Scirra / Construct-bugs

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Template Replica, circular reference editor crash #7992

Closed F3der1co closed 3 weeks ago

F3der1co commented 3 weeks ago

Problem description

When adding a replica as a child of its template you create an infinite loop that crashes the editor. As this can sometimes happen by accident it would be good if c3 would not allow doing this hierarchy connection

Attach a .c3p

Steps to reproduce

  1. add one of the replicas as a child of the template

Observed result

editor freezes

Expected result

editor doesn't allow making this hierarchy connection and shows a message to tell the user what the issue is.

More details

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DiegoScirra commented 3 weeks ago

The next beta will avoid the crash.

With that kind of setups it's very hard to tell what is the expected behaviour though or even what a useful behaviour would be, so we are still taking feedback on this feature.