SciViews / svDialogs

Standard Dialog Boxes for R
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dlgList not showing nativeGUI, always falls back to TextCli #1

Closed virscience001 closed 6 years ago

virscience001 commented 6 years ago

selection<-dlgList(c(1,2,3,4,5), multiple = TRUE, title = "Select variables",gui = .GUI)$res

this does not work in Mac OS High sierra on Macbook pro 2018 model. This used to work in my older Mac which was upgraded from EI Capitan OS. Other dialog boxes are working fine though like dlg_message and dlg_input

I have installed xquartz from as mentioned on CRAN site.

phgrosjean commented 6 years ago

I just tried on my side, same config, but using R 3.4.4 without bugs. I have not installed R 3.5.0 on this Mac yet. Which R version do you use? Did you tried this with Rapp, R in a terminal, or in RStudio?

virscience001 commented 6 years ago

I tried on Rstudio latest with R 3.5

phgrosjean commented 6 years ago

Ah OK! So, please, read the note in ?dlgList. RStudio does not have a list selection dialog box yet! So, as the general mechanism, when svDialogs cannot display a graphical dialog box, it falls back to a text version at the R Console. So, correct behavior. Closes issue #1.