Scirra / Construct-feature-requests

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Audio Master Output Effects #325

Open FoundSoundsMM opened 1 month ago

FoundSoundsMM commented 1 month ago

Reviewed guidelines

Checked for duplicate suggestions


We can add effects to tags, but I would like to be able to add 'master' effects say, a compressor over the whole audio output which affects all tagged and untagged audio.

Possible workarounds or alternatives

There is currently no way of doing this.

Proposed solution

Allow for a 'master' checkbox on the audio effect parameter box that lets you apply the effect to the output stage of the audio FX chain. Alternatively you could allow for multiple tags within an effects parameter but I am not sure if this would apply multiple instances of the effect to the tag or if it would group all tags into essentially one mix group and apply the effect to the group.

Why is this idea important?

Tags are an important tool to get more sophisticated audio playback allowing for pitch / volume variation on repeated sounds, because of this, the lack of tag grouping and mix group effects really limits what we can do with effects in Construct.

Additional remarks

The audio object could be vastly improved to allow better mixing capabilities. Potential for a proper overhaul in the future if there's enough interest. Most devs aren't also sound designers so folks typically won't know what they are missing thus won't request features they don't know about, but better audio representation in the engine would help all games. Audio is at the end of the day, a third of the players experience.

F3der1co commented 1 month ago

I really wish we could define audio busses that persist.