SciresM / hactool

hactool is a tool to view information about, decrypt, and extract common file formats for the Nintendo Switch, especially Nintendo Content Archives.
ISC License
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Add and organize readme #120

Closed Pysis868 closed 10 months ago

Pysis868 commented 10 months ago

SciresM commented 10 months ago

This is a troll PR.

Pysis868 commented 10 months ago

How is that?

SciresM commented 10 months ago


If it's not a troll PR, it's severely misguided, and bizarre to make without e.g. talking to me on discord first.

Pysis868 commented 10 months ago

You have no contributing guidelines until the slight mention in this specific place. I am offering these changes, certainly with no initial harsh tone, and would ask that it be received without one too, especially concerning how simple the request is.

We can work here, or on Discord, but as I know people do not appreciate unsolicited DMs on that, and many other platforms, it is apparently impossible to avoid troubling situations just based on assumptions, which is why I simply posted this request here where it is common to do so, and there are also collaborative functions, not just for notification.

SciresM commented 10 months ago

Well, to be frank:

This tone isn't intended to be harsh -- it's meant to be straightforward and honest. I genuinely took the PR to be from a troll. You're welcome to reach out to me at SciresM on discord! I recommend doing so before making PRs.

Pysis868 commented 10 months ago

At least add that Discord note to the readme or a contributing file for others and even me if I forget.

SciresM commented 10 months ago

I prefer not to have a or similar. Contributors are rare and this is a niche space (yours is, I note, the only PR in over two years) -- and hactool is almost deprecated, anyway. I would rather just tell people to reach out on discord as they may.

I might have not taken your PR as being from a troll if you had included...literally any full English sentences explaining rationale instead of just linking to issues, which was also terse.

Pysis868 commented 10 months ago

Just trying to let the title, commit messages, code, and responses in issues speak for themselves, especially with a small and non-functional change set. Better than causing others to parse a lot of communication unnecessarily, and that can always be continued.

If you're referring to hac2l, then I see it now, but can't even get it building yet, also as there is no release package posted.

SciresM commented 10 months ago

I fundamentally disagree with you about "letting the title, commit messages, code, etc" speak for themselves. If a change set is small and non-functional, it shouldn't be made without discussion beforehand, and it should have a full English justification.

This is presumably just a culture difference. And, yes, hactool is not receiving further technical updates. hac2l isn't complete, though, and has not had any releases. It is the only tool which supports some newer formats, though.