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[Request] YT-Spammer-Purge #8254

Open kennedy opened 2 years ago

kennedy commented 2 years ago

Package Request


Name: YT-Spammer-Purge

Description: Allows you to filter and search for spammer comments on your channel and other's channel(s) in many different ways AND delete/report them all at once


Download link(s):

Some indication of popularity/repute: 3.4k stars, featured in a MKBHD video

tech189 commented 2 years ago

I made a manifest for this:

However, as far as I can tell, the program depends on being run from the folder it is located in, so it can find the client_secrets.json file. So a shim won't work unless you run it from the installation folder, defeating the point of a shim. Are there any cmd-line options to use client_secrets.json saved elsewhere?

Or alternatively, we could make a shortcut instead of a shim that opens correctly:

"shortcuts": [
            "YouTube Spammer Purge"
kennedy commented 2 years ago

@tech189 I have not seen shortcuts before, where can I read more about this?

I think if we write instructions to make sure a client_secrets.json is in the scoop install dir, it would be enough.

We can even give a warning the app will not work without it.

I just prefer not needing to update it manually

tech189 commented 2 years ago

You can read more about shortcuts here:

I've updated my manifest to create & persist the client secrets, the config file and the Resources folder, could you try it out? (I don't have an API key or a YT channel I can test with)

It installs with the caveat that you have to use either the Start Menu shortcut or run it directly from the installation folder. Let's see if the maintainers are okay with that.

rashil2000 commented 2 years ago

The Start Menu shortcut is good option

AdmnJ commented 2 years ago

@tech189 You can do the same thing with the bin variable like I did with the crunchyroll-go manifest I made....

"bin": [

Similarly you could use

"bin": [

Like the contributing article clarifies , the bin variable helps with command line applications, allowing you to easily execute them from any directory withing the terminal. Where the shortcuts variable helps with GUI applications.

tech189 commented 2 years ago

Initially, I thought that the program only accepts client_secrets.json in the folder the exe is located but on further investigation, it can also get the file from the directory the program is started in. However, I don't know and can't test if it is able to read its config file or save data in the correct place when run outside of its installation folder. So to be safe, I left it as a shortcut that always opens the program in the same place. If someone with a YT channel could test the program that would be amazing!