SciTools / cartopy

Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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contourf plot from on cartopy map - Error: TopologyException: side location conflict at #1868

Closed anuappu closed 6 months ago

anuappu commented 3 years ago


I am using cartopy to produce a contourf plot on a grid. The data file contains latitude/longitude positions to map probability.

As suggested on StackOverflow, (Shapely 1.8a1 (2021-03-03), which is currently a pre-release, has this feature. See the docs here.) I tried the is_valid and make_valid with the Shapely 1.8a3 and the updated file. However, this conflicts with some other modules and gives me a segmentation fault (core dumped).

The error I am pasting here is without the is_valid and make_valid functions, the original error and code.

Code to reproduce

Please see the code below:

from future import print_function

import tkinter as tk import os import sys import glob import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from math import radians,cos,sin,asin,sqrt import pandas as pd from ast import literal_eval import ast import datetime import matplotlib.path as mpath import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib as mpl

import csv

import as ccrs from cartopy.feature import GSHHSFeature from cartopy.mpl.ticker import LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter import cartopy.feature as cfeature

#############READ DATA#########################

data_dir = ""

file_list = glob.glob(data_dir + 'prob_storm_data_file.dat') ################################################################# def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): """ Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees) """

convert decimal degrees to radians

lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])

haversine formula

dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat/2)2 + cos(lat1) cos(lat2) sin(dlon/2)2 c = 2 asin(sqrt(a)) r = 6371 # Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles return c r def find_nearest(array,value):

Find the nearest grid point distance

idx=(np.abs(array-value)).argmin() return idx

RE -------------------

Initialize the empty Plot (only need to call the figure to write the map.)

fig = plt.figure()


Reads in the data

for ff in file_list: thinfilename = os.path.basename(ff) thinfilenamedir = data_dir

RE: This already opens the file and formats it nicely for plotting

a_data = pd.read_csv(thinfilename, sep=',',skipinitialspace=True,header=None, usecols=[0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14])

RE ------------------------

rename the columns

a_data.columns=['basin', 'stormnum', 'dtg', 'model', 'fhr', 'lat', 'lon', 'kt', 'mslp', 'initial_time', 'valid_fhr', 'valid_day_of_week', 'valid_time','domain'] ######################atlantic##################################################

This fetches the lat/lon postions

a_data['lat1'] = a_data['lat'] a_data['lon1'] = a_data['lon']

This section is needed for drawing blank maps with proper name

if((a_data.model == "NO").any()): a_data['mod_tit'] = "NO" a_data['valid_day'] = "NO"

elif((a_data.model == "GEFS").any()): else: a_data['mod_tit'] = "GEFS"

Converts valid day to upper case

a_data['valid_day'] = a_data['valid_day_of_week'].any().upper()


Sets the proper map prohection topography etc

Sets area for the selected basin - Atlantic


if((a_data.domain == "europe").any()):

ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Stereographic(central_longitude=10.0, central_latitude=40.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, true_scale_latitude=None, globe=None)) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.EuroPP()) ax.set_extent([-30, 40,20, 70], crs=ccrs.EuroPP()) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=10.0, central_latitude=40.0, standard_parallels=(40.0, 40.0))) ax.set_extent([-30, 40, 25, 70], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())

PLS NOTE THAT THE ax_extent is diff from tick marks and that is by design

xticks = [-50,-40, -30, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] yticks = [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70] ax.gridlines(xlocs=xticks, ylocs=yticks,color='gray', alpha=0.9, linestyle='--')

Add topography, lakes, borders etc

ax.coastlines('10m',linewidth=0.30, color='black') ax.add_feature(cfeature.GSHHSFeature('low', levels=[2], facecolor='white'), color='black', linewidth=0.1) land_10m = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', '10m', edgecolor='face', facecolor='None') ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES) ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, linewidth=0.1) ax.add_feature(land_10m) ########This part is a roundabout

for the known issues with

cartopy LCC/Northpolarstero projection.

without_gfs = a_data[ a_data['model'] != "GFSO" ] data_for_prob = without_gfs[ without_gfs['model'] != "GEFS" ]

To count unique members

Here the counts are set to 6 or more for GEFS

counts = (data_for_prob.groupby(['stormnum'])['model'].nunique()) filtered = counts[counts >= 6] new_data = data_for_prob[data_for_prob['stormnum'].isin(filtered.index)]

Assigning same data for easiness in grouping

track_data = new_data prob_data = new_data mean_data = new_data gfs_data = a_data


To count unique members

Need to do it again for plotting GEFS control

counts = (a_data.groupby(['stormnum'])['model'].nunique()) filtered = counts[counts >= 6] gefs_data = a_data[a_data['stormnum'].isin(filtered.index)]

#################plot member tracks################################################

Not plotting tracks for data reasons.

Keeping it here, so that if need be, this can be put back if there is a last minute user request

g1 = track_data.groupby([track_data.stormnum, track_data.model])

for label, track_data in g1:

plt.plot(track_data.lon1, track_data.lat1,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='black', linewidth='0.5') ######################################################################################################### #######Plot control run track############################ g2 = gefs_data.groupby([gefs_data.stormnum, gefs_data.model]) for label, gefs_data in g2: if((gefs_data.model == "GEFS").any()): plt.plot(gefs_data.lon1, gefs_data.lat1,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='black', linewidth='1.5') ############################################################################################################### ############plot GFS deterministic track ###################

NOT plotting GFS deterministic for now, but leaving it here just in case user needs it later

g3 = gfs_data.groupby([gfs_data.stormnum, gfs_data.model])

for label, gfs_data in g3:

if((gfs_data.model == "GFSO").any()): plt.plot(gfs_data.lon1, gfs_data.lat1,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='red', linewidth='1.5') ######################################################################## ##########plot probability###############################################

If there is insufficient data assign 0 to all grid points This is to have same dimension for the images The commnets for iines 193 to 197 if len(prob_data.index.values) == 0: xnew,ynew=np.mgrid[45:335:291j,20:70:51j] nx=np.linspace(45.0,335,291) ny=np.linspace(20,70,51) perc=np.zeros((291,51))

elif len(prob_data.index.values) > 0:

g4= prob_data.groupby([prob_data.model]) thislat=[] thislon=[] for label, prob_data in g4: lat = np.asarray( lon = np.asarray(prob_data.lon) thislat.append(lat) thislon.append(lon) xnew,ynew=np.mgrid[45:335:291j,20:70:51j] nx=np.linspace(45.0,335,291) ny=np.linspace(20,70,51) prob=np.zeros((len(thislat),291,51)) print(len(thislat)) for m in range(len(thislat)): for l in range(len(thislat[m][:])): xmin=find_nearest(nx,thislon[m][l]-5) xmax=find_nearest(nx,thislon[m][l]+5) ymax=find_nearest(ny,thislat[m][l]+5) ymin=find_nearest(ny,thislat[m][l]-5) sublon=nx[xmin:xmax] sublat=ny[ymin:ymax] for n in range(len(sublon)): for o in range(len(sublat)): dist=haversine(thislon[m][l]-360,thislat[m][l],sublon[n],sublat[o]) if dist<150 and prob[m,xmin+n,ymin+o]==0: prob[m,xmin+n,ymin+o]=1.0 else: continue perc=(np.sum(prob,axis=0)/float(len(thislat)))*100.

colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#8000', '#00FF00','#1E90FF', '#00CED1', '#FFD700','#FF8C00','#FF4500', '#FFA07A'] clevs=[0, 20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.]


This section takes care of the title

if((a_data.mod_tit == "GEFS").any()): plt.title(f"Probabilistic Storm Tracks from GEFS \n {a_data['initial_time'].iloc[0]} {a_data['valid_fhr'].iloc[0]}HR FCST VALID ON {a_data['valid_day'].iloc[0]} {a_data['valid_time'].iloc[0]}", size=9, x=0.5) if((a_data.mod_tit == 'NO').any()): plt.title(f" ")

#######Plotting the probability keeping it if needed in future

if len(prob_data.index.values) == 0:

ax.annotate('No sufficient data to compute probability', xy=(-0.0000215, 0.018), xytext=(0, 10), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=5.3, ha='center', va='bottom', color='Black')

if len(prob_data.index.values) > 0:

sc=plt.contourf(xnew, ynew, perc, clevs, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),colors=colours,extend='max') cax = fig.add_axes([0.0015,0.1,0.015,0.5]) cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, cax=cax) cbar.set_ticks([])

plt.savefig('prob_storm.png', dpi=160,bbox_inches='tight') exit


Full environment definition ### Operating system Linux ### Cartopy version Cartopy version : 0.17.0 ### conda list ``` ``` ### pip list ``` ```

I am attaching a sample data set prob_storm_data_file.txt

greglucas commented 2 years ago

There is way too much going on here for us to figure out if Cartopy is causing the issues. Can you create a minimal self contained example (Preferably without extra data downloads)

It looks like this came from a Jupyter notebook and can't be copy-pasted into a test for us locally. You can format your code with three backticks ```python and then three more backticks at the end to make it readable on GitHub.

anuappu commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply. The issue seems to stem from an invalid polygon with the contourf function.

plt.contourf(xnew, ynew, perc, clevs, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),colors=colours,extend='max').

The same sample data seems to work fine, with no fill (contour).

rcomer commented 6 months ago

I think this is the same example as, which I tried to run with latest packages and it failed before the plotting step. I do not think we can investigate this so I'm going to close. @anuappu if you still have problems with current packages, please open a new issue with a minimal reproducing example.