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A library of language lexers for use with Scintilla
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Add User-defined keywords in HTML #246

Closed DomOBU closed 2 months ago

DomOBU commented 2 months ago


I use Notepad++. This software uses Lexilla.

In Notepad++, it is possible for CSS and JS to define "User-defined keywords" for certain styles.

For HTML, this feature does not exist. The moderator of the Notepadd++ site tells me that this is a Lexilla limitation. Are there any plans to add this functionality for HTML in Lexilla ? This would be a major step forward and would ensure that Notepad++ does not lag behind other web-oriented source code software.

nyamatongwe commented 2 months ago

Recent release 5.3.2 included:

HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag".

mpheath commented 2 months ago

What is "Default keywords" and "User-defined keywords"? It is a Notepad++ feature that joins 2 keyword lists into 1 keyword list to be passed on to Lexilla.

This image is C++ styling for INSTRUCTION WORD in Notepad++'s Style Configurator.


HTML does not have "Default keywords" and "User-defined keywords" anywhere available in Notepad++'s Style Configurator. This is not a limitation of Lexilla, rather an incomplete feature of Notepad++ regarding HTML.

IMO, this issue does not belong here. It started in a Notepad++ forum post and is an issue related to Notepad++.

nyamatongwe commented 2 months ago

Closing as appears to really be a Notepad++ issue.