SciTools / iris

A powerful, format-agnostic, and community-driven Python package for analysing and visualising Earth science data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
635 stars 283 forks source link

Pytest adoption tracker #5690

Open trexfeathers opened 9 months ago

trexfeathers commented 9 months ago

Iris approximate pytest adoption

Generated using this script

Click to expand this section... ```python import ast from pathlib import Path from sys import argv # Also requires the `tabulate` package. import pandas as pd if not (len(argv) == 2 and Path(argv[1]).exists()): message = "Correct script usage = ` `" raise ValueError(message) IRIS_ROOT = Path(argv[1]) IRIS_TREE_URL = "" markdown_path = Path(__file__).with_suffix(".md") tests_dir = IRIS_ROOT / "lib" / "iris" / "tests" dataframe_data = [] total_asserts = 0 total_asserts_pytest = 0 for file_path in tests_dir.rglob("*.py"): file_text = file_path.read_text() parsed = ast.parse(source=file_text) calls = filter(lambda node: hasattr(node, "func"), ast.walk(parsed)) assert_calls = filter( lambda c: getattr(c.func, "attr", "")[:6] == "assert", calls ) assert_calls_methods = filter(lambda c: hasattr(c.func, "value"), assert_calls) assert_calls_methods_self = filter( lambda m: getattr(m.func.value, "id", "") == "self", assert_calls_methods ) num_asserts_unittest = len(list(assert_calls_methods_self)) assert_keywords = filter( lambda node: isinstance(node, ast.Assert), ast.walk(parsed) ) num_asserts_pytest = len(list(assert_keywords)) both_asserts = num_asserts_unittest + num_asserts_pytest if both_asserts == 0: percent_adoption = "N/A" else: percent_adoption = f"{num_asserts_pytest / both_asserts * 100:.0f}" total_asserts += both_asserts total_asserts_pytest += num_asserts_pytest file_url = IRIS_TREE_URL + str(file_path.relative_to(IRIS_ROOT)) file_link_text = f"{file_path.relative_to(tests_dir).stem}" dataframe_data.append( { "% adoption": percent_adoption, # "File Path": f"[{file_link_text}]({file_url})", "File Path": f"{file_link_text}", "Number of `self.assertSomething()`": num_asserts_unittest, "Number of `assert something`": num_asserts_pytest, } ) pytest_adoption_df = pd.DataFrame(dataframe_data) total_percent_adoption = f"{total_asserts_pytest / total_asserts * 100:.0f}%" total_line = ( "## Total adoption\n\n" f"### {total_asserts_pytest} out of {total_asserts} : {total_percent_adoption}" ) script_line = ( "## Generated using this script\n\n" "
\n" "Click to expand this section...\n\n" "```python\n" f"{Path(__file__).read_text()}" "```\n\n" "
" ) # pytest_adoption_df.to_markdown(markdown_path, index=False) pytest_adoption_df.to_html(markdown_path, index=False) full_text = ( "# Iris approximate pytest adoption\n\n" f"{script_line}\n\n" f"{total_line}\n\n" "## Breakdown\n\n" f"{markdown_path.read_text()}" ) markdown_path.write_text(full_text) ```

Total adoption

548 out of 10272 : 5%


% adoption File Path Number of `self.assertSomething()` Number of `assert something`
0 test_nimrod 6 0
0 test_cube_to_pp 15 0
0 test_basic_maths 152 0
0 test_coord_api 138 0
N/A test_imports 0 0
0 test_file_load 5 0
0 test_util 29 0
0 test_cube 9 0
0 test_file_save 15 0
0 test_hybrid 45 0
0 test_image_json 4 0
0 test_pp_to_cube 15 0
100 test_coding_standards 0 4
0 test_cell 90 0
0 test_peak 29 0
0 test_intersect 2 0
0 test_io_init 6 0
0 test_iterate 74 0
0 test_mapping 3 0
0 test_pp_module 88 0
0 system_test 1 0
0 test_aggregate_by 62 0
65 test_lazy_aggregate_by 6 11
0 test_pp_stash 53 0
2 test_merge 100 2
0 test_pickling 15 0
0 test_coordsystem 90 0
0 test_constraints 119 0
0 test_uri_callback 1 0
20 test_analysis 166 41
0 test_cf 92 0
0 test_concatenate 161 0
0 test_cartography 3 0
0 test_abf 3 0
0 test_plot 24 0
0 test_name 9 0
0 __init__ 20 0
0 test_cdm 265 0
0 test_ff 42 0
0 test_load 21 0
0 test_netcdf 102 0
0 test_analysis_calculus 62 0
0 test_pp_cf 3 0
0 test_quickplot 7 0
0 test_std_names 5 0
0 test_raster 3 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
2 test_regrid_area_weighted_rectilinear_src_and_grid 54 1
0 test_regrid_conservative_via_esmpy 40 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A idiff 0 0
N/A recreate_imagerepo 0 0
0 test_pp 74 0
0 test_regrid_equivalence 8 0
0 test_pp_constrained_load_cubes 3 0
0 test_Datums 1 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_PartialDateTime 1 0
0 test_ff 11 0
0 test_new_axis 3 0
0 test_subset 1 0
0 test_cube 5 0
100 test_netcdf__loadsaveattrs 0 23
0 test_climatology 3 0
0 test_pickle 1 0
0 test_trajectory 13 0
0 test_regridding 11 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_area_weighted 4 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_OceanSigmaZFactory 6 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
14 test_concatenate 31 5
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_CubeRepresentation 33 0
0 test_regrid_ProjectedUnstructured 13 0
0 test_ugrid_load 9 0
0 test_ugrid_save 5 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
3 test_fast_load 28 1
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_merge 3 0
100 test_thread_safety 0 7
100 test_delayed_save 0 36
0 test_attributes 5 0
12 test_aux_factories 7 1
5 test_general 39 2
N/A __init__ 0 0
100 test_self_referencing 0 2
100 test__dask_locks 0 11
0 test_coord_systems 11 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_colorbar 6 0
N/A test_animate 0 0
0 test_netcdftime 1 0
0 test_nzdateline 1 0
N/A test_plot_2d_coords 0 0
0 test_vector_plots 1 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_fieldsfile 2 0
100 _stock_2d_latlons 0 2
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A mesh 0 0
100 netcdf 0 1
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A conftest 0 0
0 test_Future 14 0
0 test_sample_data_path 8 0
0 test_VARIANCE 12 0
0 test_COUNT 14 0
0 test_Nearest 5 0
0 test_PROPORTION 7 0
0 test_PointInCell 1 0
0 test_STD_DEV 9 0
0 test_WPERCENTILE 40 0
0 test__axis_to_single_trailing 8 0
0 test_PercentileAggregator 19 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Aggregator 21 0
0 test_MAX 9 0
0 test_MEAN 11 0
0 test_MIN 9 0
0 test_AreaWeighted 4 0
0 test_Linear 5 0
0 test_RMS 18 0
0 test_SUM 27 0
0 test_PERCENTILE 32 0
0 test_MAX_RUN 6 0
0 test_WeightedPercentileAggregator 21 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_AreaWeightedRegridder 20 0
0 test_gridcell_angles 31 0
0 test_project 15 0
0 test_rotate_grid_vectors 9 0
2 test_rotate_winds 65 1
100 test__get_lon_lat_coords 0 6
0 test__quadrant_area 9 0
60 test__xy_range 2 3
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_area_weights 2 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_geometry_area_weights 10 0
0 test__extract_relevant_cube_slice 5 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_RectilinearInterpolator 65 0
0 test_get_xy_dim_coords 15 0
N/A test__arith__dask_array 0 0
0 test_divide 4 0
0 __init__ 28 0
0 test_add 2 0
0 test_multiply 2 0
0 test_subtract 2 0
N/A test__arith__derived_coords 0 0
6 test__arith__meshcoords 16 1
0 test__get_dtype 1 0
0 test__inplace_common_checks 21 0
0 test__output_dtype 8 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
1 test_RectilinearRegridder 146 2
40 test__CurvilinearRegridder 12 8
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__RegularGridInterpolator 8 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_pearsonr 15 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_UnstructuredNearestNeighbourRegridder 19 0
0 test__nearest_neighbour_indices_ndcoords 12 0
0 test_Trajectory 35 0
53 test_interpolate 14 16
31 test_AtmosphereSigmaFactory 18 8
0 test_OceanSFactory 32 0
0 test_OceanSg1Factory 31 0
0 test_OceanSigmaFactory 18 0
0 test_AuxCoordFactory 26 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_HybridPressureFactory 32 0
0 test_OceanSg2Factory 31 0
0 test_OceanSigmaZFactory 43 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Lenient 49 0
0 test__Lenient 120 0
0 test__lenient_client 36 0
0 test__lenient_service 20 0
0 test__qualname 5 0
0 test_BaseMetadata 284 0
0 test_CoordMetadata 113 0
0 test__NamedTupleMeta 23 0
0 test_metadata_filter 23 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_AncillaryVariableMetadata 89 0
0 test_CellMeasureMetadata 113 0
54 test_CubeMetadata 50 59
0 test_hexdigest 26 0
0 test_metadata_manager_factory 23 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_CFVariableMixin 50 0
0 test_LimitedAttributeDict 9 0
0 test__get_valid_standard_name 11 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Resolve 546 0
100 __init__ 0 2
100 test__CoordMetaData 0 5
100 test__CoordSignature 0 4
0 test__CubeSignature 10 0
0 test_concatenate 49 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_NetCDF 6 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Constraint_equality 49 0
0 test_NameConstraint 48 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_add_categorised_coord 2 0
0 test_add_hour 4 0
100 test_coord_categorisation 0 2
0 test_Stereographic 16 0
0 test_TransverseMercator 6 0
0 test_Mercator 18 0
0 test_PolarStereographic 23 0
0 test_LambertAzimuthalEqualArea 10 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_GeogCS 5 0
0 test_LambertConformal 16 0
0 test_Orthographic 6 0
N/A test_RotatedMercator 0 0
0 test_RotatedPole 8 0
0 test_Geostationary 8 0
100 test_ObliqueMercator 0 1
0 test_VerticalPerspective 6 0
0 test_AlbersEqualArea 18 0
0 test_DimCoord 85 0
0 test__DimensionalMetadata 51 0
0 test_CellMethod 6 0
0 test_AncillaryVariable 70 0
0 test_CellMeasure 18 0
2 test_Coord 146 3
0 __init__ 15 0
0 test_AuxCoord 118 0
0 test_Cell 39 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Cube__operators 10 0
100 test_CubeAttrsDict 0 45
3 test_CubeList 64 2
4 test_Cube__aggregated_by 112 5
5 test_Cube 497 27
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_DataManager 141 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_export_geotiff 7 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_regrid_area_weighted_rectilinear_src_and_grid 11 0
0 test_regrid_weighted_curvilinear_to_rectilinear 18 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_CubeListRepresentation 5 0
0 test_CubeRepresentation 57 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_relevel 6 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
20 test_CFUGridAuxiliaryCoordinateVariable 8 2
20 test_CFUGridConnectivityVariable 8 2
0 test_CFUGridGroup 5 0
17 test_CFUGridMeshVariable 10 2
0 test_CFUGridReader 5 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_ParseUgridOnLoad 8 0
0 test_load_mesh 3 0
0 test_load_meshes 20 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Connectivity 43 0
0 test_Mesh 147 0
2 test_MeshCoord 100 2
0 test_Mesh__from_coords 41 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_ConnectivityMetadata 121 0
0 test_MeshCoordMetadata 113 0
0 test_MeshMetadata 121 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_recombine_submeshes 49 0
0 __init__ 6 0
7 test_rules 28 2
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_ABFField 2 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_CFGroup 1 0
0 test_CFReader 48 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
50 test__dot_path 4 4
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_ArakawaC 6 0
0 test_Grid 10 0
0 test_NewDynamics 3 0
0 test_ENDGame 3 0
0 test_FFHeader 7 0
0 test_FF2PP 32 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__cf_height_from_name 23 0
0 test__build_cell_methods 7 0
0 test__build_lat_lon_for_NAME_timeseries 18 0
0 test__calc_integration_period 7 0
0 test__generate_cubes 22 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__grid_mappings 22 0
0 test__hybrid_formulae 3 0
27 test__latlon_dimcoords 8 3
0 test__miscellaneous 20 0
20 test__time_coords 16 4
0 __init__ 2 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_engine 17 0
0 test_build_cube_metadata 6 0
43 test_build_dimension_coordinate 8 6
0 test_build_geostationary_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_build_lambert_conformal_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_build_stereographic_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_build_transverse_mercator_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_build_verticalp_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_get_attr_units 2 0
0 test_get_cf_bounds_var 2 0
0 test_has_supported_mercator_parameters 7 0
0 test_reorder_bounds_data 3 0
0 test_build_polar_stereographic_coordinate_system 5 0
0 test_get_names 4 0
0 test_has_supported_polar_stereographic_parameters 15 0
100 test_build_ancil_var 0 1
100 test_build_cell_measure 0 1
N/A test_build_oblique_mercator_coordinate_system 0 0
0 test_parse_cell_methods 12 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_build_albers_equal_area_coordinate_system 1 0
20 test_build_auxiliary_coordinate 4 1
0 test_build_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area_coordinate_system 1 0
0 test_build_mercator_coordinate_system 5 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__load_cube 12 0
0 test__get_cf_var_data 9 0
0 test__load_aux_factory 40 0
0 test__translate_constraints_to_var_callback 10 0
0 test_load_cubes 28 0
100 test__chunk_control 0 37
0 test__data_fillvalue_check 11 0
100 test__fillvalue_report 0 5
0 test_Saver__ugrid 121 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_Saver__lazy 4 0
0 test_Saver 67 0
100 test_Saver__lazy_stream_data 0 12
16 test_save 21 4
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_vertical_coord 2 0
0 test_units 36 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_PPDataProxy 9 0
0 test__create_field_data 3 0
0 test__field_gen 7 0
0 test_as_fields 2 0
N/A test_load 0 0
0 test_save_fields 4 0
0 test_save_pairs_from_cube 6 0
0 test_PPField 58 0
0 test__convert_constraints 13 0
0 test__interpret_field 14 0
16 test_save 31 6
12 test__data_bytes_to_shaped_array 7 1
0 test__convert_scalar_pseudo_level_coords 2 0
0 test__convert_time_coords 19 0
0 test__convert_vertical_coords 18 0
0 test__reshape_vector_args 6 0
0 test__model_level_number 2 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__dim_or_aux 2 0
0 test_convert 13 0
0 test__collapse_degenerate_points_and_bounds 16 0
0 test__convert_scalar_realization_coords 2 0
0 test__epoch_date_hours 14 0
0 test__reduced_points_and_bounds 23 0
0 test__all_other_rules 17 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__make_cube 3 0
0 test_Loader 8 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
3 test_ArrayStructure 31 1
0 test_GroupStructure 18 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_um_to_pp 3 0
0 test__convert_collation 25 0
0 test_FieldCollation 7 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_BasicFieldCollation 28 0
10 test_group_structured_fields 9 1
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_optimal_array_structure 32 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_expand_filespecs 11 0
0 test_run_callback 8 0
N/A test__generate_cubes 0 0
N/A test_save 0 0
0 test_co_realise_cubes 7 0
0 test_is_lazy_data 2 0
100 test_is_lazy_masked_data 0 1
0 test_lazy_elementwise 8 0
0 test_multidim_lazy_stack 3 0
0 test_non_lazy 4 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_as_concrete_data 17 0
0 test_as_lazy_data 13 0
0 test_map_complete_blocks 12 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_ProtoCube 9 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
37 test_pandas 80 46
0 test__fixup_dates 7 0
0 test__get_plot_objects 3 0
0 test_contour 5 0
0 test_contourf 5 0
100 test_hist 0 1
0 test_outline 5 0
N/A test_pcolor 0 0
N/A test_pcolormesh 0 0
0 test_points 5 0
0 _blockplot_common 7 0
0 test__get_plot_defn 3 0
0 test__replace_axes_with_cartopy_axes 2 0
0 test_scatter 4 0
0 __init__ 6 0
0 test__check_bounds_contiguity_and_mask 2 0
0 test__check_geostationary_coords_and_convert 1 0
0 test__get_plot_defn_custom_coords_picked 13 0
0 test_plot 8 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_contour 2 0
0 test_contourf 2 0
0 test_outline 2 0
0 test_plot 6 0
0 test_points 2 0
0 test_scatter 2 0
0 test_pcolor 2 0
0 test_pcolormesh 2 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_CubePrintout 37 0
0 test_Table 34 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
2 test_CubeSummary 63 1
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_IrisTest 14 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_netcdf 9 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test_PartialDateTime 16 0
0 test_demote_dim_coord_to_aux_coord 7 0
0 test_describe_diff 3 0
100 test_guess_coord_axis 0 3
0 test_squeeze 5 0
100 test_new_axis 0 26
0 test_reverse 38 0
0 test_rolling_window 9 0
0 test__slice_data_with_keys 10 0
100 test__mask_array 0 11
0 test_mask_cube 17 0
0 test_file_is_newer_than 8 0
N/A __init__ 0 0
0 test__is_circular 2 0
0 test_array_equal 29 0
0 test_column_slices_generator 2 0
0 test_broadcast_to_shape 7 0
0 test_promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord 11 0
60 test_unify_time_units 2 3
0 test__coord_regular 17 0
0 test_find_discontiguities 7 0
64 test_equalise_attributes 5 9
trexfeathers commented 9 months ago

Sorry for the janky formatting - reached the character limit. But it's here as a proof of concept that could be automated.

Ping @ESadek-MO

pp-mo commented 9 months ago

Hi @trexfeathers Nice work, but a couple of things bothering me :

Firstly, it would be much handier to have a full path to each test module in the table Was this due to the line-length constraint you mention ?

Secondly, I think the entry for test_netcdf__loadsaveattrs is showing some problems : It is saying %pytest name N-unittest N-pytest
15 test_netcdf__loadsaveattrs 127 23

But actually, this module is entirely written in pytest. So something odd here ?

trexfeathers commented 9 months ago


Firstly, it would be much handier to have a full path to each test module in the table Was this due to the line-length constraint you mention ?

100% - I did originally have the full path and it was even a link.

Secondly, I think the entry for test_netcdf__loadsaveattrs is showing some problems : It is saying

%pytest name N-unittest N-pytest 15 test_netcdf__loadsaveattrs 127 23 But actually, this module is entirely written in pytest. So something odd here ?

Good spot! That was copy-pasta. I have updated

-assert_calls_methods = filter(lambda c: hasattr(c.func, "value"), calls)
+assert_calls_methods = filter(lambda c: hasattr(c.func, "value"), assert_calls)
rcomer commented 9 months ago

pytestify is excellent, so if you can get a given test module to a point where it is using unittest.TestCase rather than a bespoke Iris test class, the rest should be is easy.

Apologies if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs.

trexfeathers commented 9 months ago

if you can get a given test module to a point where it is using unittest.TestCase rather than a bespoke Iris test class, the rest should be is easy

I may have misunderstood. If I've understood correctly, then I don't think this is realistic. The use of IrisTest is super embedded throughout our testing. Things like get_data_path(), assertCML() and assertArrayEqual() are everywhere. Rewriting the tests to a point where an auto-converter can handle them would likely take a similar amount of time to just converting to PyTest ourselves.

Bonus points: if we manage to agree on some common conventions (e.g. how we use fixtures, etcetera) BEFORE converting anything, then a tracker such as the above could also double up as a tracker of where we have rolled out these conventions (with a 5% error for the PyTest usages we have already written!)

stephenworsley commented 7 months ago

Translation Guide

Some methods inherited from unittest will need replacing with pytest friendly equivalents. For developer convenience while translating, here is a table of unittest methods and their replacement code. Feel free to add to or edit this table as appropriate.

unittest method pytest equivalent
assertTrue(x) assert x
assertFalse(x) assert not x
assertRegex(x, y) assert re.match(y, x)
assertRaisesRegex(cls, msg_re) with pytest.raises(cls, match=msg_re)
pp-mo commented 7 months ago

Random Notes

  1. best not to use @staticmethod on a fixture
    • this it's OK when it passes,
    • but a test-fail gives bad result like :"E AttributeError: 'staticmethod' object has no attribute '__name__'"