SciSharp / BotSharp

The AI Agent Framework in .NET
Apache License 2.0
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Newbie that could use some help with compiling and running. #37

Closed Mistirix closed 1 year ago

Mistirix commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I am new to programming and have started learning C# about 3 months ago, I have never programmed anything before this time period.

After making a calculator and some other basic programs I really wanted to learn how bigger applications work and learn how to upgrade and modify them.

Since I love the A.I part of programming this chatbot seemed like the place to begin. Yet after snooping around I wanted to test the actual bot and that is where I am stuck now.

I can compile solutions in every separate folder to a separate .exe file yet when I run it it starts VS 2017 and shows the code instead of a UI screen where I can chat with the bot? Is there a way to compile all into 1 single .exe file?? Or am I thinking wrong and I need to do something else to make it work?

I also keep getting 6 warnings when trying to run it in VS, tried looking up the fault codes yet for now It is not understandable for someone that is just starting out in this field.

Kind regards from this newbie in programming.

Oceania2018 commented 5 years ago

@Mistirix First of all, Welcome to enter the chatbot world of BotSharp. I would suggest for you:

  1. Check the online doc.
  2. Read books about Machine Learning especially for algorithm in Text classification and NER.
  3. Practice your coding skill.
  4. Participate in BotSharp, even just testing, comment and submitting issue.