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calibre: Cannot installed due to path too long #11367

Closed Mila-me closed 7 months ago

Mila-me commented 1 year ago

EDIT: As I recently discovered the real problem is probably with path. In my username so I've got a space bar for example it would looks like: "John Doe" but calibre shim installing through scoop is creating a directory in C:\Users path. The exact directory path is: "C:\Users\John\(...)" but it should goes to "C\Users\John Doe\(....)" so as you see there is problem with handling 'difficult' paths. END_EDIT 1. scoop search calibre Results from local buckets...

Name Version Source Binaries

calibre-normal 6.17.0 extras calibre 6.17.0 extras calibre-normal5 5.44.0 versions

  1. Info give me a new way to look for. It's looks like scoop is looking for binary directly in directory, but I've checked by manually "installing" calibre portable that the right path is: "Calibre Portable\calibre-portable.exe" scoop info calibre

Name : calibre Description : Powerful and easy to use e-book manager Version : 6.17.0 Bucket : extras Website : License : GPL-3.0-only Updated at : 27.04.2023 06:29:07 Updated by : github-actions[bot] Binaries : calibre.exe | calibre-portable.exe | Calibre\calibre-complete.exe | Calibre\calibre-customize.exe | Calib re\calibredb.exe | Calibre\calibre-debug.exe | Calibre\calibre-parallel.exe | Calibre\calibre-server.exe | Calibre\calibre-smtp.exe | Calibre\ebook-convert.exe | Calibre\ebook-device.exe | Calibre\ebook-edit.ex e | Calibre\ebook-meta.exe | Calibre\ebook-polish.exe | Calibre\ebook-viewer.exe | Calibre\fetch-ebook-me tadata.exe | Calibre\lrf2lrs.exe | Calibre\lrs2lrf.exe | Calibre\lrfviewer.exe | Calibre\markdown-calibre .exe | Calibre\web2disk.exe Shortcuts : Calibre | Calibre E-Book Editor | Calibre E-Book Viewer | Calibre LRF Viewer

  1. Having in my mind 2. we need to fix the manifest. PS: This is entire error msg: Move-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Emil Michalik\scoop\apps\calibre\6.17.0\Calibre Portable' because it does not ex ist. At line:2 char:1
    • Move-Item "$dir\Calibre Portable**" "$dir"
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\Emil...alibre Portable:String) [Move-Item], ItemNotFoundExce ption
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand

Remove-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Emil\scoop\apps\calibre\6.17.0\Calibre Portable' because it does not exist. At line:3 char:1

Linking ~\scoop\apps\calibre\current => ~\scoop\apps\calibre\6.17.0 Creating shim for 'calibre'. Can't shim 'calibre-portable.exe': File doesn't exist.

HUMORCE commented 1 year ago


Caused by the installer.