ScienceForChange / SoundCollect_backend

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Sound types #25

Closed OtariOboladzeSfC closed 3 weeks ago

OtariOboladzeSfC commented 4 months ago

@JohanaSfC do sound types need to be in CAT? now its ENG

CarlosMillanSfC commented 4 months ago

@OtariOboladzeSfC Sound types are in CAT, they appeared in english a short span of time but they are supposed to be in CAT (but can be in any language)

Name Description
Sons naturals Cant dels ocells, seguiment de l'aigua, vent en la vegetació
Éssers humans Converses, riures, nens/as, jugant, trepitjades
Soroll del trànsit Cotxes, autobusos, trens, avions
Altres sorolls Sirenes, construcció, indústria, càrrega de mercaderies