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CnnInYourOwnData:after call Train() ,in Test() function will interrupt #61

Open zj2050 opened 2 years ago

zj2050 commented 2 years ago

In vs2019 debug mode,after CnnInYourOwnData call Train() and running finished,it can generated all ckpt files but then call Test() function : (loss_test, accuracy_test) =, accuracy), (x, x_test), (y, y_test)); will auto interrupted without any information after some time;

if deleted next two lines Test(); TestDataOutput();

and direct call function FreezeModel();

    public override string FreezeModel()
        return tf.train.freeze_graph(Config.Name + @"\\MODEL", @".\\CNN_Best", new[]

will generate pb file, but the pb file is more less ckpt files,ckpt file more than 786M, and pb file is only 262M,using netron open pb and ckpt it show very defferent

