SciViews / svDialogs

Standard Dialog Boxes for R
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Accented words in the message to display in a dialog box #11

Open jjserra68 opened 2 years ago

jjserra68 commented 2 years ago

I am Spanish and I don't know how I can include accented words in the message to display in a dialog box. For example, dlg_input("Párrafo:") produces an unexpected result. I guess it's a problem with the encoding used.

I would appreciate any feedback that would allow me to solve the problem.

phgrosjean commented 2 years ago

You did not mention which R version it is, and which OS (Windows, MacOS or Linux) and frontend (R GUI, Rterm, RStudio,, R in Terminal, VSCode, ...) you used. The {svDialogs} package tries hard to use native dialog boxes on each of those combinations. After a series of verifications: