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Generate list of gems for the homepage from gems.yml #41

Closed minad closed 9 years ago

minad commented 9 years ago

See gems.yml and gems.slim

slimrb gems.slim > gems.html

generated file

ping @mohawkjohn @agarie

audy commented 9 years ago

That's slick. We should put that up on

I thought it might be good to add one of those dependency out-of-date badges using Gemnasium as this is a "meta" Gem. But Gemnasium doesn't know how to parse the gems.yaml. It might be good to commit an actual Gemfile.

minad commented 9 years ago

Thx. An actual gemfile is not sufficient since I need additional information as given in gems.yml.

However, what gemnasium does is pretty trivial, I quickly added some checks to gems.slim, see

minad commented 9 years ago

maybe I just do both. so we can use gemnasium if we want

agarie commented 9 years ago

That is definitely a good idea. A REALLY good idea. Having the sciruby gem and the website synchronised in this way should help with discovering new libraries and tools.

By the way, that table you created is really neat.

We need to update, put the list of GSoC students in the last years, their projects, etc. :-( The source is in SciRuby/ It's been a long time since I last used Jekyll/Octopress, so I'll need some time to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong.

audy commented 9 years ago

I always forget how Octopress works and I helped set up the site :confounded:

minad commented 9 years ago

Ok, I want to do the list update automatically via travis. I will write a small deploy script which deploys to some gh-pages and then we can adapt it to the sciruby website.

I hope that this list will also act as some motivation to get all the components work together, e.g. gsl and nmatrix still doesn't work for me.

audy commented 9 years ago

I was working on a .travis.yml for this but I couldn't get all of the libraries to install. I thought it would be good to show that the SciRuby meta-gem can be installed using the methods explained in the documentation. I also thought it would be beneficial to add an OS X build.

gsl and nmatrix still doesn't work for me

This might be the problem I was having. I'm working on it over here. Commits are currently a mess. Maybe someone who is more familiar with installing all of these libraries could have a look.

edit: Sorry, I got confused. I thought you were talking about the SciRuby gem, not the Octopress source.

minad commented 9 years ago

@audy great, I am working on some tests and the next thing will be the travis. You can take a look at sciruby-notebooks/Dockerfile. There the installation already works.

agarie commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sure @v0dro can help you with GSL and NMatrix. He got gsl-nmatrix working on travis for Statsample. :+1:

minad commented 9 years ago

@audy I pushed a small test suite. If you are still working on travis, you can use that. Do at first the apt-gets, then a bundle install and finally a rake test

minad commented 9 years ago

@audy I activated the travis.yml that you provided with slight modifications. In principle this should work

The gem list will be automatically updated at

v0dro commented 9 years ago

@audy The old gsl-nmatrix gem ( does not compile as of now. it was built using an old nmatrix which is completely different from the current one.

Keeping this in mind I re-forked the narray dependent rb-gsl ( and made a brand new gsl-nmatrix ( which works great. It compiles fine and statsample works perfectly with it. Heres a blog post describing the process.

The only problem with this is that it abandons the commits that were made the SciRuby/rb-gsl gem. Hence, once I get a breather from GSOC I will be merging my fork of gsl-nmatrix with SciRuby/rb-gsl and make my fork the default nmatrix-dependent GSL ruby wrapper.

The author of rb-gsl is also optimistic about an nmatrix dependent GSL wrapper and is willing to replace it with his narray dependent wrapper.

So all in all gsl-nmatrix would be currently unavailable. I will try to do the ASAP, but I'm quite busy with GSOC currently.

If you want to use the gem you can clone it from my repo and compile it. Or you can also write a script to do that so that users of the sciruby meta-gem can take advantage of an nmatrix-dependent GSL wrapper.

minad commented 9 years ago

@v0dro as long as rb-gsl doesn't compile cleanly with nmatrix as a gem we cannot include it in the dependencies. It is excluded in gems.yml for now.

translunar commented 9 years ago

@agarie @minad @audy You want to clone, do git checkout source, and work in that branch, generally. master contains the raw Octopress sources, but source is where we keep SciRuby-specific stuff. =)

minad commented 9 years ago

The script deploys the page automatically to

I think we can do the same with the website.