5: W: Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method NMatrix.linspace is defined at both lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:646 and lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:744.
    def linspace(base, limit, shape = [100])
lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:797:5: W: Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method NMatrix.logspace is defined at both lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:699 and lib/nmatrix/shortcuts.rb:797.
    def logspace(base, limit, shape = [50], exponent_base: 10)
lib/nmatrix/io/market.rb:214:18: W: Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Wrap assignment in parentheses if intentional
      while line = file.gets
lib/nmatrix/io/market.rb:217:15: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - comment. Use _ or _comment as a variable name to indicate that it won't be used.
        line, comment = line.split("%", 2) # ignore comments
lib/nmatrix/io/market.rb:226:18: W: Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Wrap assignment in parentheses if intentional
      while line = file.gets
lib/nmatrix/io/market.rb:229:15: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - comment. Use _ or _comment as a variable name to indicate that it won't be used.
        line, comment = line.split("%", 2) # ignore comments
lib/nmatrix/io/point_cloud.rb:117:18: W: Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Wrap assignment in parentheses if intentional
      while line = f.gets
lib/nmatrix/io/point_cloud.rb:118:50: W: Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Shadowing outer local variable - f.
        @matrix[i, :*] = { |f| f.send(convert) }
lib/nmatrix/io/point_cloud.rb:125:19: W: Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Ambiguous splat operator. Parenthesize the method arguments if it's surely a splat operator, or add a whitespace to the right of the * if it should be a multiplication.
    attr_accessor *ENTRIES
lib/nmatrix/io/point_cloud.rb:134:18: W: Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Wrap assignment in parentheses if intentional
      while line = f.gets
lib/nmatrix/io/point_cloud.rb:140:49: W: Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Shadowing outer local variable - f.
          line.split.tap { |t| t.shift }.map { |f|
lib/nmatrix/io/harwell_boeing.rb:164:31: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - c. Use - instead of -=.
! {|c| c -= 1}
lib/nmatrix/io/harwell_boeing.rb:176:34: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - r. Use - instead of -=.
! {|r| r -= 1}
lib/nmatrix/io/mat5_reader.rb:104:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        packedio << [info, {bytes: padded_bytes}.merge(options)]
lib/nmatrix/io/mat5_reader.rb:278:9: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - from_dtype.
        from_dtype = MatReader::MDTYPE_TO_DTYPE[real_part.tag.data_type]
lib/nmatrix/homogeneous.rb:134:9: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move NMatrix.eye(4, opts) out of the conditional.
        NMatrix.eye(4, opts)
lib/nmatrix/homogeneous.rb:136:9: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move NMatrix.eye(4, opts) out of the conditional.
        NMatrix.eye(4, opts)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/slice.rb:83:11: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - s.
          s = @s.toArray.to_a
lib/nmatrix/jruby/slice.rb:100:7: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - result.
      result = []
lib/nmatrix/jruby/slice.rb:130:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      resultShape =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/slice.rb:145:7: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - temp.
      temp = []
lib/nmatrix/jruby/slice.rb:180:70: C: Style/CommentedKeyword: Do not place comments on the same line as the def keyword.
  def dense_storage_coords(s, slice_pos, coords_out, stride, offset) # array, int, array
lib/nmatrix/jruby/operators.rb:68:10: C: Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: When defining the ** operator, name its argument other.
  def ** val
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:42:11: C: Style/IfInsideElse: Convert if nested inside else to elsif.
          if args.length > 1
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:129:7: C: Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.
  def twoDMat
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:133:3: W: Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method NMatrix#dtype is defined at both lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:19 and lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:133.
  attr_reader :dtype
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:140:3: W: Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method NMatrix#stype is defined at both lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:19 and lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:140.
  def stype
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:182:5: W: Lint/Void: Variable to_return used in void context.
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:220:3: W: Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method NMatrix#shape is defined at both lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:19 and lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:220.
  attr_reader :shape
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:236:2: W: Layout/DefEndAlignment: end at 236, 1 is not aligned with def at 222, 2.
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:252:7: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
      return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:267:7: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
      return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:342:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - shape_copy.
    shape_copy =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:372:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - shape_copy.
    shape_copy =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:410:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - shape_copy.
    shape_copy =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:414:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move dense_storage_coords(nmatrix, k, coords, stride, offset) out of the conditional.
          dense_storage_coords(nmatrix, k, coords, stride, offset)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:418:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move dense_storage_coords(nmatrix, k, coords, stride, offset) out of the conditional.
          dense_storage_coords(nmatrix, k, coords, stride, offset)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:436:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - shape_copy.
    shape_copy =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:474:10: C: Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: When defining the == operator, name its argument other.
  def ==(otherNmatrix)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:474:10: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
  def ==(otherNmatrix)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:501:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:506:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:512:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:530:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:535:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:541:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:559:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:564:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:570:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:588:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:593:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:599:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:617:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:622:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:628:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:646:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    resultArray =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:651:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:657:11: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
          return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:682:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:687:9: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
        return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:696:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = self.twoDMat.multiply(other.twoDMat)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:715:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move eps = 0 out of the conditional.
          eps = 0
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:716:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move is_symmetric = MatrixUtils.isSymmetric(twoDMat, eps) out of the conditional.
          is_symmetric = MatrixUtils.isSymmetric(twoDMat, eps)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:718:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move eps = 0 out of the conditional.
          eps = 0
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:719:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move is_symmetric = MatrixUtils.isSymmetric(twoDMat, eps) out of the conditional.
          is_symmetric = MatrixUtils.isSymmetric(twoDMat, eps)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:722:7: C: Style/EmptyElse: Redundant else-clause.
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:749:7: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
      return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:756:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = MatrixUtils.inverse(matrix.twoDMat)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:771:7: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
      return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:773:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - to_return.
    to_return = nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:777:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = MatrixUtils.inverse(self.twoDMat)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:792:7: W: Lint/UnreachableCode: Unreachable code detected.
      return nil
lib/nmatrix/jruby/nmatrix_java.rb:799:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = MatrixUtils.inverse(self.twoDMat)
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:182:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = cholesky.getLT
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:187:7: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
      twoDMat = cholesky.getL
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:216:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    twoDMat = cholesky.getL
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:219:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    twoDMat = cholesky.getLT
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:242:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    twoDMat =
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:270:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    qtwoDMat = qrdecomp.getQ
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:274:5: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
    rtwoDMat = qrdecomp.getR
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:331:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - x.
    x    = b.clone
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:332:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - n.
    n    = shape[0]
lib/nmatrix/jruby/math.rb:333:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - nrhs.
    nrhs = b.shape[1]
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:42:3: C: Style/IfInsideElse: Convert if nested inside else to elsif.
  if File.exist?("lib/nmatrix/") # || File.exist?("lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.bundle")
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:650:7: C: Style/IfInsideElse: Convert if nested inside else to elsif.
      if jruby?
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:653:9: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
        twoDMat = self.twoDMat.transpose
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:953:3: C: Style/MethodMissingSuper: When using method_missing, fall back on super.
  def method_missing name, *args, &block #:nodoc: ...
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:953:3: C: Style/MissingRespondToMissing: When using method_missing, define respond_to_missing?.
  def method_missing name, *args, &block #:nodoc: ...
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:1058:81: C: Style/LineEndConcatenation: Use \ instead of + or << to concatenate those strings.
        ary << "ija:#{__yale_ary__to_s(:ija)}" << "ia:#{__yale_ary__to_s(:ia)}" <<
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:1059:103: C: Style/LineEndConcatenation: Use \ instead of + or << to concatenate those strings.
          "ja:#{__yale_ary__to_s(:ja)}" << "a:#{__yale_ary__to_s(:a)}" << "d:#{__yale_ary__to_s(:d)}" <<
lib/nmatrix/nmatrix.rb:1070:136: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - p. Use * instead of *=.
    raise(ArgumentError, "reshape cannot resize; size of new and old matrices must match") unless size == new_shape.inject(1) { |p, i| p *= i }
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:106:7: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move cloned.invert! out of the conditional.
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:109:7: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move cloned.invert! out of the conditional.
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:157:7: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move cloned.exact_inverse! out of the conditional.
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:160:7: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move cloned.exact_inverse! out of the conditional.
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:328:29: W: Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: (...) interpreted as grouped expression.
      return two_matrix_norm (type == -2)
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:330:29: W: Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: (...) interpreted as grouped expression.
      return one_matrix_norm (type == -1)
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:334:29: W: Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: (...) interpreted as grouped expression.
      return inf_matrix_norm (type == :'-inf' || type == :'-infinity')
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:438:16: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - getby.
      each_row(getby = :copy) do |selfr|
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:648:52: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - sum. Use + instead of +=.
      col_sums << col(i).inject(0) { |sum, number| sum += number.abs}
lib/nmatrix/math.rb:661:52: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - sum. Use + instead of +=.
      row_sums << row(i).inject(0) { |sum, number| sum += number.abs}
spec/blas_spec.rb:33:12: E: Lint/Syntax: unexpected token tCOMMA
(Using Ruby 2.5 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)
   :object],.each do |dtype|
spec/blas_spec.rb:210:1: E: Lint/Syntax: unexpected token kEND
(Using Ruby 2.5 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)
spec/stat_spec.rb:131:43: W: Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: Parenthesize the param { |e| e**2 } to make sure that the block will be associated with the method call.
          expect(en.each { |e| e**2 }).to eq { |e| e**2 } unless stype == :yale
spec/stat_spec.rb:133:43: W: Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: Parenthesize the param { |e| e**2 } to make sure that the block will be associated with the method call.
          expect(en.each { |e| e**2 }).to eq { |e| e**2 }
spec/stat_spec.rb:140:39: W: Lint/Void: Operator + used in void context.
            expect(en.each { |a, e| a + e }.to_f).to eq 12
spec/stat_spec.rb:143:37: W: Lint/Void: Operator + used in void context.
          expect(en.each { |a, e| a + e }).to eq NMatrix[[2.0], [6.0], stype: stype]
spec/math_spec.rb:154:75: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - e.
                    expect(@m.send(meth)).to eq, { |e| e = Complex(e.real.send(meth), e.imag.send(meth)) }, dtype: dtype, stype: stype)
spec/math_spec.rb:433:14: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - r. Use _ or _r as a variable name to indicate that it won't be used.
          q, r = a.factorize_qr
spec/math_spec.rb:524:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move begin
            expect( be_within(err).of(b)
          rescue NotImplementedError
            pending "Suppressing a NotImplementedError when the atlas plugin is not available"
          end out of the conditional.
          begin ...
spec/math_spec.rb:534:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move begin
            expect( be_within(err).of(b)
          rescue NotImplementedError
            pending "Suppressing a NotImplementedError when the atlas plugin is not available"
          end out of the conditional.
          begin ...
spec/math_spec.rb:549:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move begin
            b = a.pinv # pseudo inverse
            expect( be_within(err).of(a)
            expect( be_within(err).of(b)
          rescue NotImplementedError
            pending "Suppressing a NotImplementedError when the atlas plugin is not available"
          end out of the conditional.
          begin ...
spec/math_spec.rb:560:11: C: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches: Move begin
            b = a.pinv # pseudo inverse
            expect( be_within(err).of(a)
            expect( be_within(err).of(b)
          rescue NotImplementedError
            pending "Suppressing a NotImplementedError when the atlas plugin is not available"
          end out of the conditional.
          begin ...
spec/math_spec.rb:1200:11: C: Naming/VariableName: Use snake_case for variable names.
          @matrix_norm_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-10
spec/02_slice_spec.rb:365:15: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - n.
              n = stype_matrix[1..2, 0..1]
spec/elementwise_spec.rb:78:7: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - m.
      m =, stype: :yale, dtype: :int64)
spec/00_nmatrix_spec.rb:129:5: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - m.
    m =, [3, 3], [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5], :int64)
spec/00_nmatrix_spec.rb:430:20: W: Lint/Void: Operator + used in void context.
    t.each { |x| x + 0 }
spec/00_nmatrix_spec.rb:579:16: W: Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: (...) interpreted as grouped expression.
        context ("#{left}?#{right}") do
spec/00_nmatrix_spec.rb:610:15: C: Style/CommentedKeyword: Do not place comments on the same line as the end keyword.
          end # yale must have dimension 2
spec/shortcuts_spec.rb:150:7: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - m.
      m = NMatrix.random(2, dtype: :complex128)
spec/nmatrix_yale_spec.rb:56:7: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - x.
      x = n + m
spec/nmatrix_yale_spec.rb:129:94: C: Security/YAMLLoad: Prefer using YAML.safe_load over YAML.load.
      associations ="spec/nmatrix_yale_resize_test_associations.yaml") { |y| YAML.load(y) }
spec/nmatrix_yale_spec.rb:276:22: W: Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: (...) interpreted as grouped expression.
          STDERR.puts (a.yale_ja_d_keys_at(ai) & b.yale_ja_d_keys_at(bi)).inspect
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:37:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:37:92: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:38:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:38:94: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:39:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:39:94: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:44:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$objs = { |b| "#{b}.o"   }
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:45:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$srcs = { |b| "#{b}.cpp" }
ext/nmatrix_lapacke/extconf.rb:61:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$libs += " -llapack "
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:31:1: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - fftw_srcdir. Did you mean fftw_incdir?
fftw_srcdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["srcdir"]
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:33:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:33:92: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:34:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include -std=c++11", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:34:105: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include -std=c++11", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:35:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include -std=c++11", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:35:105: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix -I$(srcdir)/lapacke/include -std=c++11", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:37:1: W: Lint/UselessAssignment: Useless assignment to variable - flags.
flags = " --include=#{fftw_incdir} --libdir=#{fftw_libdir}"
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:40:3: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $CFLAGS += [" -lfftw3 -lm #{$CFLAGS} #{$flags}"].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:40:31: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $CFLAGS += [" -lfftw3 -lm #{$CFLAGS} #{$flags}"].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_fftw/extconf.rb:40:42: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $CFLAGS += [" -lfftw3 -lm #{$CFLAGS} #{$flags}"].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:30:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:39:3: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $INSTALLFILES << ["libnmatrix.a", "$(archdir)"]
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:43:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:43:41: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:44:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:44:43: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:45:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:45:43: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:49:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$objs = { |b| "#{b}.o"   }
ext/nmatrix/extconf.rb:50:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$srcs = { |b| "#{b}.cpp" }
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:37:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:37:64: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:38:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:38:66: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CXXFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:39:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:39:66: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$CPPFLAGS = ["-Wall -Werror=return-type -I$(srcdir)/../nmatrix", $CPPFLAGS].join(" ")
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:44:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$objs = { |b| "#{b}.o"   }
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:45:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$srcs = { |b| "#{b}.cpp" }
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:73:3: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
  $libs += " -lclapack "
ext/nmatrix_atlas/extconf.rb:113:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$libs += " -llapack -lcblas -latlas "
rubyFeedback commented 3 years ago

This is why a project has to maintain maximum consistency.

Ruby is very flexible but this can negatively affect productivity, e. g. when we have code such as:! { |gemspec| eval( }

It does not seem to really necessary to write code like this.