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new system util expressions: wrap() and remap() #106

Open F3der1co opened 8 months ago

F3der1co commented 8 months ago

Reviewed guidelines

Checked for duplicate suggestions


wrap() and remap() are very common utility functions I use in almost any project. So having them build in would be very awesome, especially as these can be a bit tricky to implement math wise if you want to catch all edge cases.

Possible workarounds or alternatives

Create two return functions that do the math.

Proposed solution

two new system expressions: wrap(value, min, max) remap(value, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax)

Why is this idea important?

While you can implement these Util functions yourself, the math is not trivial for a robust implementation. So given how many usecases there are I think these should be build in.

These two already exist in the engine AFAIK, so I guess you are aware how useful they are. So they would just need to have an expression added that calls them.

Additional remarks

No response

XHXIAIEIN commented 8 months ago

add some use cases:


wrap a number from 0 to max.

((number + 1) + max) % max

Set index to

((index + 1) + 3) % 3

index range: 0 1 2

Usage examples

with Animation Frame

(Self.AnimationFrame + 1) % Self.AnimationFrameCount

with Array

(index + 1) % Array.Width

with String token

String = "Apple|Banana|Carrot|Mushroom"
WordCount = tokenCount(String, "|")
WordIndex = (WordIndex + 1) % WordCount
Word = tokenAt(String, WordIndex, "|")


Re-maps a number from a range to another range.

lerp(start1, stop1, unlerp(start2, stop2, value))


Mouse position converted from a value in the range of 0 to 200 into a value that ranges from the edge of the Sprite.

lerp(0, 200, unlerp(Sprite.BBoxLeft, Sprite.BBoxRight, Mouse.X))

If mouse over bboxleft, then the mapping value is 0.

lerp(0, 200, unlerp(30, 60, 30)) // 0

If mouse over bboxright, then the mapping value is 200.

lerp(0, 200, unlerp(30, 60, 60)) // 200

Notice that even if the position of the Mouse exceeds bboxright, it continues to grow at the current scale.

lerp(0, 200, unlerp(30, 60, 90)) // 400
lerp(0, 200, unlerp(30, 60, 6)) // -160


re map ui value to Control Animate


with Animate

with Timeline

XHXIAIEIN commented 8 months ago

we can continue to support more If possible


Snap a number to gird

snap(value, step)
round(X / 16) * 16
round(Y / 16) * 16


Round angle to direction

round(angle / RoundToAngle) * RoundToAngle

8 Direction Round To 45 Angle

round(angle / 45) * 45

4 Direction Round To [-90, 180] Angle

round(angle / 90) * 90

Convert [-180, 180] angle to [0, 360] angle

(angle + 360) % 360