ScoopInstaller / Extras

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[Request] Add tortoisegit #1435

Open cnzgray opened 5 years ago

cnzgray commented 5 years ago

Please add tortoisegit

AndreasBrostrom commented 5 years ago Other buckets have this. Tho it have some issues:

First the TortoiseGit did not get the correct git.exe path refering to, global install, C:\ProgramData\scoop\shims causing a error. Changeing path to to C:\ProgramData\scoop\apps\git solves that issue

The second issue was the context menu (right click menu) integration it self. It did not get applied at all and i have not find a good bypass to add it post installation.

fire commented 1 year ago

What is blocking this?

jdevora commented 1 year ago

I think not having tortoisegit is a big miss.

Tortoisegit is part of most developers toolboxes on Windows

rasa commented 1 year ago

Four public buckets already have the latest version. See

Throwing everything in a single bucket (or two) is not scalable, imo

mid-kid commented 10 months ago

Having no official version of it also isn't scalable: I have no idea which one of these is of acceptable quality (especially for a program like this that has nontrivial install requirements, e.g. shell integration), and no guarantee the maintainer will keep it up to date.

tianlongJ commented 10 months ago

There is a problem with tortoisegit provided by the third-party bucket. For win11, you cannot add a right click, but you can install it using winget. When will the official website improve the installation of this software?