Scinawa / QASMoleS

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Create a small tutorial on how to run the experiments on NUS machines #2

Open Scinawa opened 1 month ago

Scinawa commented 1 month ago

Check attached file to start. Below, a sample of the HPC script to submit jobs Volta Cluster User Guide.pdf

Scinawa commented 1 month ago

#PBS -P Project_Name_of_Job
#PBS -q parallel20
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=20:mpiprocs=20:mem=90GB
### You can increase mem request if your job needs more mem to run.
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -N Job_Name
###  -N Job_Name: set filename for standard output/error message.

cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR;   ## This line is needed, do not modify.

##--- Put your exec/application commands below ---
##--- For example:
source /etc/profile.d/
####module load ;  module list

conda activate /hpctmp/quantumwuongo/envs/sage310
### np=$( cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} |wc -l );  ### get number of CPUs
#conda activate /hpctmp/quantumwuongo/envs/sage310/

for i in {58..80}
  echo "[Bashozzo]: Working with $i"
  mkdir -p /hpctmp/quantumwuongo/data/representations/$i
  #python3 2 $i
  conda run -p /hpctmp/quantumwuongo/envs/sage310/ python3 /home/svu/cqtales/generate_irreps/ 2 $i