ScoopInstaller / Extras

📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop.
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[Bug]: eraser update: "Could not find 'Eraser'! (error 16)" #13705

Closed Skylark13 closed 1 month ago

Skylark13 commented 1 month ago


Package Name


Expected/Current Behaviour

Expected behaviour: Update should succeed.

Current behaviour:

eraser: ->
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'eraser' ( ->
Downloading new version
Eraser% (8.4 MB) [============================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of Eraser% ... ok.
Uninstalling 'eraser' (
Installing 'eraser' ( [64bit] from 'extras' bucket
Loading Eraser% from cache
Extracting Eraser% ... done.
Running pre_install script...Exception: C:\Users\guayj\scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\core.ps1:889
Line |
 889 |          throw "Could not find '$(fname $from)'! (error $($proc.ExitCo …
     |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | Could not find 'Eraser'! (error 16)

Steps to Reproduce

PS> scoop update eraser
eraser: ->
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'eraser' ( ->
Downloading new version
Eraser% (8.4 MB) [============================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of Eraser% ... ok.
Uninstalling 'eraser' (
Installing 'eraser' ( [64bit] from 'extras' bucket
Loading Eraser% from cache
Extracting Eraser% ... done.
Running pre_install script...Exception: C:\Users\guayj\scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\core.ps1:889
Line |
 889 |          throw "Could not find '$(fname $from)'! (error $($proc.ExitCo …
     |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | Could not find 'Eraser'! (error 16)

I also tried uninstall then install:

PS> scoop uninstall eraser
ERROR 'eraser' isn't installed correctly.
Uninstalling 'eraser' (
Removing shortcut ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scoop Apps\Eraser.lnk
Removing older version (
'eraser' was uninstalled.
PS> scoop install eraser
Installing 'eraser' ( [64bit] from 'extras' bucket
Loading Eraser% from cache
Checking hash of Eraser% ... ok.
Extracting Eraser% ... done.
Running pre_install script...Exception: C:\Users\guayj\scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\core.ps1:889
Line |
 889 |          throw "Could not find '$(fname $from)'! (error $($proc.ExitCo …
     |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | Could not find 'Eraser'! (error 16)

Possible Solution


Scoop and Buckets Version

PS> scoop --version
Current Scoop version:
be56faf2 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.5.1, origin/master, origin/HEAD) chore(release): Bump to version 0.5.1 (#6057)

'main' bucket:
14f504d2b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) sqldef: Update to version 0.17.15

'extras' bucket:
6d0d5a647 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) ytdlp-interface: Update to version 2.13.1

'versions' bucket:
edfa7049b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) kicad-nightly: Update to version

'nerd-fonts' bucket:
00995507 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) SarasaGothic: Update to version 1.0.16

Scoop Config

PS> scoop config

last_update        scoop_branch scoop_repo
-----------        ------------ ----------
2024-07-28 9:56:40 master

PowerShell Version

PS> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.4.4
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.4.4
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

Additional Softwares


ath0mas commented 1 month ago

I started to debug this recently, and it seems the directory structure inside the msi files has changed compared to previous versions. I'll work on it soon