Scirra / Construct-feature-requests

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On load complete by name condition (Specifically by name!!!) #305

Open jellybuttersandwich opened 1 week ago

jellybuttersandwich commented 1 week ago

Reviewed guidelines

Checked for duplicate suggestions


I need to make it so if I use the save/load feature in the System actions, I have a condition that makes it so something happens when you load that save file. Right now there's nothing to do that with by typing in the name, it's just for ANY file loaded, which is really annoying when I need it to be more specific... "On load complete by name" needed!!!


Possible workarounds or alternatives

I really don't think there is a workaround to make this specific load happen since there is only a load for any load happening...

Proposed solution

This can be just like the "On load complete" condition, but add one that is a "by name" so I can type in the save name that I used previously when saving.

Why is this idea important?

I need to make it so if something in my game is completed, it makes a save file and then it loads that file in the next layout. Then it has actions that make certain things happen only if that specific save file is loaded.

Additional remarks

No response

WilsonPercival commented 1 week ago

Before loading the game, you can write the save name to Local Storage. Next, when loading, you can read the key value from Local Storage. This way you will know the name of the save that was loaded.

jellybuttersandwich commented 1 week ago

Oh, I know which file I'm saving to, but I wanted a condition in the game that makes the game know which it is so it can do an event for 2 separate loads completed.

WilsonPercival commented 1 week ago

I wrote the solution.

LuanHimmlisch commented 1 week ago

@WilsonPercival having a solution doesn't mean Construct can't improve by giving a more straight forward solution. Being contrarian just for the sake of it doesn't benefit anyone

WilsonPercival commented 1 week ago

@LuanHimmlisch Please read the rules.

LuanHimmlisch commented 1 week ago

@WilsonPercival if that vague rule was applied literally, you could say everything can be done with JavaScript (something you have already done and it's absurd, since the main selling point of Construct is the visual programming)

WilsonPercival commented 1 week ago

@LuanHimmlisch This is just your opinion.