Open flakid opened 1 year ago
Hello, could you mind providing your version of TensorFlow.NET? And how do you save and load model (we recommend to use keras.models.load_model to load the whole model rather than save and load weight, because it has a more comprehensive implementation)? I use the following code to save model, then load it and predict it twice, and it works well. (The version of my TensorFlow.NET and TensorFlow.Keras is 0.110.4)
using static Tensorflow.KerasApi;
using Tensorflow;
var input = keras.Input((784));
var x = keras.layers.Reshape((28, 28)).Apply(input);
x = keras.layers.LSTM(50, return_sequences: true).Apply(x);
x = keras.layers.LSTM(100).Apply(x);
var output = keras.layers.Dense(10, activation: "softmax").Apply(x);
var model = keras.Model(input, output);
model.compile(keras.optimizers.Adam(), keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(), new string[] { "accuracy" });
var data_loader = new MnistModelLoader();
var dataset = data_loader.LoadAsync(new ModelLoadSetting
TrainDir = "mnist",
OneHot = true,
ValidationSize = 55000,
}).Result;, dataset.Train.Labels, batch_size: 16, epochs: 1);"./mnist_model");
// after training and saving model, comment the code above and uncomment the following code.
//var model = keras.models.load_model("./mnist_model");
//var input = tf.ones((8, 28, 28), dtype: TF_DataType.TF_FLOAT);
//var output = model.predict(input, 4);
I use a version 0.150.0. Predict it twice I mean like this:, dataset.Train.Labels, batch_size: 64, epochs: 1); (x_test, y_test) = (dataset.Test.Data, dataset.Test.Labels); var output = model.predict(x_test, , use_multiprocessing: true, workers: 8);"./mnist_model"); model.save_weights("./Weights");
keras.backend.clear_session(); model = keras.models.load_model("./mnist_model"); model.load_weights("./Weights"); output = model.predict(x_test, , use_multiprocessing: true, workers: 8);
keras.backend.clear_session(); model = keras.models.load_model("./mnist_model"); model.load_weights("./Weights"); output = model.predict(x_test, , use_multiprocessing: true, workers: 8);
Without the weights two predictions of same inputs do not match.
Hello, could you please try use version 0.110.4 for now? I run the code you provided above in version 0.110.4, it runs well, and it fails when in version 0.150.0.
Use example TrainLSTMWithMnist() in Rnn.Test.cs to train and save model. Then load exported model and predict TestData of Mnist.
Do this loading and prediction twice cause Tensorflow.InvalidArgumentError:“Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [32,50], In[1]: [28,200]”
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