SciSharp / BotSharp

The AI Agent Framework in .NET
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot load type #42

Closed emover closed 1 year ago

emover commented 4 years ago

Read settings from C:\BotSharp2\BotSharp\BotSharp.WebHost\Settings Loaded Platform "BotSharp.Platform.Dialogflow" NLU engine: BotSharpNLU, Agent Storage: AgentStorageInFile.

When running in Visual Studio, the application started but shows those:

Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.Rasa" Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.Articulate" Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.OwnThink" Loaded Channel "BotSharp.Channel.Weixin" Loaded Channel "BotSharp.Channel.FacebookMessenger"

BotSharp API [v1] Apache License 2.0 BotSharp is a chatbot platform builder running in .NET Core BotSharp AI, 6/23/2019 1:52:22 PM

Loaded Platform "BotSharp.Platform.Dialogflow" Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.Rasa" Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.Articulate" Cannot load type "BotSharp.Platform.OwnThink" Loaded Channel "BotSharp.Channel.Weixin" Loaded Channel "BotSharp.Channel.FacebookMessenger" Hosting environment: Development Content root path: C:\BotSharp2\BotSharp\BotSharp.WebHost Now listening on: Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

And Articulate-ui gives an error : Error: agent head missing

qcjxberin commented 4 years ago

You can refer to the project that was reported incorrectly in the project BotSharp.WebHost, and then execute it and then execute it.