ScienceCore / climaterisk

Determining Climate Risks with NASA Earthdata Cloud
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Finalising survey questions for first tutorial delivery #85

Open dhavide opened 4 months ago

dhavide commented 4 months ago

Feedback on the assessment questions:

Let's approach this the following way: the current assessment questions look like this:

Assuming this format, the goal is to choose questions that solicit the most useful information within that fixed budget of questions.

With that in mind, my feedback is this:

Designing good multiple choice questions is difficult; it's hard to choose meaningful distractors. I suggest we ask six short answer questions for the first section instead to find out what they really do know that could generate good distractors. @JFormoso, if you are in agreement with that suggestion, @kvenkman & I will come up with a list of six question to put into the Google form before Saturday.

A final complication to consider is that the SciPy audience will be somewhat stronger with respect to programming skill and probably geospatial expertise than the generic audience for this tutorial. So we'll have to decide how generic these questions should be, i.e., would we want to use the same questions for other audiences as well?