Scirra / Construct-bugs

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Bug when removing a layer (Particles and sprite) #7991

Closed q3olegka closed 3 weeks ago

q3olegka commented 3 weeks ago

Problem description

If you add an image to the particles through a sprite and then fix these particles on another sprite through the hierarchy and remove the layer on which they will be, then the game breaks down

Attach a .c3p

Steps to reproduce

Look at the attached file. Add a sprite image to the particles. Connect the particles in a hierarchy with another sprite. Create a sprite. And then delete the layer on which the sprite with particles was created:

Press A, then press D and see the errors in the console

Observed result

Errors in the console and the game stops working correctly

Expected result

No errors

More details

Affected browsers/platforms:

First affected release:

System details

View details PASTE HERE
DiegoScirra commented 3 weeks ago

Will be fixed in the next beta.