ScienceForChange / SoundCollect_backend

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PDF to Swagger switch #27

Open SysAdminSfC opened 2 months ago

SysAdminSfC commented 2 months ago

@CarlosMillanSfC can you check if the transition is done correctly? this will also be the way to document OdourCollect in the future. would you be able to get this done this week? idea is to review URLs, header-body-path parameters and response bodies.

pdf: swagger:

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I can check it out and if i see something odd should i tell you here or create a issue with the corrections? @OtariOboladzeSfC @SysAdminSfC

SysAdminSfC commented 2 months ago

could you put them here as comments? like separate comment for each ones

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

Post request send data with the content: application/json, in the pdf is not clear but its the way they are send.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-16 151656

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

in the gender part i cant select nothing in the select field

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

in the logout part it says: The API key was invalid or missing.

I think it was a type ofmyself because we are not sending any api key, i think it refers to the Bearer Token

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

about the otpgenerate endpoint maybe it would be nice to add the types that are: 'verify-email' and 'new-password', they are not in the doc but i just propose

CarlosMillanSfC commented 2 months ago

in the post request for storing a observations i do not see the constraint of the data sended, i mean the optional, required, string, etc

also the images constraints: Los tipos de imágenes que se pueden cargar solo están permitidos imágenes JPEG y PNG. El tamaño mínimo de archivo para las imágenes se especifica en kilobytes; cada imagen debe tener al menos 128 kilobytes. El tamaño máximo de archivo para las imágenes, nuevamente el tamaño se especifica en kilobytes, requiere que cada imagen no tenga más de 120 megabytes. Las dimensiones de la imagen, cada imagen no deben tener más de 1000 píxeles de ancho y 500 píxeles de alto.