Scirra / Construct-bugs

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Unknown bug #8015

Closed DieppedalleDavid closed 1 week ago

DieppedalleDavid commented 2 weeks ago

Problem description

Attach a .c3p

Steps to reproduce

1. 2. 3.

Observed result

Expected result

More details

Affected browsers/platforms:

First affected release:

System details

Error report information Type: unhandled rejection Reason: Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'blob') @ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'blob') at d.l ( at async Xc.sE.yFa ( Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'blob') at d.l ( at async Xc.sE.yFa ( Construct version: r391 URL: Date: Wed May 15 2024 03:37:46 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale) Uptime: 23157.2 s

Platform information Product: Construct 3 r391 (beta) Browser: Chrome 124.0.6367.158 Browser engine: Chromium Context: webapp Operating system: Windows 10 Device type: desktop Device pixel ratio: 1 Logical CPU cores: 12 Approx. device memory: 8 GB User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Language setting: fr-FR

WebGL information Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium) Numeric version: 2 Supports NPOT textures: yes Supports GPU profiling: no Supports highp precision: yes Vendor: Google Inc. (Google) Renderer: ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.3.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver) Major performance caveat: yes Maximum texture size: 8192 Point size range: 1 to 1023 Extensions: EXT_clip_control, EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_conservative_depth, EXT_depth_clamp, EXT_float_blend, EXT_polygon_offset_clamp, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge, EXT_texture_norm16, NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation, OES_draw_buffers_indexed, OES_texture_float_linear, OVR_multiview2, WEBGL_clip_cull_distance, WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_multi_draw, WEBGL_polygon_mode, WEBGL_stencil_texturing

View details PASTE HERE
WilsonPercival commented 2 weeks ago

Could you please attach the project file and write the steps to reproduce?

DiegoScirra commented 2 weeks ago

According to the stack trace this possibly has something to do with closing the Animations editor after making changes. Without more details it's not really feasible to look further into this though. Unless anymore information can be added, I will have to close this.

DieppedalleDavid commented 2 weeks ago


I did the same thing again and nothing happened. Yes, I had opened an example of a game, copied a small part of an image from a sprite in this example and then pasted it into my project in one of my sprites, then it did that, but it didn't happen again.

XHXIAIEIN commented 2 weeks ago

I had opened an example of a game, copied a small part of an image from a sprite in this example and then pasted it into my project in one of my sprites, then it did that.

You need to describe more details steps to help you.

  1. What project did you open? You can find it from the start page via right click to open the content menu copying the link.

  2. What object did you copy?

  3. How did you paste it?

Any more specific information would be helpful

DieppedalleDavid commented 2 weeks ago

image image image image

Yes, but it's no use, the bug won't reproduce.

DiegoScirra commented 1 week ago

This seems similar to #8021, which I suspect has something to do with working with huge image files. I can't reproduce it on my side though, C3 struggles to load massive image files, but in the end it works.

I would suggest using smaller images.

Since there isn't more substantial information will close this.