ScienceCore / climaterisk

Determining Climate Risks with NASA Earthdata Cloud
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Generate learning personas for those who will teach the module. #23

Open PatriLoto opened 4 months ago

PatriLoto commented 4 months ago

Including the person's general background, what they already know, what they want to achieve, and any special needs they have.

PatriLoto commented 2 months ago

profile of instructor number 1: Career: Agricultural Engineer, MSc. Expert in Remote Sensing. Teaching Experience:


PatriLoto commented 2 months ago

profile of instructor number 2: Career: Data Scientist Degree: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with a Master of Science in Geospatial Information Science Teaching Experience

Skills: Strong background in geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis.

PatriLoto commented 2 months ago

I'll add in the section anout the course