I'm working on a Neural Network for the video game Celeste, and I'm using Numsharp to convert a code that a friend made, but he used python.
Currently, I'm calling a train function a huge number of time, and randomly, this error pops out :
One or more errors occurred.
-> at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional()
-> at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
-> at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
-> at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForWorker[TLocal]()
-> at System. Threading.Tasks. Parallel.For()
-> at NumSharp. Backends. DefaultEngine.ClipNDArray()
-> at NumSharp.np.maximum()
I've googled it but found nothing relevant.
I don't really know if I can do a proper reproductible exemple, but if you need more informations about this error, i would be pleased to send them.
Here is some of the code :
public static void TrainCommand()
for (int i = 0; i < Directory.GetFiles("Mia/Saves","*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length/2; i++)
var tdimarray = np.load($"Mia/Saves/ArraySaved_{i}.npy"); // 20x20 array
var tdiminput = np.load($"Mia/Saves/InputSaved_{i}.npy"); // 56x1 array
for(int j = 0; j < 10_000; j++)
double[] input = (double[])(Array)tdiminput[j];
NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork.Train(lr, tdimarray[j], Utils.AllArrayFromOld(input ));
public class FirstLayers
public NDArray weights;
public NDArray biases;
public NDArray inputs;
public NDArray outputNotActivated;
public NDArray output;
public NDArray outputGradient;
public FirstLayers(NDArray weights, NDArray biases)
this.weights = weights;
this.biases = biases;
public void Forward(NDArray inputs)
this.inputs = inputs;
this.outputNotActivated = np.dot(inputs, this.weights) + this.biases; //np.dot
this.output = np.maximum(0, this.outputNotActivated);
public void FirstLayerBackward(NDArray inputGradient, double learningRate)
bool one = DerivRelu(this.outputNotActivated) == null;
inputGradient = inputGradient * DerivRelu(this.outputNotActivated);
this.outputGradient = np.dot(inputGradient, this.weights.T);
this.weights -= np.dot(this.inputs.T, inputGradient) * learningRate / inputGradient.shape[0];
this.biases -= np.mean(inputGradient, axis: 0) * learningRate;
public NDArray DerivRelu(NDArray x)
NDArray result = np.zeros(x.Shape);
for (int i = 0; i < x.Shape[0]; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < x.Shape[1]; j++)
result[i, j] = (x[i, j].Data<double>()[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0);
return result;
public class LastLayer
public NDArray weights;
public NDArray biases;
public NDArray inputs;
public NDArray outputGradient;
public NDArray output;
public LastLayer(NDArray weights, NDArray biases)
this.weights = weights;
this.biases = biases;
public void Forward(NDArray inputs)
this.inputs = inputs;
NDArray outputNotActivated = np.dot(inputs, this.weights) + this.biases;
NDArray expValues = np.exp(outputNotActivated - np.max(outputNotActivated, axis: 1, keepdims: true));
this.output = expValues / np.sum(expValues.astype(NPTypeCode.Float), axis: 1, keepdims: true);
public void LastLayerBackward(NDArray yPred, NDArray yTrue, double learningRate)
NDArray inputGradient = yPred - yTrue;
this.outputGradient = np.dot(inputGradient, this.weights.T);
this.weights -= np.dot(this.inputs.T, inputGradient) * learningRate / inputGradient.shape[0];
this.biases -= np.mean(inputGradient, axis: 0) * learningRate;
private static Tuple<List<FirstLayers>, LastLayer> nn;
public static void Open()
var weights = new List<NDArray> ();
var biases = new List<NDArray> ();
foreach(string file in Directory.GetFiles("Mia/weights"))
weights.Add(np.load (file));
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles("Mia/biases"))
int n = weights.Count;
nn = new Tuple<List<FirstLayers>, LastLayer>(
new List<FirstLayers>(),
new LastLayer(weights[n - 1], biases[n - 1])); // I gave it a new value... We'll see.
for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++)
nn.Item1.Add(new FirstLayers(weights[j], biases[j]));
public static void Train(double lr, NDArray allTiles, int[] keypress)
NDArray trueInputs = allTiles.reshape(1, 400);
NDArray labels = new NDArray(keypress);
NDArray output = ForPropagation(trueInputs);
BackPropagation(output, labels, lr);
public static NDArray ForPropagation(NDArray input)
for (int i = 1; i < nn.Item1.Count; i++) // Adding all the values inside of FirstLayer
nn.Item1[i].Forward(nn.Item1[i - 1].output);
nn.Item2.Forward(nn.Item1[nn.Item1.Count - 1].output);
return nn.Item2.output;
public static void BackPropagation(NDArray yPred, NDArray yTrue, double lr)
// Your implementation for the BackPropagation function
nn.Item2.LastLayerBackward(yPred, yTrue, lr);
nn.Item1[nn.Item1.Count - 1].FirstLayerBackward(nn.Item2.outputGradient, lr);
for (int i = nn.Item1.Count - 3; i >= 0; i--)
nn.Item1[i].FirstLayerBackward(nn.Item1[i + 1].outputGradient, lr);
Hello, I'm working on a Neural Network for the video game Celeste, and I'm using Numsharp to convert a code that a friend made, but he used python. Currently, I'm calling a train function a huge number of time, and randomly, this error pops out :
I've googled it but found nothing relevant. I don't really know if I can do a proper reproductible exemple, but if you need more informations about this error, i would be pleased to send them.
Here is some of the code :