ScoopInstaller / Extras

📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop.
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[Bug]: miniconda3 couldn't auto-update properly #10522

Closed pengwon closed 1 year ago

pengwon commented 1 year ago


Package Name


Expected/Current Behaviour

now, the latest version of miniconda3 is in, but the autoupdate can not hit it.

Steps to Reproduce

❯ scoop install miniconda3
WARN  Scoop uses 'aria2c' for multi-connection downloads.
WARN  Should it cause issues, run 'scoop config aria2-enabled false' to disable it.
WARN  To disable this warning, run 'scoop config aria2-warning-enabled false'.
Installing 'miniconda3' (4.12.0) [64bit] from extras bucket
Loading Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Windows-x86_64.exe from cache.
Checking hash of Miniconda3-py39_4.12.0-Windows-x86_64.exe ... ok.
Running installer script...
Linking ~\scoop\apps\miniconda3\current => ~\scoop\apps\miniconda3\4.12.0
Creating shim for 'python'.
Creating shim for 'pythonw'.
Creating shim for 'python3'.
Persisting envs
'miniconda3' (4.12.0) was installed successfully!
From 4.6.0, conda has built the support for Cmd, Powershell or other shells.
Use "conda init powershell" or "conda init __your_favorite_shell__"

Possible Solution

i have a try to modify miniconda3.json, refer to but installer doesn't work properly, so i closed it.

Scoop and Buckets Version

❯ scoop --version
Current Scoop version:
v0.3.1 - Released at 2022-11-15

'extras' bucket:
534274e1e (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) tor-browser: Update to version 12.0.3

'main' bucket:
259779adf (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) packer: Update to version 1.8.6

'nirsoft' bucket:
28db834 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Excluded two pad files that require a password. They need to be updated manually.

'utools' bucket:
d0deb9b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) modify: README

Scoop Config

❯ scoop config

aria2-enabled last_update        scoop_repo                              scoop_branch
------------- -----------        ----------                              ------------
         True 2023/2/16 10:08:07 master

PowerShell Version

❯ $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.2.9
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.2.9
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.19044
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

Additional Softwares

No response

pengwon commented 1 year ago

the installer "/D" option doesn't work, if do not pass the argument, setup wizard window appeared.

Lutra-Fs commented 1 year ago

The current version in scoop is the latest one that support 32 bit

pengwon commented 1 year ago

yeah, it works very well. I always thought it was a problem with '/D' command line arguments.