It takes about 2 seconds to display lists of articles on search results page. This didn't used to be the case; it started happening sometime in late November 2014 (in case this helps identify the problem).
This is perhaps related to open issue #94 (HTTP keep-alive doesn't seem to be working ), given that load times do seem quicker if you keep repeating the action. For example, if you quickly re-do a search "Bargh warmth", it only takes about 1 seconds instead of 2 seconds (whereby a ~1 second load time being acceptable for a beta version of the app).
This issue created as separate issue, which was originally bundled with issue #153 , which is now closed.
It takes about 2 seconds to display lists of articles on search results page. This didn't used to be the case; it started happening sometime in late November 2014 (in case this helps identify the problem).
This is perhaps related to open issue #94 (HTTP keep-alive doesn't seem to be working ), given that load times do seem quicker if you keep repeating the action. For example, if you quickly re-do a search "Bargh warmth", it only takes about 1 seconds instead of 2 seconds (whereby a ~1 second load time being acceptable for a beta version of the app).
This issue created as separate issue, which was originally bundled with issue #153 , which is now closed.